Wen Ruoxi couldn't help but heard Chen Mo, and the beauty flashed a different. At this time, Wen Ruo is aware that what happens next.

"Do these people want to grab money?"

Xia Ying didn't know how to work, and the stagnation is calm and asked whispered.

"May not just grab money is so simple ..."

Wen Ruo said that there is no expression.

Xia Ying was listening to the words of Wen Ruo, and he was in the original place. The expression on his face was extremely nervous. The body also began to shake slightly. After all, she is just an ordinary girl, never experienced Such things, she doesn't know what happened next.

But Xia Ying saw Wan Zhong and others fierce, and it was not a good person.

"Chen Mo Xiao brother, I don't want to be a hard you, but the temptation in your hands is too big, so you will hand over the medicinal medicine in your hands, maybe I can still let you go!"

At this time, Guo Wei shouted at Chen Mo.

"Yes, as long as you have a dandan medicine, there is no matter, but you have to return our medicinal materials."

Li Ming also shouted with it.

Wen Rui heard this sentence knowing that Chen Mo should have contradiction between these people, so after hesitating for two seconds, there is no expression: "I am a Wen family, I don't care what you want, I don't care about you. There is any contradiction between Chen Mo, now you have all rolled away, otherwise our Wen's home will never let you ... "

At this time, Wen Rui can only use himself to be a Wen family's identity.

However, Wan Zhong did not be afraid of mean at all in the words of Wen Ruo, and others did not care.

"You don't believe that I am a Wen family?"

Wen Ruo saw that the reaction of Wantan and others was stunned, frown shouted.

"Haha ..."

Wan Zhong smiled, then shouted in Wen Ruo: "I certainly know that you are a Wen family, and I know very much about you, your father is just a side of Wen Jia, there is no What rights, you have a good relationship with the warmth, but how can it? Will you have to be sin? "

Wen Rui is changing the expression in his face after hearing the loyalty, the body is not shaking from the autonomy.

After all, Wen Ruo felt that she was the identity of her Wen family, but she didn't think of Wanzhong et al. To her own identity.

"And there is something, how many people do we have to do it again? I don't know that we have a hand, so the little girl, don't scare us here, we dare to come over, then I am not afraid that you are scared! "

At this time, Guo Wei also shouted with him.

Wen Ruozhen looked at Wan Zhong Guo Wei and others were completely stupid, because she clearly scared these people.

And Chen Mo hesitated, then said that he did not express his face: "Wan Zhong Guo Wei, in fact, you don't have this look at all, as long as you will help me do something, I should give you two medicinal herbs. I will give you two people ... "

"Ha ha……"

Wan Zhong was smiling, then whispered: "Chen Mo, what do you give me the medicinal herbs? And you are not a military person, but there is such a precious good medicine, now I don't know how many people have stared. I am getting you ... "

"But these people are relatively small, they don't dare to do it. Once I wait until the military exchange will end, these people will definitely do it, so when we wait until that, we are better!"

"You are robbery, it is illegal!"

Xia Ying was hesitating, and his big eyes glared at Wi-Wang Wang shouted.

"Hahaha ..."

Wan Zhong was listening to Xia Ying's words, then laughed directly, then looked at Xia Ying said: "Little girl, our martial arts can be different from your ordinary people, in the military, who is hard to speak, I can't do anything ... "


Xia Ying was heard after hearing this sentence, it was completely dumbful, and the stunned station did not know what to say.

"Chen Mo, you are also known as me, I don't want to be too far, put the medicinal medicine, I can spare you not to die ..."

Wanzhong said that there is no expression of Chen Mo.

"If I don't pay?"

Chen Mo's falling question.

"If you don't have to hand over Dan medicine, don't blame me!"

Wan Zhong glared at the beads shouted.

"Wan Zhong, what are you taking this lesson? Let's kill him directly to grab the medicinal medicine? If you continue to ink, you will be discovered, then you are trouble ..."

Li Ming wrinkled with a brow and shouted.

"Yeah, hurry up time!"

At this time, Guo Wei also shouted with his eyes and then glanced at Wen Ruo.

Wen Rui saw Guo Wei's eyes were somewhat uncomfortable. After busy, I was back to hide behind Chen Mo's body.

"Right, I will give me a careful point when I start, these two women are very good, especially this Wen Jia's big lady, I have to take a good enjoyment ..."

Guo Wei turned his head and said with Wan Zhong and others.


Xia Ying heard that the sentence of Guo Wei was stupid. The body kept trembling, and asked the Baba, I asked: "If you are, you will think about it, what do you do? ! "


Wen Rui is now very fear, although she knows that Chen Mo's skill is still good, but that is just compared with ordinary people, if if it is facing these martial arts, Chen Mo is estimated that there is no ability to fight.

After Wen Rui hesitated, he took his mobile phone directly and prepared to call the warmth.

However, in the moment when Wen Ruo, I just took out the mobile phone, Li Ming's eyes were fast, and the right hand gently waved, and a stone flew away from the mobile phone.


A crisp.

The stone is extremely accurate to play on Wen Rui's mobile phone, and the mobile phone screen is broken directly.

Wen Rui looked at the mobile phone that had been used in his hand. The expression on his face was very pale. The legs were still trembled, and the heart was extremely desperate. At this moment, Wen Ruo, I can't think of anyone.

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