I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 413: Resist Lin Feng

? Lin Feng took off the helmet, without a smile on his face, still a usual facial paralysis.

If you want to say anything, it's a bit surprised.

He was surprised at the function of the human brain control interface. Even he didn't think that using the human brain control interface could completely kill people.

What a blow to kill.

The blood chakras kill.

I also kill people with shouts.

Simply weak burst.

Zhe Linfeng can kill people from space. With one command, that person will surely die.

原理 The principle is not too complicated. What is more, it uses the absolute control of the human brain over the human body, forcing certain behaviors into the human brain and transforming them into subconscious behaviors.

As a result, the body has uncontrollable behavior.

Subconscious behavior is difficult to control after all.

"If I use this function on the leadership of a certain country ..." Lin Feng's tone was slightly agitated. Whoever holds the power of life and death can be calm?

It can be said that Lin Feng can kill anyone who uses the human brain control interface.

After a long while, Lin Feng returned to indifference and told Jiao Jiao: "Help me monitor the movements of various countries."

Jiaojiao's forehead said, "I do n’t need to say that I am already under surveillance. According to recent developments in various countries, more than 30 countries, including the United States, the Soviet Union, Russia, the European Union, and Canada, are plotting something. Learn. "


Lin Linfeng's mouth sketched fun.

If he still had some fears about these countries in the past, but now he no longer puts these countries in his eyes, and not to mention the economic strength he has in his hands, just talking about the human brain control interface, he can kill everything.

He is not contempt of anyone, but these countries are garbage in the eyes of Lin Feng.

"I hope these countries can cause me some trouble, or it will be too boring."

Lin Linfeng smiled and left.

Wu Jiaojiao stayed on the spot, with doubts on her face. So many countries are targeting their masters. Why are the masters still calm? After all, some countries have nuclear weapons.

Wu Jiaojiao knew very well that even Lin Feng's current strength could not resist nuclear weapons.

"Does the owner intend to use the human brain control interface to control the world?"

Jiaojiao whispered to herself.

Uh ...

After the meeting organized by the European Union, these countries joined forces to resist Lin Feng.

The way is simple.

First, seize all products from China on the grounds of national security.

Second, trading of rare metals is prohibited, especially selling metals to New Territories Technology Corporation.

Third, the New Territories Technology Branches in various countries were seized and their sales activities were prohibited.

三 These three points have almost captured Lin Feng's lifeline. Once Lin Feng's profit is reduced, it is not just as simple as making no money. The huge expenditure of the spacecraft will bring down the entire New Territories technology company.

总统 German President Frank, sitting proudly in a chair, drinking a Chinese-made Ralph, while tilting his calf.

He smashed his lips and cursed, "Damn China, the wine produced is so unpalatable, far worse than Lafite."

He complained and complained, and his joy was more.

After a series of measures, the power of New Territories technology companies is rapidly shrinking, which gives Frank a feeling of control.

"I achieve my dream with both hands."

Frank looked at the iron window and plunged into the fantasy of many futures.

At this time, the secretary came over with the file and whispered: "Sir, I have received a message that Masonic is over, and European members, including members of other countries, have died overnight. To any murderer. "

"Oh?" Frank was a little surprised. "Is it credible?"

"Very credible."

"It may be overthrown!" Frank didn't care much. Although the Freemasonry has existed for thousands of years, it has also intervened in the development process of human beings.

But for one of his politicians, what organization is not organized is useless.

Conversely, the destruction of such a large organization will be more beneficial to them.

"We also have Freemasonry in Germany, and we are ready to receive the Freemasonry property!"

Frank added joy and joy, not only limited Lin Feng, but also harvested an ill-gotten fortune. This pie fell out, and it was the special mother's power.

At the same time, Gimp also received the news of the destruction of the Freemasonry. Like Frank, he had an indifferent expression. He had long hoped that the Freemasonry would be destroyed. Such a large organization exists. For the country, there are only disadvantages and no benefit.

Alas, he is more concerned about the "murderer" behind.

"Did anyone find out who did it?" He asked his secretary.

"Unable to find out, these tens of thousands of people just died like any other signal. Except for some exceptions of the Masonic Emperor, no one could find the cause of death."

"What kind of anomaly?" Putin frowned.

听说 "I heard that before his death, His Holiness dug out his own eyes and cut his own flesh with a knife. His mouth kept calling for help."


Xu Jingpu's eyes widened for a moment, which was too shocking.

谁 Who has ever seen digging his own eyes and cutting his own flesh?

It's hard to believe.

"Will Lin Feng do it?"

Xu Jingpu seemed to think of something, Trill asked.

Secretary Secretary Gao gave Jing Pu a reassuring look, and said, "Sir, you are tired. You haven't taken a good rest during this time. Don't stay up late."

In the secretary's opinion, Jingpu was obviously overstretched because of Lin Feng's affairs.

I say again, isn't it just destroying an organization? It is very likely that the internal staff of the organization agreed to commit suicide together.

After all, there is the "911 incident" as a case ~ www.readwn.com ~ Everyone dare to rob the plane and hit the building, and it is not impossible for the mysterious organization to commit collective suicide.

"Hmm! I should take a day off." Ginpo shook his head and laughed, this time being tortured by Lin Feng was too miserable, feeling that his consciousness was a little confused.

"Yes, sir, what about large power transmission devices? Do you want to ban them?"

He Jingpu heard and shook his head and said, "Everything can be banned. Only large power transmission devices cannot be banned. If it is banned, the whole country will fall into darkness."

Nowadays, space power has spread all over the world. Without this thing, where can we use electricity?


Seeing the secretary leaving, Kip just remembered to pour a cup of cat feces coffee, but his body stopped suddenly, his eyes were full of worry.

"What if Lin Feng doesn't provide us with power?"

"Come back and let the notifications go, nuclear power plants and power stations are ready to run power generation at any time."

Xi Jingpu is grateful for his foresight. Even if it is more serious than Lin Feng, he is not afraid of a power outage. It can be said that in the style of fighting clan, he is not afraid of everything.

The President of the United States, Burns, naturally also received the news of the collapse of Freemasonry. After all, there is also an organization in the United States.

But Pence didn't have time to comment, he was rushing to "51 area" ...

:. :

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