I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 510: Galaxy immigration

Half a month passed in a flash, during which the world's topic shifted to Lin Feng.

Earlier, I heard some old people tell how Lin Feng was domineering 120 years ago, but many young people have a tendency to feel "deified" and do not believe it at all.

At first sight, however, I felt that history was too conservative, and Lin Feng's hegemony was not revealed at all.

Many people flipped through history textbooks and began to compare them.

"125 years ago, Lin Feng swept the nations of the world, took control of the economy, and seized nuclear weapons. He let countless powerful nations bow his head. After 125 years, he returned strongly, subdued the aliens and stepped on the nations, and made the world horrible. The godfather is the pride of China. "Posts by Chinese people were impassioned.

"The United States of America joined forces with 100 countries to overwhelm China, but it was easily resolved in front of Lin Feng. India crossed the scorched soil, Europe was full of sorrow, the island country was in hot water, and Basie disappeared ... This made me see the rise of Tianjiao."

"The latest development, Lin Feng took back the New Territories Company and regained control of the earth. He set up a defense system around the earth, and spacecraft from other countries can no longer leave the earth."

"The downstairs is not detailed enough. At present, all foreign spacecraft have been confiscated by Lin Feng."

"I don't care about the spacecraft, I just want to know, is it true that the alien civilization will invade the earth? Real reports have been sent from the United States."

The change of topic makes the forum, post bar, and mobile communication app quiet.

A few years ago, the United States released this day's news. It is said that the Alpha Centauri civilization wants to invade the earth, and more than 100 countries are overwhelming China in order to obtain technology and defend against aliens.

Many scientists and professors also hope that China will share technology and jointly resist aliens.

However, they have been unanimously opposed by the Chinese and the Chinese people. The Chinese have long been the smartest race on the planet. It is impossible to not know the darkness. Once the technology is handed over, I am afraid that the aliens will not wait Hua Hua is finished first.

It was during this despair that Lin Feng returned and resolved the crisis.

Soon, people's topic shifted from Lin Feng's return to alien civilization.

"I think Lin Feng should not be able to defeat the Alpha Centauri civilization. He has over 100,000 aliens. The battleships are many, but the largest is only 1500 kilometers. China has already had such a large warship. Although the weapons are advanced, they can cross the civilization of the galaxy, and the weapons cannot fall behind. "

"Lin Feng has also crossed the galaxy and should be very strong, I think OK."

"The IQ upstairs is worrying. According to Howard's cosmological theory, interstellar warfare is different from earth warfare. Warfare in space depends on the number of warships. Even if the weapons are more advanced, the warships dodged and escaped, it is useless, so It is said that Lin Feng has no possibility of defeating the aliens. "

"I heard that Lin Feng was awesome 125 years ago, but I don't know if the civilization of Alpha Star in Centaurus can be awesome."

Regardless of the outside world or the head of the Chinese nation, Lin Feng is almost not optimistic. In other words, in their opinion, Lin Feng does not have the strength to resist aliens at all.

In their hearts, the aliens are probably the most powerful beings.

Their thoughts were the same as Lin Feng dared to enter the Tal galaxy.

However, for Lin Feng, who has launched numerous interstellar wars, he has long ignored aliens.

When the outside world was talking a lot, Lin Feng, who re-held the New Territories Company, released a message on the official website.

"The Great Migration Program opens: Anyone who intends to leave Earth and is willing to migrate to other galaxies can register.

Number of immigrants: 3 billion (only for Chinese)

Immigration treatment: The right to work 3 hours a day (the rest of the day is enjoyed by life), and according to the contribution value, you can exchange for quantum extension medicine, a lot of benefits ... "

Once the news was published, it caused countless people to sign up.

They know that this is an immigration opened to avoid aliens. Otherwise, it would not be possible to immigrate so many people at once. Now the earth has only 10 billion people, and one-third of them directly emigrate.

Regarding the thoughts of the people, Lin Feng just wanted to say to them, you think too much.

The kingdom of God is completely in the hands of Lin Feng. The only drawback is that the earth is sparsely populated and easily assimilated by a large number of aliens, so Lin Feng had the idea of ​​large-scale immigration.

He needs to ensure the number of Chinese and ethnic origin. Only in this way can the kingdom of God's galaxy continue to develop.

When the head of Hua Guo learned the news, a relieved smile appeared on his face. Lin Feng did not disobey his thoughts, and everything was done as he said.

Afterwards, there was a resolute determination on his face. The nearly 3.2 billion people in the entire state of China cannot completely emigrate, and the remaining people have only one task: to fight hard against alien civilization and to give time to immigrants.

His idea was to lead the troops in person and take the lead.

When foreign people knew that Lin Feng was going to start immigration, they couldn't help crying.

At that time, they were offended by Lin Feng because of offending foreigners. They did not expect that after 125 years, history will be staged again. This time, they will not only live in the depths, but also face the slavery and colonization of aliens. Sad reminder.

In the end, foreigners can only laugh horribly and enjoy the last time left.

Under the fierce registration and screening, soon, the first batch of 100 million people has boarded a 1,500 km spaceship and is preparing to go to the Kingdom of God.

Just after boarding the spacecraft, people could not help but have great doubts:

"Is the 1500 km spaceship carrying 100 million people too crowded?"

"Isn't it true that interstellar immigrants are all staying in dormant cabins, but we have to stand like buses? What do you mean?"

"I'm going home, I'm not immigrating, it's like a MLM organization."


Just when the migrants regretted it ~ www.readwn.com ~ I just felt that the earth in front of them just disappeared. At the same time, I heard the prompt of the spaceship: "The galaxy of the kingdom of God has reached. Ready to disembark. "


The 100 million people were petrified instantly, and this is the outer galaxy?

Don't go too fast. Many people think they are on a fake spaceship.

And more people are unbelieving.

Of course, they don't know the power of Broken Star Network. This kind of time and space transfer is a piece of cake.

"Look at it, look at it, we have really reached the alien planet!"

Inside the ship, people looked up and looked out the window. At this moment, the starry sky in front of them changed completely, and a planet much larger than the earth appeared in front of them.

It is the planet of the kingdom of God.

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