I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 513: Antimatter Annihilation

When people saw Lin Feng sending only a small 1,000-kilometer warship, he couldn't help covering his eyes and sighed that Lin Feng was about to finish.

How can such a small warship defeat the opponent's 3,000-kilometer warship, just as children fight adults.

For a moment, the tall image Lin Feng had just erected in their hearts collapsed instantly.

Many foreigners can't help shaking their legs, so they can't imagine how much Lin Feng will be hit next.

The point is, it doesn't matter that Lin Feng is crazy, it also angers aliens and puts the entire planet into crisis.


At this moment, all Earth people closed their eyes and knew that the next thing was out of control.

However, in the next instant, in the incredible eyes of everyone, we could not see what weapons the small warships fired, but what the naked eye could see was that the alien spaceship instantly turned into strands of flying sand and floated in the starry sky.

Three of the spacecraft were directly destroyed, and even the ashes were not visible.

"This, is this destroyed?"

Everyone couldn't help but stare.

Their first feeling was that Lin Feng could not beat the aliens, but they never expected that the aliens would be crushed and they would be destroyed without firing a shell.

This is simply a dog blood plot in a TV series.

Even the gleeful US President also held back. A dog-like feeling struck his heart. It was clear that aliens were very powerful and anti-material civilization. How could Lin Feng be as torturous as cutting tofu?

Next, in everyone ’s incredible eyes, the small battleship sent by Lin Feng was like a hedgehog. Countless photon cannons, laser cannons, and proton cannons were sent out frequently. The remaining two alien battleships were blasted into space trash. .

The world is dead.

It was a long time before anyone returned to God, still shocked by everything they saw.

"That's how the alien ship was destroyed? How is this possible?"

"Nothing is impossible, I have seen it with my own eyes, and I still suspect something."

"The world often says that capitalism is a paper tiger, and now aliens are also paper tigers."

"Lin Feng is too strong to shock me. Such a person is no longer a human, he is a god."

I don't know how many Earth people can't close their mouths in surprise.

In Zhongnanhai, the originally noisy meeting was silent and everyone looked at each other. After a long time, a majestic voice came out, "Good fight!"


Of course, the most shocking non-eternal star is the best.

They saw the scene clearly through the space telescope, and their eyes became red instantly.

These three 3000-kilometer space battleships were built over 100 years and spent countless resources, but now they are turned into dust, and even a weapon is not fired, it is destroyed.

"Damn Americans, they actually deceived us. The earth obviously has anti-material weapons. They just said they have become a nuclear-armed civilization. Damn it."

At this time, the controller of the eternal civilization had a green face.

"We must have gotten into each other's trap."

Some generals have sensitive heads, and immediately think of something.

The top of the country, who was excited by the discovery of a life planet, instantly became lifeless, and even some people showed despair.

Can the planet be transmitted, or anti-material civilization, what higher civilization did they provoke?

At this time, countless people of the Eternal Star saw this scene with space telescopes and smirked. They are working and studying every day. Why do aliens invade them? Do they want to live well?

I have to say that the people of Eternal Star are very sad, blinded by the ruling group.

However, it is also in this way that the country can organize a rebellion against the earth's civilization.

On the split star, Lin Feng looked indifferent.

Under the antimatter cannon, all spacecraft are ants.

Under the antimatter annihilation gun, all galaxies will perish.

He projected his own image on the sky of Eternal Star through the holographic projection device, and said loudly, "Hello Eternal Civilization, I will show you a picture and show me a good look."

Listening to Lin Feng's domineering words, all the Yong marks stars were angry,

However, some of the pictures broadcast in the air made the eternal star stunned.

"That's our sun?"

"And the moon!"

"Isn't this our galaxy?"

"This is the Yongshen Galaxy!"

They recognized it instantly.

However, at the next moment, a black cormorant barrel with a size of more than 300 kilometers was aimed at the galaxy, and an invisible wave suddenly passed to all directions, causing ripples.

Then, like a fryer, something in the eternal galaxy seemed to be completely ignited.

This ignited energy radiates outwards in a ripple shape. Whether it is a planet, a satellite, or a meteorite that is encountered along the way, even the sun is annihilated in this ripple.

The scope is infinitely extended ...

The picture stopped here, and Lin Feng heard another voice: "Your original galaxy, within the range of 30,000 light-years, will not have any matter, even the antimatter has been exhausted, completely. Dead domain. "

As soon as this word came out, the ruler of the eternal star was terrified.

They have fought over huge galaxies, destroyed dozens of nuclear weapons civilizations, and colonized countries that can cross the interstellar space. Counting them down, the eternal civilization is extremely brilliant.

And what happened today makes glory disappear.

The battleship was directly seconds.

The galaxy was also destroyed.

Even the planet is controlled by others.

Their eternal stars have never been more passive than they are today.

"It won't be Eternal God to joke with us!"

On the Eternal Star, many people are unwilling to believe everything they see before, or to be comforted by themselves, however, the cold reality is always hitting their atrium.

"Evil earthmen ~ www.readwn.com ~ We won't catch it. If we think this scares us, it's too naive. The strongest thing on our planet is not the thermal weapon, but the biotechnology that has developed for thousands of years If we rush us, we will end up with you, let the solar system become a forbidden area of ​​life, and let the solar system become a purgatory. "

The controller of the eternal planet smiled a little crazy,

"As for surrender, dream, eternal stars will never surrender."

The fire of fighting erupted in the eyes of the people, instigated by the masters.

They are not afraid of life and death. They take weapons and swear to fight to the end. They fly spaceships and fight against the earth ’s civilization. They are also anti-material civilization. They are not afraid of anything.

What you do will win, and that's it.

But when they drove spaceships and warships into space, they saw the scenes outside space, their eyes gradually dulled ...

At the same time, the words of the live broadcast also went to space.

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