I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 113: Is it his future generation?

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Wan Zhong looked at Chen Miler and then he nodded and then continued: "All this is because of my greed, and Guo Wei's teaching, or because Guo Wei, I can't do it, you will put it. Let's go, ask you ... "

"Put you?"

Chen Mo has heard the words of Wanzhong, and then smile at the right hand.


A crisp.

Chen Mimi is directly fanned on the face of Wanzhong, and Wan Zhong did not have any reactions, flying directly, then smashed on the ground.

Chen Mo's palms have been exhausted, but no matter how much Wan Zhong is also a military person, it must be dead, and the most is a disabled.

Wen Rui is standing in front of him in the past, and two of them have not thought that the last actually this is the result. Four martial artists siege one of Chen Mo, and finally they were given by Chen Mo. I'm fighting, and Wen Ruo felt that this is really a bit of incredibility.

However, at this time, Chen Mo's face seems to be very calm, it seems that there is nothing happened.

Quiet standing in the same place, there is no saying.

Today, this matter is also a truth, which is the truth in the world of the war, and there is no reason that there is no reason. It has always been a state of weak meat, who is hard to speak.

"Chen Mo, do you have anything?"

At this time, Wen Rui went to Chen Mo's side, and his expression was very nervous.


Chen Mo fell back to Wen Ruo, then whispered: "Do you have two things?"


Wen Rui was busy shaking his head.

"Since there is nothing, let's go back!"

Chen Mo said faint.

"Is it going back like this?"

Wen Ruo stunned, and then pointed at Wan Zhong and others: "What do these people do? Wake up will you retaliate?"

"You don't have to worry about this, they have not retalled me, and they should be a wasteman after waking up, and the two ordinary people are not as good, how do you retaliate me?"

Chen Mo smiled, and immediately walked in front of the step.

Wen Ruozhen feels a little too horrible with Xia Ying, so there is no hesitation, directly keeping up with Chen Mo's pace.

When Chen Mo Winnao, he had just left, and he saw two people got out of the woods.

However, one of this is just a Wen Ruo's Tang Ge Wenchuan.

Wen Kuan looked at Wan Zhong and others in front of him, and the eyes flashed a trace of anger, then whispered: "I didn't expect this Chen Mo to be so powerful ..."

"Yeah, this time, we are very big. Although Chen Mo's age is not very big, it is very amazing, according to I estimate that it should be in seven paragraphs of the military!"

The old man who is warm and the old man is whisper.

"Seven paragraphs?"

After hearing this sentence, it was shocked by the original place. It was more shocking. .

"It seems that this thing is not simple, blame Chen Mo dating with so many medicinal herbs, it is really a great, I have to report this thing with the owner, see how it is going on there!"

The warmth of the war.

"What should these people do?"

The old man whispered to the warmth asked.

"Kill it, then deal with the body ..."

The warmth is very calm.

The old man heard this sentence and couldn't help but absorb a breath, and sighed and did not say much.

The purpose of the warmth is actually very obvious, that is, removes the loyalty and others, and then let everyone think that they are killed by Chen Mo.


On the other hand, Zhou You 's room.

" ..."

Knock on the door sound.

Zhou Qi took up a piece of clothing on his shoulders and then reached out and opened the door.


Zhou Yan asked softly after seeing the youth came in.

"Miss, Wan Zhong, they are really great, the strength of Chen Mo is very horrible, they simply play Chen Mo ..."

Youth whispered.

"The people are not the opponent of Chen Mo,"

Zhou You was very incredible with the expression on his face when he heard the young man.

"Well, the strength of Chen Mo is too horrible. The strength is definitely in seven or more paragraphs of the military.

The youth is slow to nod.

"How can this Chen Mo be so powerful?"

The appearance of the expression on Zhoujing face.

"Then I don't know, but this Chen Mo is really not so messy, I think I still don't want to move by Chen Mo!"

Youth whispered.

Zhou Yan looked at the youth for two seconds, and then asked softly: "How is the loyalty Guo Wei now?"

"Wan Zhong is already dead with Guo Wei ..."

The young language said helplessly.


After hearing this sentence, he stood up and shouted.

"Yes, now it is dead, but not Chen Mo kill!"

"Is it a warmth?"

Zhou You hesitated, whispered.

"Yes, it is the warming!"

Youth nodded.

"The warmth is really my heart!"

Zhou Qi couldn't help but suck a breath, then looked at the scenery outside, I didn't know what I thought.

"Miss, what else do you have? If there is no thing, I will go first ..."

Youth whispered.

"Nothing, you go out!"

Zhou Yan rushed to the young and lightly put his hand.

Youth has no hesitation, turned directly to leave.

After seeing the youth, he hesitated, and then took out his mobile phone to find a phone number to dial the past.

"Dudu ..."

After the phone rang two times, the other party turned on the phone.

"Go Vang, I met a strange Dan medicine in the military exchange meeting today, and the effect of practicing the cultivat of the Valley is almost the effect, but the effect is more than 100 times the practice of the cultivation of the grain. I remember You have told me that our Huaxia seems to have someone can refine this kind of medicinal medicine ... "

Zhou Yan simply said his situation here.

After a few minutes, Zhouwume hangs a phone, and the expression on the face is still shocked.

"Chen Mimo is his future man?"

Zhou Yan self-speaking himself.

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