I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 514: Split Star strikes

Beyond the starry sky, Earth people were instantly calmed.

They saw a huge battleship, but they couldn't see their heads at all. The black hull declared that this metal was not part of the sun, and it was definitely from an alien.

If the moon is used as a reference object, the moon is a grain of sand in front of this battleship, and even the earth counts at most as marbles.

"This ... is this too big?"

The eyes of countless people are almost staring out.

The largest warship on the earth is only 2,000 kilometers. It was manufactured by the Chinese State and is already the strongest on the earth. The 3,000 kilometers warship of the aliens is the largest and strongest warship ever seen by the earth.

However, all this was broken by the warship in front of him.

Split Star!

These three large Chinese characters are sprayed on the ship's body, and you don't need to know that it must be Lin Feng's warship.

Soon, surveying and mapping experts on the earth measured the length, 100,000 kilometers long and 50,000 kilometers wide, eight times the size of the earth.

The scientists were shocked.

Many people can't help wondering how strong Lin Feng is. How much did he hide?

At this moment, the scientists of Eternal Star looked at the asterisk and muttered to themselves: "Is this what the American godfather of science and technology said? I didn't expect it to be so powerful, so I have to look up."

As for the general of eternal civilization, his body was trembling with fear.

In their long-standing knowledge, the most powerful existence of eternal civilization, and now the other party destroys their three warships without any effort, and then displays such a huge warship, does that mean that the earth civilization kills them like a chicken?

And the eternal star's controller, his face was unprecedentedly dignified.

"Sad soldiers will win. As long as we have the determination to die, even the strongest planet will fear us. Don't forget that we have developed biological and chemical weapons against the Earth's people. As long as they can be launched on the Earth, they will all be extinct . "

The controller said in a condensed voice.

Although he spoke in an encouraging tone, there was not much in his heart.

Now their eternal star request has been transmitted, and the past galaxy has also been destroyed. It also means that they have no retreat, only to defeat the civilization of the earth, or to show their due strength to let the other party fear, there is always a chance for vitality. If If they are crushed by the other party, it means that they are not far from perishing.

"So, at this time, we must unite together so that the soldiers will fight without fear of life and death."

He pulled out his sword, pointed at the sky, and ordered all warships to attack.


Suddenly, a buzz came, just like the roar of a **** demon.

Eternal Star just entered the battleship in space, and immediately lost control, and fell to the ground of Eternal Star. A total of 30 million destroyers, space carriers, and eternal starships did not stand back and forth. Destroyed once.

The soldiers in the battleship were sacrificed on the spot.

"Rain of battleship wrecks" rose from the sky.

Looking at the wreckage of the battleship in the sky, Titus, the eternal civilization, regretted it. From the top to the bottom, the area of ​​the shadow in my heart is larger than the black hole.

They now want to give up the idea of ​​resistance and only hope that the earth's civilization can let them go.

"Will earth civilization spare our lives?"

The ruling classes of Eternal Star gathered together, discussing with a pale face.

"This time the plan to colonize the earth is wrong, Your Majesty is wrong, and scientists are also wrong. Earth civilization is a civilization we ca n’t afford, and now the most important thing is to start the" seed plan "so that civilization will not become extinct Earth civilization does not accept surrender, and we are not afraid, and future generations will avenge us. "

"Seed plan? That's the only way to let the tribe go underground, the earth people can't take us."

"Ah! Who would have thought that 50 years ago, it was still a backward nuclear weapons civilization. I did not expect to become so powerful in a blink of an eye."

"Yeah, this earth civilization is so powerful that there are such cosmic figures as the godfather of science and technology."


The eternal star controller who has been listening to him, with a look of absurdity, said: "Proactively connect with the earth's civilization. Even if it pays a great price, I hope they can accept our surrender.

The controller gave the order.

On the other side, Lin Feng stood with his hands on his back, standing on the split star, with Old Tam standing beside him.

If Lin Feng didn't guess wrong, this scene had been predicted by Tam earlier.

Lin Feng could not help asking: "Old Tam, what will happen to this civilization?"

"Holy King, you can die, you can live, all in your word." Old Tam respected. In fact, he did not tell the truth. The result of this civilization he predicted was extinction, and there was no room for it.

Sure enough, Lin Feng's actions confirmed Old Tam's prediction.

"Since you want to colonize the earth, you need to have the awareness of death."

Lin Feng smiled slightly.



At this time, the split star finally moved. The sound was not the sound of the support of the gun barrel, but the split star was deforming, and finally separated its feet and hands. God of War is countless times bigger.

I saw the split star distantly stretch out his palm and reached the eternal star.

In the eyes of the eternal stars, a huge shadow covered their planet, covering the sky and seeing no light, and this palm directly covered the eternal star with strong power.

The mountains and rivers are broken, and the sea water flows backwards.

Those who live on the surface of the planet are dead.

This unsuspecting battle has gone into a fever.

The power of the split star is too horrible. The soldiers on the split star are horrified to see this scene.

If there was a split star during the destruction of the kingdom of God, it would not be so fierce, but the future interstellar war ~ www.readwn.com ~ is probably the world of the split star.

"Too strong, too strong, grabbing the planet with bare hands, it's incredible."

The people of the Earth have long been shocked by innumerable additions. This is an epic Star Wars, and they are the first time they have ever seen.

They watched for a while.

Anxious to be able to participate in the war, but they were a little afraid of the cruelty of the war.

The mechanical hand of the split star did not stop. After covering the eternal star, it suddenly exerted force, and the whole planet made a rattling noise, and then spread out like a spider web.

The equator exploded, and then the entire planet exploded like a cannonball from the inside. First, the poles of the planet, then the mountains, the mountains ... the sun sag, and finally there were only piles of stones and lava.

For a while, the earth fell into silence, and everyone couldn't believe it. Some national leaders are even more frightened, such as ghosts.

The eternal planet was actually exploded by the split star.

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