I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 111: Conscience Discovery?

According to Chen Mo's understanding, Yugu is actually hidden in the deep mountain around Xifeng City, but there are many mountains around Xifeng City. There are more mountains around Xifeng City. If there is a few mountain peaks, if there is a person who is can't find it. Some of the local residents of Xifeng City, and some people in Xifeng City also know that they are probably position, but they don't know the specific location.

This is why Chen Mimer will give Zhouqi to the reasons why it is, after all, Zhouqi can be accurately found, you can give Chen Mime for a lot of time.

After leaving the airport, Chen Mimei went to see Zhou Wei and then asked softly: "How far is the two now!"

"There is still far away, we must first pass through Xifeng City now, then find a small county city, in the entrance to the mountains from the small county, we may have to take it for two or three days after they can find it. Valley……"

Zhou Youliang rushed to Chen Mo.

"So far?"

Chen Mo said that he was surprised after hearing Zhou Wei.

"Yes, you think that we are so good!"

Zhou You helpless said.

"Then do you need to go so long?"

Chen Mo looked at Zhouqu.

"Of course, so the people in our will not come out under normal circumstances, this is why few people know the reason why our grain is specific ..."

Zhou Gu said that he said.

"Yes, since this is so far, then we will hurry up the road ..."

Chen Mo said.


Zhou You was heard in the words of Chen Mo. After the eyes were helpless, she frowned: "Big Brother, now it is more than ten o'clock in the evening, this late, there are no cars, how do we catch the road? Ah, and I am also tired, I am going to rest now ... "

Chen Mai took out his own mobile phone to see time, and found that time is really late. He is nothing, but if Zhou will continue to go, it will not hold, so Chen Mo nodded: "That line, Let's find a place to take a rest! "

"This is almost the same, you know that you know the pity and jade ..."

Zhou Qi listened to Chen Mo's words and laughed very happy, and then brought Chen Mai to find a hotel next to the airport.

After staying in the hotel, Chen Mo has taken a break directly.

The Zhou Yan in the next room is actually fully able to open Chen Mo directly with this opportunity.

But Zhou You was thinking about it for a long time. She felt that Chen Mo was still very poor, and Chen Mo really really need those herbs, so the last Zhouqi did not choose to escape, but lying in bed and rest.

The next day, Chen Mo had a big morning with Zhou.

Because Chen Mo knows that the mountain entrance to find the mountains in Yue Valley needs to go to a small town, but from the two now positions to the small town, you need to change a few times, so Chen Mo will give yourself a manager for the hotel. Rent a car.

Later, Chen Mo took into account that his road is not very familiar with this road, so let the manager gave him a driver.

Because Chen Mo itself is very rich, so whether it is a car or the driver is the best.

When these things arranged all, Chen Mo took the car directly.

The driver is still very familiar with the road conditions of Xifeng City. After knowing that Chen Mo wants to go to Zhouqi, it has been directly high-speed.

After the high speed, Chen Mo continued to close his eyes.

The Zhou You was hesitating and turned his head and glanced at Chen Mo, whispered: "Chen Mo, I have something to say to you ..."

"whats the matter?"

Chen Mo smashed and asked softly.

"This is the case, I think you are also very poor, and this time we do it, we have a mistake, so I decided to help you ..."

Zhou Yan looked at Chen Mo's light.

"Help me once?"

Chen Mo didn't help but heard this sentence, and then wrinkled and asked: "How do you help me?"

"So, we will don't act rashly after you go to Yugu. I will find a good explanation of Google, and persuade the Great to give you the medicinal materials you need, and of course, the Gigu owner will also propose some conditions. I try to help you ask, do you see this is good? "

Zhou Yan said.

"Don't ask for love, if you want to give me the medicine directly, it is the best. If he doesn't give me, then I can only have to grab ..."

Chen Miman said calmly.

"Are you crazy? You know I don't know if the strength of our Google is above the military high person. Now the woman is not on your side. If you have a hand, you are dead!"

Zhou You is very speechless to Chen Sile.

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my own way ..."

Chen Mo said faint.


Zhou Yan saw that Chen Mo is such an attitude, and it is speechless in an instant. He directly twisted the scenery outside the window, and he didn't want to talk to Chen Mo.

Because Chen Mo's people in Ziwume's eyes are simply a matter.

Although Chen Mo's self-awareness is very speechless, she thinks that Chen Mo will go to this step today, it has a very big relationship with himself. After all, if they cooperate with Wen Pei, then they will not These things happen.

So Zhou You said softly after hesitating for a few seconds, he said softly to Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, I will introduce you to our !"

Chen Mo looked at Zhou Wei, then said that there was no expression: "Will you be so good?"

"Why don't you know this person?"

Zhou You was so speechless, then said with a small mouth: "I admitted before I got the practiced Dan in your hand, I didn't use some ways, but I didn't want to die, I just just I want to get practiced, now I know that you need these medicinal materials to save your friends, I want to give you some help I can provide, if you really don't need these help, then when I do everything Didn't say it ... "

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo looked at Zhou Wei smiled, then said that there was no expression: "What do you mean, what are you discovering now?"

"I have a conscience, unlike your dog biting Lu Dongbin ..."

Zhou Yan looked at Chen Mo's uncomfortable shout.

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