I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1139: Have you been squatting?

And the youth hesitated, directly to the old age, and then handed a note of the old grandson, saying that there was no expression: "Take these things when you come over ..."


Old Sun Xiao huhe huh, then looked up and looked up Lu Xiangyang.

Lu Xiangyang quickly took out a check to the old grandson, and the old Sun Xiaohe took the check, then turned and left, he also completed the task this time, so there is no need to continue to stay here.

"You come over with me ..."

The youth is unfashionable, rushing to Lu Xiangyang.


Lu Xiangyang nodded, and then followed the youth to go into the valley.

"You must be honest in the future, don't get to the old, or if you are can't be driven out, I can't save you ..."

The youth is walking around.

"Master, you can rest assured, we are coming to seek medicine this time, it is not coming, we will leave after getting the medicine ..."

Lu Xiangyang seems to be a little nervous.

"That's good……"

Youth nodded, then took Chen Mo and others walked into the city.

After entering the city, Chen Mo is all in the Qing Dynasty building, giving people feel like it is just like ancient times, but the people inside are all modern dressings, all of which are Disciples, usual work is responsible for planting herbs, and some truly talented disciples can learn how to alder.

Zhou You is still not low in the position of the Valley, it should be second only to the elder, otherwise it will not let Zikhen go out.

"That place is where the owner is located. Now that the Great is very important to meet the elders, so you must never close the place, or you will be driven by yourself ..."

Youth stretched your fingers, referring to the main hall not far, reminded.

"What should I do if the master should we do if we want to let the owner?"

After hesitating, Lu Xiangyang he asked softly.

I couldn't help but smile after I heard the words of Lu Xiangyang, and then faintly said: "You still don't dream, I have been in the Valley for so long, I have never seen the Gutale personally shot, You will not take care of you at all, and now you can help you, you are already very good ... "

"So this is ah!"

Lu Xiangyang smiled very embarrassed, nothing to say.

"Okay, I will take you with you!"

Youth said.

But at this time, a middle-aged man came over, and after this middle-aged person followed by several people, but all people who saw the middle-aged people would be active, it is obvious that this middle-aged person should be not simple.

Youth saw a nervousness in the eyes after the middle-aged people, I said, "Li Chang is old, you come over!"

"This person is also the elder of our grain, but the status is very low, it is not as good as me, usually responsible for the outside people, I like to be Yao Wuyang in front of the outside, and the reputation of our is broken by this person ..."

Zhou Yan saw that the middle-aged people couldn't help but explain it in Chen Mo.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo didn't help but smile, did not say much about this sentence.

"Xiao Zhao, how did you come in?"

Li Chang Lao is very arrogant back to the youth.

After hesitating, he pointed to Chen Mo and others said: "Li Chang is old, these people come over, very ..."

"I told you not to bring out the outsiders now. Why do you still bring these people in, do you not want to go in Yaku ..."

Li Chang Lao shouted with his eyes and shouted.

"Long, we are really anxious ..."

Lu Xiangyang saw that there was a bit wrong, and he was busy with Li Chang.

"What is the use, now all the elders are in the meeting, there is no mood at all, you are willing to stay here waiting for it. If you are not willing to wait, you can go now! "

Li He shouted with his eyes and shouted.

"Elder, my father's disease is can't wait, you can see you can do it?"

Lu Xiangyang asked very humble.


Li Chang Lao heard this sentence and couldn't help but smile, then whispered: "You look at these people, they are coming more than you, now I am waiting here? I will give you convenient these What should people do? Is it convenient? "

Lu Xiangyang is very clear. If you continue to wait, I don't know what will, and he can't leave now, so he is hesitant to take a check, you want to hand it to Li Chang Lao.

However, Li Chang Lao saw Lu Xiangyang's check, his face was even more angry, shouting: "What does this mean? Hurry and give me your stinky money, we don't need these things at all! "

Lu Xiangyang stunned, and then quickly took a brocade from his bodyguard, and then rushed to Li Chang, said: "Elder, you see this thing, you are interested?"

Lv Xiangyang talked while handed the bocket in his hands to Li Chang Lao in front of him.

After Li Chang Lao saw the brocade bon cart that Lu Xiangyang took it, the eyes flakes a curious, after all, he didn't know what to do in the brocade.

After Li Chang hesitated a moment, he finally chose to open the kom box.

When Li Chang Lao saw that the brocade was placed in a vase, it was a lot of excitement, because this vase is the Tang Dynasty, the price is not very happy, and very rare.

"Li Chang is old, this time you can see if you can do it?"

Lu Xiangyang smiled and asked Li Chang.

Although Li Chang Lao is now very trying to accept this vase, but there are many people around the surroundings, and if he really accepts the vase, then don't have any difference with yourself.

So Li Chang said whispered: "Now Gogh is negotiating with long, there is no mood to take care of you, but I will see you an opportunity, you are here, wait until you see you, you have always squatted. I will definitely be touched by your sincerity in the future, saying that I will give you something ... "

"Always here?"

Lv Xiangyang was flashing in the eyes of Li Chang Lao, and then frowned asked: "Then how long will I need to be here?"

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