I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 511: First Entering the Kingdom of God

Now the Kingdom of God is no longer the previous half, but the planet after repairing.

Speaking of which, just to fill the missing half of the planet, a meteorite from an asteroid belt was used.

"The planet in front of me is called the Kingdom of the Gods. It is the planet that the universe emperor Lin Feng used to destroy the kingdom of God. In this century, the universe has battled countlessly and completely controlled the 80,000 light-years of the Kingdom of God ... "

Listening to the broadcaster's report, all these immigrants were uproar.

This is too shocking.

"All of them are emperors, so great?"

"So it sounds like not to mention Centaur Alpha Star, even ten Centaur stars are not easy to use, and Lin Feng can still be destroyed. We previously thought that Lin Feng could not beat alien civilizations. Takes control of a galaxy. "

"This slap comes so fast. If it wasn't for people on the other side of the earth, I would have to bask in a circle of friends and say a good slap."

"The world is invincible just across the universe in seconds. No wonder it will be called the kingdom of gods. Lin Feng is the controller of the kingdom of gods, the **** of the gods."

The 100 million people are all impressed.

When the spacecraft landed on a huge square, people carried the spacecraft off the spacecraft.

I was met with strange aliens on my face, which really scared them.

"Dear Earth people, I am a service staff of the Kingdom of God Kingdom. Next, we will guide you to adapt to the life of the Kingdom of God Kingdom."

The nation of the kingdom of God held a sign and introduced it to the earth: "Earth people enjoy the privilege of" multiethnic intermarriage "on the planet of the kingdom of God. There is no restriction on the race and number of spouses. Only working for 3 hours a day can get rich If you are willing to work for 12 hours, your life will reach its peak. Manors, maids, bodyguards have everything ... "

Listening to their introduction, these earth migrants were shocked.

Looking at the list of intermarriable alien nations displayed on the holographic watch, they have already taken a look and there are thousands of alien nations.

what does this mean?

As long as men have an economic foundation, they can marry alien wives infinitely, and they should not be too happy.

A young man muttered to himself: "I'm a poor man, I don't have too high requirements, as long as I live in a car, a house, and a maid. If I can, I want to own a space Spaceships, nothing can be a big wave of force in front of alien aborigines, right, daughter-in-law should not be too much, the cat-eared people give me a dozen. "

The others heard it, and they all scorned: "Dream? Nima wants a dozen, and a dozen of them."

"Don't dream about it if you are poor. Alien girls are all our second-generation rich pots."

"Hanging wire is hanging wire, wherever you go."

Many high-ranking people are despising, and the next word of the receptionist of the kingdom of the kingdom of God has completely shocked them: "Earth people who followed the Great to conquer the kingdom of the kingdom of God have lived this kind of life, and the kind you said Life is just the lowest grade. "




Chiguo's envy, jealousy and hate.

These people regret that they did not leave the solar system with Lin Feng at first, otherwise they would be living a happy life.

And those descendants are even more annoyed. Why did their parents, grandparents, not follow Lin Feng? If they follow, they will inherit all the happiness, which is so slack as now.

"It's not the right time!" Everyone sighed.

However, the shock didn't stop there. When they saw the 940-year-old quantum potion, they realized how wonderful life was.

At first they thought it was just an ordinary medicine for extending life. Who would have thought that it would extend life to 940 years? That was nine centuries.

Coupled with the "resurrection" technology, these immigrants instantly boiled again.

"The welfare system of the Kingdom of God is too good. Fortunately, I applied, otherwise I will regret it! Hey, polygamy, 940-year-old potion, resurrection technology, just look forward to it."

"If my prostate is still there, I must be happy."

"Withdraw! Little JJ's."

"What about women on earth, can you marry alien men?"

"The question asked downstairs is mentally handicapped. Will the princess marry a slave? Women on Earth are princesses."

"I want to know how many wives Lin Feng has now, and as many as he has, I will marry as many as I want."

Suddenly someone yelled.

The receptionists of the Kingdom of God nations said they were very embarrassed to see that this person listened to the strong, but I am afraid that the life of the second half of the life will be spent in "the body is hollowed out", according to incomplete statistics, Lin Feng has a harem beauty I do n’t know if I have any pops ...

With the introduction, this billion immigrants came out of the square.

For a moment, he was shocked again by the scene in front of him.

"The Alien Management Committee recruits civil servants to provide life-long luxury housing. There are 10 alien maids and 2 alien bodyguards. Apply as soon as possible.

"The Space and Time Administration recruits managers of Broken Star Networks, whose status is limited to Earth people. The company has provided genetic optimization fluids for free for ten years. It has provided 940 years of quantum extension medicine for 20 years. It can be dried for 30 years ..."

"The Zerg Mining Company recruits interstellar exploration engineers. Those who pass the interview will serve as managers. They are well paid. They only need to work for 100 years to get a lifetime pension."

Alien Marriage Agency, let you have an alien daughter-in-law.

The Institute of Alien Characters expands multinational cooperation.

Extraterrestrial Physiology Research Institute, exploring the mysteries of physiology.

The square dance interstellar organization, dancing square dance is not afraid that there is no square.

Imperial College of Science and Technology, the cradle of genius.


There are countless recruitment seats and posts in front of us, and people are dazzled.

They still need to find a job fortunately on earth, and they must look at other people's faces when applying for jobs. Now, by comparison, it is a world of difference.

"After giving the luggage to the receptionist, you can interview freely. I hope you find your own job." The receptionist of the kingdom of the nation nodded understandably.

In the face of these generous treatments, how can people who have lived on the earth for more than a hundred years can withstand, Sarah rushed to the recruitment booth, and the scene suddenly became tumultuous.

"The one who recruits physiology research, see if I can? I like physiology."

"The company that gives maids for free, I want to apply."

"I want to be a scientist. I sign up for Imperial College of Technology."

"I want to join the square dance interstellar organization."


The receptionist of the kingdom of God nation looked at the carefree appearance of the earth people, and his eyes were filled with envy.

Because there is the universe emperor ~ www.readwn.com ~ Earth people can enjoy such a life.

And the people of the kingdom of God do not know when they can enjoy such treatment.

"Let's find someone to marry!"

Some female receptionists glowed green eyes, looking for their "prey".

Of course, this life is just a microcosm.

Of the 3 billion immigrants, an average of 100 million people will be assigned to a planet, and the broken star network is used to achieve the purpose of rapid transmission and transmission of information without traffic jams.

Over time, immigrants from the earth have also begun new lives in their new homes.

In December 2147, 3 billion human migrations were completed.

Humans formally entered the era of immigration of vast galaxies.

The earth people in the kingdom of God galaxy also formed the Earth Alliance, which multiplied and developed in the kingdom of God galaxy, and injected new life into the kingdom of God galaxy.

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