I am the Godfather of Technology

Chapter 516: The mystery of the dimension

A gold-plated royal battleship flew towards the Liexing at the speed of light. Four people appeared in the isolated space on the top of the battleship, and they nodded respectfully to Lin Feng:

"The kingdom of God and horse see the universe emperor."

Immediately afterwards, the other three were unwilling to follow, and said respectfully:

"Demon Empire, meet the Emperor of the Universe."

"The horned empire, welcome the emperor of the universe."

"The Zombie Empire wants the iron hoof of the universe emperor to travel all over the universe, and wherever they go, the nations will surrender."

At this moment, the Tal Star soldiers on the battleship were silent.

They were stunned, and the four kings in charge of the Talxing civilization were so humble, they were beyond their imagination.

"It's him!"

Some veterans finally recognized it, and many of them suddenly realized, thinking that Lin Feng had left Tall Star chicly in the past, and now returned strong again.

"Who is he?"

Some recruits asked again and again.

"He! He is the ruler of the universe. Tal Star can have today, but also by the hands of this person. Even the half of the Kingdom of God Kingdom was sent by him. He is Lin Feng."


The recruits were horrified. They were not from that era and did not know what Lin Feng was doing, but the half-kingdom planet in front of them was what they saw with their own eyes. It can be said that this half of the planet was left for the recruit eggs Many hearts have shadows.

"It was all he did, it was too strong."

Many recruits lamented.

At this time, Lin Feng appeared at the bow of the Star Split, overlooking the four kings, and waved, "Let's talk to Tal Star again."

After a while, everyone gathered in the conference room, Lin Feng sitting on top.

"Sir, the kingdom of God civilization has been defeated by us, and we are not weak." King God Ma said first.

"Yes, sir, although it took 50 Earth years, which is far less than you, but it also reflects from the side that our Tal Star is a very strong civilization," the Demon Empire added.

"In this interstellar war, we got some antimatter theories, and made breakthrough progress in all aspects." Yu Zombie Empire added.

Before waiting for Lin Feng to speak, Anshen aside, grinning: "Your trivial achievements, without any qualifications to show off in front of us, Tal Star is only 30,000 light years, you can not conquer, how to conquer completely Comparison of 80,000 light-years of the universe emperor? "

"What, conquered the Kingdom of God?"

The kings of the four empires were all together, and they also knew some news about the kingdom of the galaxy from Zhang San's mouth, but they never expected that Lin Feng had conquered the entire galaxy in just over a hundred earth years. This is too sensational.

Their eyes turned to Lin Feng, and their hearts were mixed.

At this time, Lin Feng was surprised, and he saw a person in the crowd.

"Zhang San has seen the Emperor of the Universe."

Zhang San came out of the crowd with an aging face and seemed very excited. He had never seen Lin Feng for a hundred years.

"Eh!" Lin Feng was surprised, if he remembered correctly, Zhang San has been resurrected in the kingdom of the galaxy, that is, there are now two Zhang San.

This is awkward.

However, fortunately, there were related regulations before, as long as the two people were separated, it was fine.

"Zhang San, you have been resurrected ..."

Lin Feng told Zhang San roughly what happened.

Zhang San obeyed, his face suddenly showed a happy expression, and a sloppy slang tone said, "Now, just right, I can't support my 108 wives in Talxing. The emperor can help me!"

"Okay ..." Lin Feng nodded awkwardly, emphasizing: "We will pay for your life, but you can't marry your wife anymore, too much."

Zhang San scratched his head and smiled.

As the two talked, the atmosphere in the conference room eased a lot, but the faces of the kings of the four kingdoms were not very good-looking.

They wanted to show their strength in front of Lin Feng and get their due attention.

Unexpectedly, was beaten relentlessly.

The King of the Shofar Empire narrowed his eyes and stood up and said, "Sir, our Shofar Empire is very advanced in the quantum domain. At the same time, we have found a red ore that can cause fluctuations in time and space. If I guess correctly, your This kind of ore is used for the transfer function, and our horned empire has found a way to enter multi-dimensional space. "

"Multidimensional space."

Hawking stepped forward, looked at the scientists of the Staghorn Empire, and hurriedly asked, "How many dimensions are you studying in the multidimensional space? Three dimensions, four dimensions, or five dimensions?"

It can be seen that Hawking seemed very nervous when asking this question, which is probably inseparable from the dimensional theory he recently specialized in.

The scientists of the Staghorn Empire did not hesitate, proudly: "We have developed twenty-one dimensions based on the principle of quantum fields and red ore."

"so much?"

Hawking was stunned, but he did not expect that the lagging Talstar actually took the lead in this aspect, but for Hawking who has studied 36 dimensions, it was not enough to shake him.

Talstar scientists also said, "More than that, we can now create a five-dimensional space, allowing living things to stay in this space, slowing down the flow rate of time, space and hierarchy."

Hawking was a little surprised. He never thought about it in this regard. If people were to stay in this particular space, according to Talstar scientists, I am afraid that life would grow.

After all, the timeline can be seen in five-dimensional space, and it can even be changed to some extent.

And do n’t look at so many dimensions. What is really useful to humans is five-dimensional space. Now Hawking is focusing on five-dimensional space. He does not study eternity. He only studies whether it is possible to change history by changing the timeline.

Lin Feng on the side heard a fog of water.

Hawking immediately explained: "Yes, I am deciphering the mysteries of the dimensions based on the prediction principle of the broken star ore, the Noah tribe, and the original five-dimensional theory. According to my assumption, if humans can enter the five-dimensional Space can change history. "

"Change history?" Lin Feng frowned suddenly.

"Yes, the key is to change all the parallel worlds ~ www.readwn.com ~ in order to unify the entire timeline.

For example, someone in a timeline was hit by a car. Here, two parallel universes will be created, one was killed and the other was not killed, and these two space-times will exist irrelevant from now on.

And what we have to do is to let all the people in the timeline be killed, then all the timelines will be unified, and the purpose of changing history will be achieved.

The only thing that can see the timeline is the five-dimensional universe, which is the most critical place.

Lin Feng paused and said, "This technology must be worked out."

Then he looked at the King of the Shofar Empire and said lightly: "Contribute all your scientists, and your empire will enjoy preferential treatment for space warships in the future."

"As you wish."

The shofar empire king bowed in the envious eyes of everyone.

Subsequently, Hawking brought together a geoscientist and a Talstar technologist to focus on dimensional research.

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