I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1138: Imperial Valley

"It is not a real , the real is behind, it is originally in the valley, where is the medicine, but later because of the people inside the valley more and more It is not allowed to live in the valley, and it will absorb the aura of medicinal materials. Therefore, Gugang has built this city. We are now living in this city ... "

Zhou Yan looked at Chen Mo's explanation.

"So this is ah!"

Chen Mo nodded and did not say much.

"Good spectacular, I didn't expect to have such a place!"

Lu Niannian looked at the city in front of him, and the expression was very excited.

"Yeah, here is it is a human fairyland!"

Lu Xiangyang also sighed.

"That place is Yu Valley, usually this door is open, as long as we allow it to go in, but today I don't know why it is closed, what should I do?"

The old grandchildren explained a sentence in Lu Xiangyang.

"Can we go in now?"

Lv Xiangyang saw a little urgent after hearing the old age.

"I don't know if I can go in now, I will ask what happened!"

The old grandchildren returned to a sentence.

"Who are you?"

However, at this time, a young man came out from the back of the city, and he shouted.

Zhou Yan saw the low head of this youth and did not want you to see your own look.

And Chen Miman got up and down, he found that this youth did not have any differences with the ordinary people outside, and the clothes wearing are all modern costumes. This shows that although , but In fact, there is no very close contact with the social out of the outside, or very close contact.

"Master Wang, I am!"

After seeing this youth, the old grandson went up and smiled.

And the youth looked at the old grandson, then said: "It turned out to be you, I remember that I seem to remind you, recently we have an important thing to have anyone, how do you still put these people? Give it over ... "

"Master Wang, these people have more money, but still special urgency, so I will bring people ..."

The old grandson looked at the young whispers in front of him.

The youth suddenly flashed a whisper when he heard the old grandson, and then asked in a faint: "What?"

"Bring it ..."

Old Sun quickly nodded, then took out a few cigarettes from his clothes and handed it to youth.

It is important to know that the existence of the leader is not only convenient for those who want to find the Valley, but also facilitate these people inside the Valley. After all, there are many young people, they sometimes need some things. Therefore, it can only be sent from these leaders.

Things, a class of cigarettes is the most common, and sometimes some cosmetics come over.

Young people saw the expression on the face after seeing the cigarette of the old age, and then faintly looked at Lu Xiangyang Lu Nianyi and others. Finally put his eyes in Zhouqi.

Because Zhou Weir is now with a hat ink, it is not recognized that Zhou Yan, just feeling that there is a little familiar, as for Chen Mo, it is very ordinary, and Lu Xiangyang is a rich man, so Young people directly put their attention on Lu Xiangyang.

"Are you coming to ask for medicine?"

Youth is unfashionable to rush to Lu Xiangyang.

"Yes, my master, my name is Lu Xiangyang. This is my sister, my father is suffering from serious illness, so I want to come to seek medicine, I hope you can give it convenience ..."

Lu Xiangyang said very politely after the reaction.

"I am not a master, what is going to ask for medicine, I don't have any relationship with me, I am responsible for entrance!"

The youth looked at Lu Xiangyang's faint explanation, and then continued: "We have happened recently, so outsiders can't enter, what are you coming, or go back!"

Lu Xiangyang heard the words of the youth, the eyes flashed, after all, his father's illness couldn't wait, so quickly said: "Master, my father's situation is really dangerous, you will be convenient is it good?"

"If you are anxious, you will wait here, when can you let you go in, come in ..."

The youth is very arrogant.

After he hesitated, Lu Xiangyang took a brocade from his bodyguard, and then laughed and handed it to youth, whispered: "Master, you let me go in!"


Youth took over the brocade and looked at it, and then said: "I am not very interested in this thing, the master inside should like ..."

After the words were finished, the youth also gave Lu Xiangyang.

After all, this youth is not a disciple of the Valley. It is just a name disciple, usually responsible for watching the door, so he still prefer money.

And Lu Xiangyang's reaction is also very fast, and quickly took out a value of 200,000 checks to youth.

Youth is watching the check and smiles directly, directly accept it.

Lu Xiangyang saw the youth to accept the money, and the expression on his face was a lot.

"You come over this time, now the elders in the valley have things, but I think you are still sensible, then take you in, then give you a place, but you have to clear you now I can't see someone, I don't have time to take care of you, because the elders don't have time, do you understand what I mean? "

The youth is unfashionable, rushing to Lu Xiangyang.

Lv Xiangyang couldn't help but heard it later, then he asked: "Master, what happened?"

"I don't know what it is. I just give you a wake up. As for you can get the medicine and don't have any relationship with me, I don't know?" The youth faintly said.

"I know, I know……"

Lu Xiangyang was busy nodded.

Chen Mo looked at youth, and his heart should be clear to Yugu, so those people in Yugu are certainly very nervous, I want to find ways to deal with Chen Mo.

Zhou You seems to be a clear thing, but there is nothing more.

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