When everyone heard this voice, he went back and saw it. I saw a girl stepped on the high heel.

When Chen Mo saw this girl, I suddenly stopped, because this girl is not someone else, it is the sin of the sin of Chen Mo in the school.

Jinlele's eyes watched Chen Mo very disdainful, then said with a small mouth: "I can prove that Chen Mo has just been unhealthy this woman!"

Shen Lingdi looked at Jinlele's position, and the eyes flashed, because she knew that Chen Mo didn't seem to have contradictory.

"Do you see it in your own?"

Tao is also a bit helplessly asked.

"Of course, I saw it. Chen Mo is an unhealthy woman, and when the school is in our school, this Chen Mo is not a gift!"

This sentence of Jinle is directly lets everyone fall into the shock.

Just now they have some suspected Jinlele said that this sentence is true, but when Jinlele's sentence is finished, the people will be true in Jinlele, after all, no one will take This kind of thing is joking.

Tao Yao also looked at Jinle music and did not know how to refute it.

However, Huang Zhiming, who is not far, has a smile, and the heart is secretly sighing Chen Mo's enemy is really a lot!

Jinlele is very proud to look at Chen Mo, as if it is a winner.

After that happened to Yanme, Jinlele thought all the way to find Chen Mo, but Chen Mo is like evaporation in the world, no matter how she is found.

Just now Jinlele is going to see the lively, but she didn't think that Chen Mo is still here, so she will not let go of such a good drop in the stone.

"I just saw it, I can prove it!"

At this time, a girl also stood up and said that he did not express his expression.

This girl's relationship with Jinle is very good, so it is obviously helping Jinle.

"I can also prove ..."

"I also saw it ..."

For a time, the wall was pushing.

Whether Li Xiaochuan's friend or a friend of Jinle is standing out, he saw Chen Mo's non-gift.

Tao Yisheng looked at these people, his face was unusually helpless, because she did not think that there were so many people to prove.

Chen Miman is standing in the same place, as if this is the same as Chen Mo.


Tao also didn't know how it should be good for a while. After all, so many people have already stand up. If she continues to help Chen Mo talk, it is obvious that Chen Mo is.

"Chen Mo, do you really have this person?"

Tao Yisheng hesitated, and he asked Chen Mail.

"Three people tab, I now say that I have no indecent this woman believes?"

Chen Mo said with a smile.

"I believe it ..."

Tao Yisheng shouted.

"How can you believe it again?"

Chen Mo smiled and then continued: "And even if it is an unhealthy, how can a woman?"

In an instant, everyone looked at Chen Mo's position on the face.

No one thought of this time, Chen Mo can still be so arrogant.

"Even if it is a non-gift, how can a woman?"

This sentence is obviously in the face of Li Xiaochuan.

This sentence also proves that Chen Mo actually puts Li Xiaochuan in his eyes from the beginning.

"Does Chen Mo really uncultivated the woman?"

Shen Lingdi also flashed a doubt of his eyes.

Tao Yiran is looking at Chen Mo, and the expression on his face is very speechless. She really can't understand why Chen Mo wants to say such a sentence. Chen Mo's sentence is obviously changing to admit oneself. It is indeed unsatisfactory.

Now Tao is just a way to help Chen Mo.

"Well, since you have already admitted that you are not a gift, I am now asking you to apologize for my girlfriend ..."

Li Xiaochuan was very excited to rushing to Chen Mo.

"Who is this person? I still dare to celebrate the woman, it is too bad ..."

"Yeah, it's just not to face. How did this person come in?"

"I told you that this thing is Li Xiaochuan. If you change it into me, I will do it directly, and I am hitting this kid."

"Yeah, what is it tied to this child, and I will do it directly ..."

Everyone looked at Chen Mo's position, the expression on his face seems very excited, and screamed.

"If you hear what I said, I will apologize now!"

After Li Xiaochuan saw that all people were talking to themselves, the expression on the face seems to be more arrogant, and the front step is rushed to Chen Mo.

"If I don't apologize, how can you?"

Chen Mo's top and down, Li Xiaochuan, asked calmly.


The people present at this time seem to be able to describe Chen Mo only with these two words.

They really don't understand this time, why Chen Mo can be so arrogant.

Jinlele looked at Chen Mo's position in a face, her heart was clear, Chen Mili is now arrogant, then Chen Mo will die.


Li Xiaochuan looked at the beads and looked at Chen Mo in front of him. He didn't seem to think that Chen Mo would actually be so arrogant.

And Chen Miman looked at He Jie, and then said: "Beauty, since you like me, do you like me, or so, you follow me, this person can give you something, he gives you Can't give you, I can give you, how do you think? "

Li Xiaochuan heard Chen Mo's expression seems to be more ugly, he did not think that Chen Mo did actually have a mood to play his girlfriend.

"Are you sick!"

He Jie shouted with Chen Mo and then hid directly behind Li Xiaochuan.

Li Xiaochuan stepped forward, bite his teeth: "I will give you the last chance, do you apologize or not?"

"Don't apologize!"

Chen Mo said faint.

"Then don't blame me, you are welcome ..."

Li Xiaochuan shouted, and then he had to hit Chen Mo's position.

Chen Mo saw Li Xiaochuan wanted to do his hand, and his eyes flashed, and then his right hand gently waved.


Chen Mimi is directly fanned on the face of Li Xiaochuan.

Li Xiaochuan stabilized after two steps after continuous, then he was incredible to watch Chen Mo.

Who can think that Chen Mo actually dare to play people first!

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