I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 112: I have give you a chance!

I know that Guo Wei is almost the same as their strengths, although it is not the most powerful kind in the martial art, it is also very big gap, but it is not anyone to deal with it. Get it.

But at this time, Guo Wei actually even caught Chen Mo's punch, how much the strength gap between these two people!

"Wan Zhong, what is this?"

Sun Zhan is finally aware of the problem, and the eyes of the beads are very angry, and they shouted.

"My mother doesn't know how this is something ..."

Wan Zhongyi often collapsed back, if he knew that Chen Mo's strength was so horrible, then he would not dare to move your hand!

"This kid is wrong, I don't participate in this matter ..."

At this time, Sun Zhan's heart has been returned, and turn around and plan to leave.

Chen Mo saw that Sun Yizhang wanted to go, and the eyes flashed a touch of disdain, and then faintly said: "Now I want to go a little too late ..."

After the words were finished, Chen Mo rushed directly to the position of Sun Zhan.

After felt the breath of Chen Mo's body, the face was changed, and it took two steps after the busy, and he was extremely thrilling to escape Chen Mo's fist.

Although Chen Mo did not play on the body of Sun Zhan, Sun Zhanji is just that Chen Mo's breath can feel Chen Mo's fist. If it is not because he is not because he responds Fast, it is very likely that I have been directly flying by Chen Mo.

Sun Zhan face is full of sweat, and he now realizes how stupid decisions from Chen Mo's hand, Chen Mo's strength far exceeds their imagination, otherwise Chen Mo is absolutely impossible to bring so many precious Dan The drug appeared at the military exchange conference.

And Wen Ruoyi looked at Chen Mo's position with Xia Ying, at this moment they realized how terrible strength of Chen Mo's strength.

"Chen Mo is so powerful?"

Xia Ying turned his head to see Wen Ruo, and the expression was very surprised to rush to Wen Ruo.

"I ... I didn't think that Chen Mo will be so powerful ..."

Wen Ruoji's back is back, then continue to say: "When Chen Mo is like a little bit better than ordinary people, how is he changed now?"

"No wonder that Chen Mo is so confident, he is also a military person!"

Xia Ying's original nervous emotions seems to be slightly alleviated.

At this time, it was a scream.

Wen Ruoxi and Xia Ying have a busy to turn to the past, and I found that Chen Mo kicked it on the head of Li Ming. Li Ming flew out, then slammed it on the wall of the not far.

Originally hard walls were directly smashed by Li Ming's body, how horror can be seen from this point of this foot of Chen Mo.


Wen Ruo looked at Li Ming's position, and a pair of beautiful eyes were shocked, and when Wen Ruo seems to be able to describe his mood.

Originally four people, now Chen Mo has resolved two, only the remains of Sun Zhan and the two people still stand in place.

"Wan Zhong, you can be a bitterness this time!"

Sun Zhan is very excited to rushing to Wanzhong.

"I didn't think it would be this!"

Wan Zhong's commencement is back.

Sun Zhanzhi knows that he has not escaped it, so after he took a deep breath, he rushed to Chen Mo's position directly.

But the result is the same, how can grandson for Chen Mo's opponent!

Only less than two seconds, Sun Zhanyi has Li Ming, and the whole person fly out, and then in the past.

In an instant, it seems that the whole world is quiet.

Just a minute, the three martial articles brought by Wan Zhong have all been hit by Chen Mo, and only Wantan is still standing there, and the eyes are afraid to watch Chen Mo's position.

And Xia Ying and Wen Ruo looked at Chen Mo's position, the expression on his face was very incredible, as if he couldn't believe it all this is true.

You must know that when you have been stopped by these people, Wen Rui is definitely dying today, but no one thinks that it will be such an ending, Chen Mer, one person, actually defeated all the military.

Wen Ruozhen also saw Chen Mo's eyes with Xia Ying, and two of them felt that they were like dreaming.

"Chen Mo is so powerful, what is going on here!"

Wen Ruo felt that his brain was confusing, she really can't imagine how Chen Mo did it.

At this time, Chen Mo seems to have finally realized how horrible in a military high person's strength. The original Chen Mo thought that the strength of a military person was already very horrible, but if it was placed in front of a military high person, it was simply It is unbearable.

Chen Deh has no expression to look at Wanzhong's position, and Wan Zhong is hesitating, there is no hesitation, and it is straight to the ground.

Chen Mo saw that Wan Zhongli, couldn't help but smile.

"Mr. Chen, I know is wrong, I should not do it for you, I really know the wrong, I beg you, you will give me a chance, let you let me do, what do you let me do? What I do, I will later a dog around you ... "

On the side of the loyalty, he rushed to Chen Mo's head, and it was very hard, just a few faces after a few times.

But even solely, I didn't dare to stop, because he knew that he only said that Chen Mo's heart may still let himself, or if you don't die, it is also a disabled.

But Chen Mo did not respond, continue to go to Wanzhong in his step.

Wan Zhong saw Chen Mo is getting closer and closer, the expression on the face seems to be more panicked, while shouting: "Chen Mo, I really know the wrong, I beg you, let me go, I beg you……"

"I have given you a chance before, but you don't know how to cherish. If you are not because of your greed, you don't have to do this ..."

Chen Mo said that there is no expression of Wan Zhong.

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