I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 118: No white is busy!

Zhou Qiang took Lu Xiangyang to turn a large circle in the mountain forest, and finally found a cave hole, and then whispered: "You can go out with this cave. You can contact the people outside. ...... "

"Okay, thank you Miss Miss!"

Lu Xiangyang said very grateful to Zhouqu.

"What is the danger of this cave?"

Lu Nianyi seems to be a little less believed in vain, so we wrinkled with brows.

Zhou You was heard in this sentence, and then he flashed a helpless, then whispered: "If you don't believe me, then you are waiting here!"

After the words were finished, Zhou You directly turned away.

After half an hour, Zhou You was almost returned to the cereal, and came to the Great Room.

"did you find it?"

Great asked softly.

"found it……"

Zhou You low returned.

"Is it killed?"

Google continued to ask.

"No, I don't go to the hand!"

Zhou Youqi replied.

"Do you take them away?"

The Great eyes flashed in a very different and asked whispered.


After the week, I nodded.


The Great I heard this sentence, and the opposite hand is a slap in the face of Zhouwei, and then shouted: "Zhou Yan, I believe you, I want to give you a job. Opportunity, but I didn't expect you to live up to my trust, you really let me down! "

"Gugang, Chen Mo is a poor person, he wants those herbs, just to save his girlfriend ..."

Zhouwumen's opening wants to explain.

"I don't care what this Chen Mo is out of why, he should not come to our grain to grab things. You now put this person away, you let me say what you are good!"

Go Vermathes looked at the vain in front of him, and the sound shouted.

After hearing this sentence in Glen, I took a sigh of relief and biting his teeth: "I am willing to accept any punishment!"


The Great is smirking, then directly holds Zhou You 's chin, whispered: "Do you think I like you, I will not treat you?"

"No ..."

Zhou switched and shook his head.

"From tomorrow, you will go to the back of the mountain, and then come out again for ten years!"

The crowd shouted.

Zhou Younually heard a variety of strangeness after hearing this sentence, the body was slightly fiddlming, and then she did not say much, directly turned to leave.

ten years!

For Zhou Yan is a very horrible number.

After all, it is the best old age. Once I have been in the past ten years, I will have been more than 30 years.

But at this time, there is no regret, because she felt that she did a good thing and did something.


On the other hand, Lu Xiangyang hesitated for a long time, I finally chose to believe in Zhouqi. If he felt Zhouqi, if you really want to damage their, you can do it directly to them, there is no need to lying.

So he entered the cave with Chen Mo.

Lu Xiangyang took nearly two hours in the cave, and finally finally got out of the deep forest.

After leaving the deep forest, Lu Xiangyang took Chen Mo's mobile phone to all dial the phone of Li Juncheng.

Chen Mo also began to gradually blur from this time, and later, Chen Mo didn't remember.

When Chen Mo opened his eyes again, he found himself in the home of Li Tai Bai.

After Chen Mail went, the simple event had a bodies, he found that although he was able to move, but it didn't have strength.

"Wake up?"

And Li Taibai saw Chen Mer's open eyes, he asked Chen Mail.

"Old man, you can be a bitterness this time ..."

Chen Mo's voice was weak, and Li Taibai said.

"It's not that I have harm you, but you have harm you yourself. This kind of thing is that God is also a poison. You eat three borrowed gods, will definitely can't help, don't say it is you Even if I don't have to bear such a strong side effect ... "

Li Taibai said faintly.

"What is my body is now?"

Chen Mo quickly asked.

"You don't have to worry about this, I have turned your meridians, as long as you can wake up, then explain that you have no big matter ..."

Li Taibai looked at Chen Mo replied.

And Chen Mo knows that there is no thing that does not have anything, and then relax, then continue to ask: "How did I come here?"

"It is Li Juncheng and two young people send it to you!"

Li Taibai replied.

"That Lu Xiangyang is two of them?"

When Chen Mo thought she was rescued by Lu Xiangyang, so I asked excited.

"The two people left you here, as for where I got, I am not very clear now ..."

Li Taibai said faintly.

Chen Mima is still very grateful to Lu Xiangyang, because he heard the dialogue between Lu Xiangyang and Lu Nian.

In such cases, Lu Nianmei wants to give up Chen Mo. It is also a matter of reason. After all, two of them meet with Chen Mo., they are also very normal.

But Lu Xiangyang has never chosen Chen Mo, which makes Chen Mo's very moved very much. As for later, Zhou Yan did not think of Chen Mo.

"Old man, should you get it?"

Chen Mo's most concerned is the thing that is round to return to Dan.

"Well, I have been refining!"

Li Taibai handed a porcelain bottle to Chen Mo while talking.

After seeing the porcelain bottle, Chen Mo has flashed a lot of excitement. After all, he is in such a big danger. .

"Originally, this time I plan to let you go out to practice, let you see the true military world, but I didn't think that you have encountered so many trouble!"

Li Taibai looked at Chen Mo's eyelid flashed, after all, if he didn't let Chen Mo to find these herbs, Chen Mo is not like this.

"Nothing, as long as there is a round to return to Dan, I am also a busy alone!"

Chen Miman said with Li Taibai.

He now does not blame Li Taibai, after all, if not Li Tiabai, Chen Mo is absolutely impossible to get the turnover.

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