I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 509: Alien civilization invasion?

In the quiet corridor of the hospital, the current head said solemnly: "The earth is about to be invaded by an alien civilization!"

Originally, the chief's understanding of Lin Feng only stayed in historical books, autobiography, and film and television works, and these works had some exaggerated factors.

But at first sight, he knew that it was not exaggerated enough, Lin Feng had already gained the strength of the world.

However, facing the big problem at hand, he has no time to shake the strength controlled by Lin Feng.

If the matter at hand is not handled well, let alone the earth, even Lin Feng will be severely enslaved.

"What's the situation, aliens?" Lin Feng wondered.

"It is Alpha Centauri. As early as 110 years ago, the detector of Hua Guo found the signal sent by the other party, and 50 years ago, the detector of the other party was sent. Now 50 years have passed. I am afraid the other party can always Come to the solar system. "

Lin Feng knows that the Alpha Centauri is about 4.3 light years away from the solar system, which is the closest galaxy to Earth.

However, he shifted the topic and said, "I have left a lot of foundation for Hua Guo. It stands to reason that such a thing as today cannot happen. What is going on?"

Speaking of this crop, the director sighed:

"Hua Guo is naturally not afraid of them, even the entire world is united. Weapons reserves are abundant, but have you ever wondered how to resist the aliens who will come at any time in the future after the interstellar war breaks out? The earth is bound to be enslaved. If there is no battle, the earth has a glimmer of life.

Moreover, by studying alien detectors, we have found that the other party has long been out of the scope of nuclear weapons civilization and is a higher level of civilization.

Therefore, China should retain a large amount of strength to resist aliens, rather than using it internally. "

Lin Feng expressed his admiration for the profound sense of justice of the Chief Executive, who could tolerate such a degree for the future of the earth.

"Just rest assured! I'll solve the alien problem, and you can clean up the mess with peace of mind! The reconstruction of the Moon and Mars also requires you to take charge."

Lin Feng smiled slightly.

But the chief shook his head and said, "No, you can't solve it. My thought is, can you lead the Earth people out of the earth and preserve the seeds of humanity. Didn't you colonize the alien galaxy and emigrate the Earth people there? Side, and only the suffering and casualties of the Star Wars. "

Lin Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "I'm very good at star wars. You don't need to worry at all."

He has fought for more than 100 years in the Kingdom of the Gods. He already has a perfect strategy for interstellar warfare. Do n’t even think about it, just use an existing strategy.

"Okay, just do as I said, how many earth people can you take away." The chief frowned, a look of unbelief at all.

Although he also saw all the force possessed by Lin Feng's warship, the weapon power was really great, but as for the information of Alpha Centauri, he knew that the other party might have reached anti-material civilization.

Is it possible that nuclear-armed civilization can stop it, even if Lin Feng cannot stop it.

"I'm afraid that Lin Feng doesn't even know anti-material civilization!" The chief sighed and left.

Lin Feng touched his nose with a smile.

He then arrived at the underground base at the New Territories Headquarters.

As soon as he entered the base, Jiaojiao's voice came: "Congratulations to the owner for returning safely."

Listening to a very familiar voice, Lin Feng nodded: "Help me summarize what happened on the earth for more than a century."

"Yes, master."

With a wave of Jiaojiao, countless pictures were projected in the air.

Nanobots extend human life to 200 years.

The curvature of the speed of the Earth's civilization to the "Neptune" range.

Anti-gravity technology has long been mastered by various countries.

Many countries have also built many spaceships, the largest reaching 1200 kilometers.


This information was swept away, and finally Lin Feng's sight was placed on Alpha Centauri.

"An antimatter engine is used, that is, the other party is antimatter civilization!" Lin Feng smiled indifferently.

At first, he resisted anti-material civilization with nuclear civilization. He did not have the slightest timidity. Now that he has developed into a real anti-material civilization, how can he be afraid of the Alpha Centauri civilization in front of him.

"Just use them to try the power of antimatter annihilation guns."

Lin Feng integrated the Jiao Jiao on the earth with the Jiao Jiao of the Split Star. After that, he took a tour of the solar system on a battleship, which has not been seen for many years and has changed a lot.

Today's global environment is better, with a larger population, and various advanced technology products are almost integrated into people's lives.

Lin Feng was feeling with emotion, and Lu Yanshan following the tour exclaimed: "Feng brother, you actually have mastered weapons such as proton cannon, neutron cannon, and photon cannon, which has done a lot to my brother."

Lu Yanshan stared at the weapons on the ship with a scorching look, very excited.

He is obsessed with research, otherwise his body would not be damaged by radiation.

"These weapons are standard, and nothing surprising. What is really powerful is an anti-matter annihilation weapon."

"Anti-material weapons?"

Lu Yanshan froze for a while, then nodded to show understanding, he also involved anti-material knowledge.

Lin Feng shook his head and corrected: "This weapon is not a pure anti-material weapon."

He pointed at the sun and said, "If you gather all the rays of a sun at one point and use it as a weapon, that weapon is called a gamma ray cannon, and its power can easily destroy a planet.

This antimatter annihilation gun is just the opposite. It uses ‘a little bit’ to motivate antimatter in the entire galaxy to achieve the effect of attack. "

"The scope of its attack?"

Lu Yanshan was confused.

"With a shot, there will be no more life within a range of 3 light years in diameter."


Lu Yanshan suddenly fell into shock, feeling that his body had been hollowed out. He wanted to break his head and couldn't imagine why there was such a powerful force.

Lin Feng's eyes were deep, looking out the window.

At this time, hundreds of broken star cannonballs flew towards the Alpha Centauri at several times the speed of light.

When the speed slows down, there will be a transfer ship to re-launch the broken star cannonball.

In the long run, the broken star network is laying on the alpha star Centaur at very fast speeds ~ www.readwn.com ~ Soon, it will cover this galaxy.


At the same time, on the other side of China, the President of the United States came to a black room in a restricted area and said to a spherical device:

"We agree to assist you in colonizing the earth, but you must guarantee the security of our American nation."

After the ball slammed, the president nodded respectfully and said, "The alien quantum communication is really easy to use and can communicate directly with the aliens, but the edge ob strategy is the key."

Then he looked towards the East.

Lin Feng walked sideways on the earth, but in the face of the anti-material civilization of Alpha Centauri, he couldn't compete.

"The fear that Lin Feng brought to the United States in history will be ended by me."

"Our great America is invincible."

"Wait for trembling ..."

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