I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 111, Chapter: Collapse

"Chen Gongzi, I have no way to answer, because we can't say the other party ..."

Middle-aged face is a little difficult to say Chen Mo.

Chen Mo hesitated, and then said: "This is good, you tell me the other party, then I will let you all, how do you think?"

Chen Mo knows that you want to deal with these killers, the easiest way is to exchange them.


The middle-aged people got up and down, and then loudly rushed to Chen Mail: "Chen Gongzi, is you talking about?"

"Of course, the calculation ..."

Chen Mo nodded.

"It is a woman named Wei Jingjing to let us move, and the trip of Miss Tang is all this person to provide us!"

The middle-aged people quickly said.

After listening to the name of the middle-aged man, Tang Ying suddenly stunned in the original place. The expression on his face was abnormally shouted: "You Hu said, how can Jingjing? Harm me? "

"Miss Tang, why is Wei Jingjing to kill you, I am not very clear, but I have a call history with Miss Wei, you don't believe you can take a look ..."

The middle-aged man talked out while talking.

Tang Ying hesitated, and then took a middle-aged mobile phone, she found that the number above is really Wei Jingjing.

Tang Ying seems to have some cases of this fact.

"Chen Gongzi, we have said, we have already said, you can now let us leave?"

The middle-aged people looked up at Chen Mo and asked Chen Mail.

"You can go!"

Chen Mo nodded.

And the girl shouted again after hearing Chen Mo's sentence: "These people are the killers of blood, you can't let them ..."

"I promised them before, as long as they said that the name of the other party, I went through them, I didn't want to say no, so I won't shoot them now ..."

Chen Mili has no expression to return to the girl, and then continue: "Of course, you are the police, if you want to catch them three, I have no opinions. Anyway, I will not participate in yours. ..."

Chen Mo didn't know with this girl, and then Chen Mo did have agreed to the middle-aged, Chen Mo did not want to get trouble, so as long as Tang Ying is fine, then the rest will not worry.

"Thank you Chen Gongzi!"

The middle-aged people grateful to Chen Mo shouted, and then took his own person to leave.

The girl saw the middle-aged man leaving the blood, and rushed to Chen Mo. "What is your man? They are murdered, you are letting them now, you are their help you know I do not know?"

"I have not letting them, I am just no matter what this is, if you have the ability you to chase!"

Chen Mo saw that the attitude of his girl talking to himself was very hard to return.

"How is this person like this!"

Girls instantly collapsed.

"I advise you not to forget, today is what I saved you, if not because of me, you are now a dead, what do I do, you don't qualify me!"

Chen Mo loudly said with a girl.

And the girls heard Chen Mo's sentence and completely dumbly.

She is clear in her heart. If she is not Chen Mo, she can have died in the hands of middle-aged people.

"I remember you, you are waiting for me!"

The girl shouted with Chen Mo and then turned to leave.

But after two steps, the girl suddenly looked back at Chen Mo, then shouted: "My name is Jingjiro, I will not let me see you in the future!"

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo looked at the girl helpless smile and did not say much.

After a while, the girl finally left.

Chen Mo took the step to Tang Ying's side, then rushed to Tang Ying: "Do you have anything?"

Tang Ying looked at Chen Mo when he heard Chen Mo, and then loudly said: "Chen Gongzi, today's things are really thank you very much. If you want to be because of your words ... "

"It doesn't matter, I can't see it!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"This is already your second time to save me ..."

Tang Ying looked at Chen Mo's bitterness.

"Yes, what is Wei Jingjing, who has just said, is it? Do you know?"

Chen Mo has been asked.

"Wei Jingjing is my best friend is also my best girlfriend, we two in the same company, but she is not as good as me ..."

Tang Ying helpless returned a sentence.

"Is there any contradiction between two?"

Chen Mo said and asked.

"There is no contradiction between our two, I don't know why she wants to kill me, I am very good to her, basically as long as it is able to suit her resources, I will give her, but I didn't expect that she actually thought. To kill me, it's really a knowledge of people, I don't know! "

Tang Ying said that he had a helpless back.


Chen Mo looked at Tang Ying did not speak.

"I am so good to her, why do she do it for me, I really don't understand, what is she for?"

Tang Ying said very distressed.

"For, I am not very clear about something between your female stars, I don't have much to say, what should you do next? Do you need my help?"

Chen Mo looked at Tang Ying asked.

"No, Chen Gongzi, you have helped me many times, the rest, I will deal with it!"

Tang Ying shook his head.

"Yes, you started to be careful from today, after all, now you are so high, there will be many people to look at you, you better find a few bodyguards ..."

Chen Mo shouted.

"I know……"

Tang Ying looked at Chen Mo and nodded and then continued: "Chen Gongzi, I am really embarrassed, I really have no mood to meet your friends, wait for the opportunity, I invite you. ? "

"Oh, you will take a good rest, don't think about it!"

Chen Mo helidly returned to a sentence, and then took the initiative to send Tang Ying to the lounge in the background.

Chen Mo sent Tang Ying back to the lounge. She returned to Wen Rui, and at this time, the concert has begun, but these fans in the venue do not know how thromely happened.

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