I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 515: Advent tal


Space warships crossed the starry sky, guarding the split star in the middle.

No matter who sees the Rift Star, it cannot escape from the shock. This battleship is not only as simple as a battleship, but its ferocious name has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

At this point, it was three months after the eternal planet was pinched.

Speaking of that crushing battle, people talked enthusiastically that Lin Feng pinched the planet and destroyed the galaxy. It was simply unforgettable and left an indelible impression on people.

Cosmic Emperor Lin Feng, there is nothing more suitable for him than this name.

In a spaceship of immigrants, the head of the State of Hua overlooked the mountains and rivers and said in amazement: "Is this the planet of the kingdom of God? Except that there are fewer oceans than the earth, its architecture, commerce, and industry are all more prosperous than the earth. This is really a good planet . "

The dignitaries around were also wide-eyed and curious.

Before they emigrated from the earth, they had naturally heard of Lin Feng's great achievements, and knew that Lin Feng was the universe emperor in charge of 80,000 light-years, and he admired it.

Trish Tana explained: "Head, this planet is just one of the 10,000 life planets that Master Lin controls, which is not enough to represent his greatness. However, wait a moment to pass the Earth, the Moon, and Mars through the Broken Star Network. With the transfer, the future will be as developed as the Kingdom of God. "

Her blonde appearance is still rare on the planet of the kingdom of God.

"I really look forward to the day when the earth will look forward, and also the rise of the Chinese nation." The head smiled with a good smile.

"We Huaxia has risen."

Tracy Tana said quietly.

Her eyes were staring at the split star, her expression blurred.


"The transfer of several planets in the solar system is ready. Is it now activated?"

Within the split star, Hawking asked Lin Feng.

"Get started!"

Lin Feng nodded and said that the barren solar system is not suitable for the development of the earth's civilization, so the earth needs to be transferred to the God Kingdom galaxy.

Hawking finished the job by pressing the button lightly.

At the same time, there are three more planets around the Kingdom of God, namely Earth, Moon and Mars, the three most suitable for human habitation.

"Does this cause a power struggle?" Xu Mengyao frowned.

"No!" Lin Feng shook his head. "A **** nation galaxy is not our end point. If the Chinese government is willing to manage it, I will be happy."

Xu Mengyao froze and quickly responded: "Do you mean, we are going to other galaxies?"

"Yes!" Lin Feng waved his hand and looked away: "The universe has countless galaxies, and there are civilizations thousands of times more advanced than ours. Our steps can never stop."

Xu Mengyao has already been deeply shocked.

Gao Yang, Chen Zhichao and others were fascinated, hoping to experience a real interstellar war to make up for regret.

Anshen, however, shook his head and smirked. He thought of the United States, a country that brought humiliation, yearning, and admiration to the Chinese, and has now been emigrated to the planet of the kingdom of God. "The planet.

How Barren?

As in primitive society.

Of course, all foreigners were escorted to the planet.


The Ultraman Star, whose name comes from the English written on the planet ’s only metal plate, has no equipment other than these.

The United States, Germanic, Yamato, Jews, fighting nations ... all became indigenous people of Ultraman Star.

After three months of adaptation, many people have built wooden houses, used stone grass, hunted down indigenous species, Pipi pigs, the only animal that is easy to hunt.

At this moment they were grilling Pipi pork around the fire, discussing:

"It's all because the United States is relying on aliens, otherwise we wouldn't suffer from it or live a primitive society."

"Yeah! Some people hurt themselves and it hurt others."

"Such a person should not live in the tribe. Let him face the virgin forest by himself!"

Listening to the ridicule and sarcasm of the people, the Americans felt extremely embarrassed. This was not their fault at all. It was all the president's fault. It took eight lives to die for such a president.

His Excellency, the President hiding in the corner, was so angry that he almost blew up. He picked up the stone axe and said maliciously, "What? Disagree?"

"Just dissatisfied, can you shudder?"

"Fuck! Cut him!"

A tribal war dominated by Stone Age tools thus began ...

On the other side, it was said that after Lin Feng escorted the head to the Kingdom of God, he started the split star to transfer to the space and time of the Tal galaxy.

His idea was simple: let a few more planets be added near the Kingdom of God Kingdom. Achieving the theoretical "same three-ball interchange" is a new theory proposed by Hawking, that is, three planets in the same orbit.

As for whether they can hit each other, many experimental data are needed.

But with the Broken Star Network, the big deal is to move away.

When the Split Star arrived near Tal Star, you could see Tal Star and the half of the Kingdom of God Kingdom, and the half of the green planet was obviously artificially repaired.

The nearby starry sky is also a bit more killing than before.

It can be said that the Thal galaxy has changed greatly.

At the moment when the split star appeared, the entire Tal star boiled, and countless battleships flew out of the starry sky, millions of them.

These warships are loaded with weapons of mass destruction, such as neutron guns, photon guns, antimatter guns, and even some mobile giant turrets.

Seeing this battle, Xu Mengyao couldn't help but change his face and looked at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng turned his hands on his back, his eyes cold.

Today, something always seems to be happening.

At this time, the Tall Stars who drove the battleships were also very shocked. They have never seen such a huge warship. Using a simple calculation of the Earth's units, there are 100,000 kilometers, which is 16 times the size of the Tal Star.

These soldiers are a new generation of Talstar. They only learned from the books that the largest spacecraft in history. It is a battleship called the Broken Star. It has more than 2,400 kilometers and is a spacecraft of earth civilization.

The ship in front is far larger than the broken star, even if all the warships of Tal Star add up, it is not as big as this one.

"The last interstellar war fought for fifty years ~ www.readwn.com ~ will there not be another interstellar war now?" Some Tal Star soldiers looked at the split star, swallowed drooling, and felt timid.

"Don't fight the interstellar war. The civilization that has been destroyed by the earth in minutes, but we won for 50 years."

The other soldiers also looked anxiously at the split star.

This huge spaceship, like a mountain, is over the soldiers' hearts.

The darkness of the starry sky was silent, and no one stood up, and no one dared to open fire, only millions of warships stopped carefully there.

As if a century has passed.

In the split star, Lin Feng leaned lazily, with a small smile on his face, facing the millions of Tal Star battleships, proudly said: "Don't say millions of battleships, tens of billions. , I can crush it with one hand. "

The voice just fell.

A scene that was unexpected to everyone happened suddenly.

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