I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 111: Is it so powerful?

Mo's top and bottom, I won't be the opponent of these people. After all, he is only a war that I have just started, and Wan Zhong and others may have been three or It is a higher level of war.


Chen Mo took a breath and then took out Li Taibai to his medicinal herbs from his clothes.

"I hope the old man didn't play me this time ..."

Chen Mer sighed, and then threw the medicinal medicine into the mouth.

In the next second, Chen Mo felt a very powerful force swept his body, this power is still very horrible, Chen Mo even felt that his heartbeat suddenly rose, the flow rate of blood was very fast.

"Wan Zhong, you will regret it now!"

Chen Mo's simple adjustment of the breath of his body and said that he had no expression in his body.

"How is your kid so many nonsense? Is there so many martial arts? Isn't you an ordinary person?"

Li Ming has already been impatient, and Chen Mo shouted, then there was no direct right hand.

A cold light flashed.

I saw a dagger directly rushed to Chen Mo's right leg shot.

If Chen Mo, if you don't eat Lower Dan medicine, there is no way to escape this dagger. After all, Li Ming is also a war. His speed is not an ordinary person to imagine.

Chen Mo has a very advantage of speeding with ordinary people, but in front of these martial arts, his advantages have waters.

However, now Chen Mo can be a speed heel with a high martial art.

Therefore, Chen Mo has escaped the dagger.

After seeing this scene, Li Ming was shocked. Because he felt that Chen Mo was just a general person, he just hid his dagger!

And just now Li Ming shot very sudden, the speed is also very amazing, so even if they are all loyal, they don't necessarily hide, but Chen Mo actually escaped directly. This will make Li Ming feel a little incredible.

"How did this little child hide?"

Wan loyalty also flashed a bad idea, frowning shouting.

"It should be happening!"

Guo Wei returned to a sentence and then continued: "Ok, don't worry, let's go together ..."


At this time, there is a bad feeling in the heart of Wanzhong, so I don't dare to continue the waste.

"It's over, these people have to move the hand, Chen Mo is not their opponent, if you are, you think about it!"

Xia Ying said very excited to shout.

And Wen Rui is also helplessness after hearing this sentence, wrinkled and frowned: "I can have any ways now, these people are not ordinary people, and I can't contact your brother now. ...... "

Wen Rui is now worried about Chen Mo, after all, she is a Wen family, naturally the horror of the millennium. Chen Mo is absolutely impossible for a common person.

"This is how to do ah!"

Xia Ying is anxious at this time, it is already cried, but it can't think of any way to live.

Wen Ruoqi did not think that he had once again met with Chen Mo. On the time, he had encountered such a big happening. If Wen Rui knows that it will be such a situation, then she said nothing will bring Chen Mile to the villa.

But at this time, Chen Mo is a calm, because he knows that these people are not their own opponents.

At this time, Guo Wei has been rushing up.

Guo Wei is the same as Chen Mo, but Guo Wei's boxing method is not a level with Chen Mo's boxing, and Xuan Tian Zhenwu fist is a super-level boxing method, and Guo Wei learning only. But it is a very ordinary boxing.

Although Guo Wei's boxing is ordinary, Guo Wei has been worried about many years, which has caused his boxing or very powerful.

Guo Wei's body is like a lightning. It is generally rushed to Chen Mo's position, and it also with the bloating broken wind, and the power is abnormal.

Wan Zhong was seeing Guo Wei, I couldn't help my whispering: "I didn't expect Guo Wei's boxing law that is so hot, it is estimated that even if I don't see this punch. ! "

"Yeah, Guo Wei is not small in the past few years!"

Another middle-aged grandson nodded.

As if in these two eyes, Chen Mo certainly has no way to pick up this punch.

But at this time, Chen Mo suddenly smashed: "Xuan Tian Zhenwu, Yan Yan!"

After saying this, Chen Mo suddenly went to a punch.


A loud noise.

Chen Mai's fist with Guo Wei's fist is hit together.

In an instant, Guo Wei was stupid, and the expression on his face was shocked.

Because he found that his fist was played on Chen Mo's fist. Chen Mo did not respond, but he was very impact, but the whole arm was as broken, and it was not used at all.

"How is this going?"

Guo Ji looked at Chen Mo in front of him, and in addition to shocking, he was shocked. He really didn't understand how Chen Mo did it.

And Wan Zhong and others were all stupid, and the position of Chen Mumeo, two people were very shocked.

Just when everyone was shocked, Chen Mo once again raised his fist and shouted: "Sound of the mountain!"

Chen Mo's words were yelling, his fist suddenly rushed to Guo Wei's chest.

Guo Wei was completely in the shock, so he did not have any reactions at all, directly by Chen Mo's punch.


Guo Wei called, and then the whole person flew out and slammed it on the ground.

After Guo Yu, a blood sprayed out, and then he was coma.

It is necessary to know that Chen Mo has just interrupted Guo Wei's ribs. Even if Guo Hao strength is strong, he is a personal, the ribs in the body are broken, and it is already fortunate.

"This is such a powerful?"

Wan Zhong was in the moment after seeing this scene, it was dumbfounded, and the bead didn't know how to describe his punch.

Wan Zhong and others were seeing Chen Mimi to fly directly, all of them were in the original place, and the expression on the face was very incredible.

"How can this Chen Mo be so powerful?"

Wan Zhong did not hurt whisper.

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