I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 113: Xifeng City

Since Zhou Jing, since the kind of people who dare to kill, since the Ten Zhen Tian, ​​he is likely to make some animals, so Zhou Qi is hesitating for two seconds, whispered: "Chen Mo, I Advise you not to go to the Valley! "

"Do you have a road to the end?"

Chen Mo asked.

"If you want to go, I can give you a road, but you will die very bad ..."

Zhou Yan looked at Chen Mo's unfortunately.

"Well, let's go now!"

Chen Mo said.

"Go now? Don't you stay with your little love?"

Zhou Yan knows that Chen Mo is now awake, she did not think that Chen Mo did so urgently want to leave.

If it is normal, Chen Mo is now just got a shares of the Women's family, and Chen Mo should enjoy it in a few days, but no one thinks that Chen Mo will actually be so anxious. go away.

Even the Wen family also feels very incredible.

But in fact, these people don't know, Chen Mo's simplicity is not these money. He now has no mood. He now thinks all the minds that we think is to find the medicine, then cure Su Mu Bai's disease.

Chen Mo has left the Wen's Villa and then came to the airport of Yuan Cang City.

After arriving at the airport, Zhou Wei turned his head and looked at Chen Mo and asked Chen Mail: "The woman saved your woman?"

"left already……"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.


Zhou Qi heard Chen Mo's words flashed a surprised, then said the tone: "Are you planning to go to the valley?"


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"Are you crazy? I told you that the woman can be the opponent of our Valley, you still plan a person in the past, you just eat the borrowing of God Dan is not the opponent of our Google , What is your difference between you? "

Zhou Xiao's big eyes rushed to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo stunned, then whispered: "These problems should be not your concern? I should be very happy to die ..."


Zhou Jing's eyes flashed a different, then said with a small mouth: "Yes, what is the relationship between you can't die, you are going to die ..."

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo smiled and did not say anything.

And Zhou Yan hesitated, then looked at Chen Mo and continued: "Yes, Chen Mile, you know how much do you know that Wen's family is, why don't you take this opportunity to extort a good, you are so too much? Pity……"

"I have taken the shares of the Women's 30%!"

Chen Mo replied.

"But you have given you the shares, you have nothing to get better when you are all."

Zhou Yan said.

"I am not lacking, I am not interested in money!"

Chen Deng face has no expression.

"I still heard someone who said that I didn't lack the money ..."

Zhou You helpless smile.

Chen Mimei watched Zhou Wei, then whispered: "After you really have money, you will find that money is the most used in this world, there are a lot of things to solve the money ... "

"That is also ..."

Zhou You gently nodded and then continued: "You now have money to have money, you can't buy these medicinal materials you need ...., what do you find these medicinal materials?"

"Save people ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

"Who is saved?"

Zhouquan continued to ask.

Chen Mo hesitated, just prepared, suddenly found his own cell phone rang.

Chen Mage took a mobile phone to see an eye and found that Su Mu Bai came over.


Chen Mer is connected to the phone.

"Chen Mo, how can you answer the phone? I will call you in these few days. Why is you shut down?"

Su Mu Bai seems to be a little angry.

"I have lost my mobile phone a few days ago, so I have never received your phone, I'm looking back today ..."

Chen Mo is busy told lying.

And Zhou You didn't help but hurt the mouth after hearing Chen Mo's words, and his face was very disdain.

"So this is ah!"

Su Mu Bai believes in this statement of Chen Mo and then continue: "How is your thing on your side? How are you going back?"

"I have been touched here, it is estimated that I have to handle my business for a while, I will go back after the thing about this is ..."

Chen Mo said.

"OK then……"

Su Mu Bai seems to have a little lost.

"How is your side?"

Chen Mail asked.

"I am very good here ..."

Su Mu Bai said.

"How is your headache?"

Chen Mo continued to ask.

"It seems that I have never been sick in these days ..."

Su Mu Bai hesitated and said.

"That's good……"

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence, and his heart is clear because he is not in Su Many, so Su Mu Bai will not be ill, so doctors say it is right.

Chen Mai hung up and said that after a simple chat of Su Mu Bai, he hanged the phone.

Zhou Wei turned his head and looked at Chen Mo and asked whispering Chen Mail: "Who is you calling?"

"My girlfriend ..."

Chen Mo replied.


Zhou Yan stunned and then continued: "What do you collect these medicinal materials should be your girlfriend?"


Chen Mo nodded.

"What is your girlfriend?"

Zhou You is very curious about what is going on, and I will continue to ask.

And Chen Mo is also free at this time, so I said the situation of Su Mu Bai and Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan has heard of the things of Su Mu Bai, and suddenly, when she suddenly felt that Chen Mo was also very poor, and Chen Mo just wanted to save her girlfriend, but Heyu Wen Jia Sun family said that he wants to do the way to get the cultural Dan's alchemy method from Chen Mo's hands.

Sometimes, Zhousee feels that it is too much to do.

Chen Mo did not continue to say anything more to Zhou, closed his eyes and rest.

After more than half an hour, Chen Mo took the plane with Zhouquan, and directly rushed to the Xifeng City where the Valley was flying.

After the plane was on the plane, Chen Mo was too tired, so he closed his eyes and rest.

And Zhou Qi did not want to escape the idea, and they were quietly sitting in Chen Mile.

After more than four hours, Chen Mo arrived in Xifeng City with Zhou Yan.

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