I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1112: Tracking Zhouqu

"Chen Mo, where did you go? How come back?"

Wen Rui saw that Chen Mail asked by Chen Mail.

"I just met an old friend, so I launched a little time ..."

Chen Mo looked at Wen Ruo's faint explanation.

"Are you friends in Yuancang City? Your friend is there? I don't have to see it?"

Wen Ruo is like a little surprised.

"I can encounter you in Yuancang, I naturally I can touch others ..."

Chen Mo smiled, then looked up at the female star in the stage to sing.

At this time, the fan emotions in the venue are still very excited. After all, they are all rushing to Tang Ying, but these people have waited for an hour, Tang Ying actually did not appear, the fans are certainly very Dissatisfaction.

"Tang Ying Tang Ying ..."

I don't know what is the head. Those fans in the venue began to shout the name of Tang Ying.

And Wen Ruo's eyes flashed a helpless, and the twist said softly, Chen Mo said: "These people are really excessive, clearly said is Tang Ying's concert, but we have been waiting for so long, there is no See Tang Ying, mad at me ... "

Chen Mo saw Wen Ruo's angry model couldn't help but feel a little fun, then whispered: "Today you may see Tang Ying ..."


Wen Rui heard Chen Mo's words, I couldn't help but asked very puzzled.

"Tang Ying has a problem today, so it should not come out! If you want to see Tang Ying, it is estimated that it is not seen today ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

"How do you know? You won't be a joke with me?"

Wen Ruo winks blinking Chen Mail.

"I didn't joke with you. The friends I just saw were Tang Ying. She told me what she told me ..."

Chen Mo said very calm.

Anyway, the current Wen Ruo is very clear about Chen Mo's identity, so Chen Mo does not need any conceals at all.

"You are boec here, you still know Tang Ying?"

Although Wen Rui did not question Mo's strength, when Wen Ruo said with Chen Mo, Chen Mogen is a face, so she feels that if Chen Mo really knows Tang Ying, then it is absolutely impossible to be like that reaction.

At this time, the organizer of the concert could not afford the pressure of the fan, so it will let the host embrace the stage.

"Dear fans, today is too embarrassing, because Miss Tang is not suitable, so there may be no way to go to the stage, but we still prepare more exciting programs for fans, I hope everyone can understand ..."

The host is very helpless, the fans under the stage are explained.

After listening to this sentence of the host, everyone turned out in an instant. After all, these people were all ever.

But now tells that Tang Ying won't appear today, they certainly have no way to accept this fact.

For a time, everyone started singing loudly.

Wen Ruo is surprised to look at Chen Mo, because the host's words just prove that Chen Mo said that it is not a braggy.

"Chen Mo, do you really know Tang Ying?"

Wen Ruo's expression is very incredible to rushing to Chen Union.

"Of course I know, I was still intended to let you see the last side of Tang Ying, but in the middle, I have encountered some trouble, but I have a chance after the future ..."

Chen Mo smiled, rushing to Wen Ruo.

And Wen Rui looked at Chen Mo in front of him. At this moment, I didn't know how to describe my own mood. Where can she think that Chen Mo will actually be so powerful, even Tang Ying's big star knows.

Wen Rui may not know that Tang Ying can re-fire up 90% of the ninety percent because Tang Ying and Chen Mo's gossip, if there is no such thing as Chen Mo, Tang Ying is now in the entertainment industry.

"It is estimated that these fans may make it, anyway, I can't see Tang Ying, or two of us will go first!"

Chen Mo looked at the emotionally excited fans rushed to Wen Rui.

Sometimes Chen Mo is really understanding that these fans are active, nothing more than a star, how can they make them so excited?


Wen Rui knows that I can't see Tang Ying, I naturally have no mood to stay here, so I nodded gently, and then I chose to go outside the venue before I didn't have chaotic.

Chen Mo has just got out of the venue with Wen Ruo, and the fans on the side began to protest, and even someone rushed to the stage.

Those as the police rushed in, after aware of someone in the venue, rushed in.

But just when she entered the venue, Jingjiro once again met again.

Jingjun glanced at Chen Mo and then did not take care of Chen Mo, but the question of the first place in the conference.

Chen Mo smiled helpless, with Wen Ruo, left a venue, then stopped a taxi ready to go back to Wen Jia's village.

At night.

Wen Rui returned to the village of Wen Jia, and Xia Ying saw Wen Ruo Yan and Chen Mo will be a sinfulness of a debut. Ask them two to dry.

Wen Rui can only be helplessly explained that they are because they have been asleep, so they have not buddy.

Xia Ying clearly didn't continue to say more after it.

Chen Mai returned to the room, and he was very clear in his heart. Tomorrow is the last day of the Warrior Exchange Conference. If Chen Mo still does not collect the last three medicinal materials, then Chen Mo only has the last choice, that is, tracking Zhouqu Find , snatch the medicinal material from the hands of Yugu.

During this time, Chen Mo also learned about the situation on the rumor from other martial artists.

has the most domestic medicines, many medicines that have been found outside can be found in Yue Valley, but the location of Yu Valley is very mysterious. Some people have spent several years. I don't see it. Valley.

Plus the people in the Valley are very similar to the outside, so this is even more mysterious.

So if Chen Mo wants to find the words of the Valley, it can only choose to track the treasters. After all, Zhou Ziwumei will definitely go back to Yugu.

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