I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 117: Conscience?

In an instant, Lu Xiangyang collapsed directly, and then turned his head to Chen Mo.

At this time, Chen Mo has been completely coma.

"This is how to do ah?"

Lu Xiangyang saw that Chen Mo has been coma, the expression on the face seems to be more anxious, because Chen Mo seems to remember the road, but Lu Xiangyang is now not remember.


At this time, Lu Nianjun was shouting in Lu Xiangyang.

And Lu Xiangyang stunned, then asked whispers: "Do you remember the road?"

"I don't remember the way out ..."

Lu Nianmu returned to a sentence and then continued: "But I have a way to go out ..."

"any solution?"

Lu Xiangyang asked very puzzled.

"Brother, Chen Mo has contradicts the people of Yue Valley, and also put the people of Yu Valley into that look, I think two people who send Chen Mo to the people in the valley now," Did you send two people ... "

Lu Nian said whispered.

"Miss, what do you say?"

Lu Xiangyang shouted very angry in this sentence of Lu Niang, and then shouted: "Chen Mo is my friend, just Chen Mo also replaced two people from the people from Yu Gu. Dan, you now have to send Chen Mo to the people, and the people of the valley will kill him, you know, don't know? Don't be so good! "


Lu Nianchen couldn't help but smile after hearing this sentence, and then faintly said: "Brother, do you say this sentence doesn't feel ridiculous?"

"How can I laugh?"

Lu Xiangyang asked.

"Do you still not clear? Now we are here lost here, you don't know how to go out, and Chen Mo is still coma, let's now know the way you go out, how to bring Chen Mile to go out You tell me?"

Lu Nian said directly.

Lv Xiangyang looked at the sentence of Lu Nian, then whispered: "I will not abandon Chen Mo, Chen Mo has not abandoned two!"

"Yes, since you don't plan to abandon Chen Mo, let's wait for it!"

Lu Nian went back to a small mouth.

After hesitating for a moment, Lu Xiangyang came directly to Chen Mo's side, then took Chen Mai back.

Although Chen Mai, at this time, although Chen Mo is still conscious, he is only can't make any strength, so he has no way to open his eyes, but there is no way to talk, but he can hear Lu Xiangyang and Lu Nian. Dialogue between.

"Brother, what do you do?"

Lu Nianzhi wrinkled with the brow and asked Lu Xiangyang.

"I want to find a signal that has a signal ..."

Lu Xiangyang went back and then took Chen Mo to go in front.

Lu Niang looked at Lu Xiangyang's back. When I got a helplessness, she couldn't understand why Lu Xiangyang would be so persistent. They met Chen Mo's a few days. The time Lu Xiangyang can completely Those who brought Chen Mo to the Valley, so they can live.

But Lu Nian, I don't know what Lu Xiangyang persists.

In this way, Lu Xiangyang turned into Chen Mo's trend in the mountain forest, but did not find a signal, but did not find the way.

At this time, Lu Xiangyang has been exhausted, and the whole person is very desperate.

"Brother, let's go back, so we will die here ..."

Lu Nianmei fame and collapsed rushing to Lu Xiangyang.

"I said, I won't give up Chen Mo, I will not do something for friends!"

Lu Xiangyang lowered.


Lu Nianjing looked at Lu Xiangyang in front of him, and his face was abnormally rushing. I don't know what to say.

"Take a step ..."

At this time, Lu Xiangyang suddenly heard a footsteps.

After listening to the sound rain, Lu Xiangyang has changed with the face of the two faces of Lu Niang, because they are clear that they are in the people of the valley.

At this time, two if they were caught by people who were being caves, the ending is definitely a dead road, and the people in the Valley will definitely take them as Chen Mo.

"It's all over, it is definitely the people of Yu Valley to find it, we have two dead ..."

Lu Nianmeng said that he was desperately rushing to Lu Xiangyang.

"Don't talk, kneel down!"

Lu Xiangyang wrinked a frown.

And Lu Nian was hesitating and helpless can only be squatting on the ground.

The footsteps seems to be getting closer and closer to them.

After a few minutes, a person came to Lu Xiangyang Lu Nianmenshi.

When Lu Xiangyang saw this person, the eyes flashed in a very excited, and he quickly stood up: "Miss Zhou is you?"

That's right, people catch up at this time is not someone else, it is Ziqian.

The Valley of the Valley worried that Chen Mo did not die, so it was a case that Chen Mo's several people, Zhou Wei worried that Chen Mo was discovered by others, so it took this task.

"What about Chen Mo?"

Zhou You did not see Chen Mo, and the eyes flashed a different, and asked.

"Miss Zhou, you are ..."

Lu Xiangyang is very clear that Zhou You is a person who is a valley, so he doesn't know the purpose of Week to find Chen Mo.

"You don't have to worry, I am coming to take you out, no one is driving you, you can't help ..."

Zhou You naturally knows that Lu Xiangyang is worried about what is at this time, so it explains a sentence.

"Chen Mo is here!"

Lu Xiangyang quickly opened the position.

Zhouqiao walked to Chen Mai, saw Chen Mo's superank, and the eyes flashed in the eyes, then whispered: "Chen Mo is now inheriting the side effects of the three borrowed gods, so fainting ... "

"What is the danger?"

Lu Xiangyang asked very worried.

"I am not very clear, after all, I am very rare, I still saw someone used to use God Dan, I don't know how to eat three borrows, I will send you now. Go out, then you are going to Nanyang City with Chen Mo, I think someone should save him! "

Zhou You whispered.


Lu Xiangyang heard this sentence, I was busy nod, and then took the initiative to bring Chen Mai.

And Lu Nian looked Zhou Qi is an dissatisfaction, but it dare not say anything. After all, the hope they live now is Ziqian.

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