I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1166: How can I do?

Chen Miman's girlfriend girlfriend, now actually has a hands-on, Li Xiaochuan!

This makes Chen Mo today to come over!

"What should Chen Mo do?"

Tao Yisheng saw something more and more, the expression on his face was very collapsed, she didn't understand how this is something.

"Do you actually hit me?"

Li Xiaochuan glared at the beads and rushed to Chen.

"Hit, how can you?"

Chen Mo's faintly returned, and then he went to Li Xiaochuan's position.

On the side, Huang Zhiming finally finally saw it, directly to Chen Mo's, then the expression angry rushed to Chen Sile: "Chen Mo, what do you want to do today? You first is a girlfriend of Li Xiaochuan, now Have a hit, do you want to do anything? "


Chen Mo is still unequal, and the backhand is a slap in the face of Huang Zhiming, and then faintly saying: "Do you have a relationship with you?"

In an instant, the whole hall is quiet.

Everyone seeing Chen Mo as seeming to watch a madman, no one knows that Chen Mo wants to do what.

"Chen Mo is playing Huang Zhiming?"

Shen Lingdi slammed his little mouth, and his eyes were shocked.

"Chen Mo, what do you do? You don't want to go down ..."

Tao Yisheng seems to find a little boring today, and quickly rushed to Chen Mo's insights, and the tone was excited to rush through Chen Mo.

"These people are framed, I want these people to clearly fall into what I put!"

Chen Mo fell back to Tao Ji, and walked to Li Xiaochuan in front of Li Xiaochuan, and then he stretched away Li Xiaochuan's collar, whispered: "Do you still want me to apologize for your girlfriend? ? "

"You ... you must give me my girlfriend today!"

Li Xiaochuan shouted at the eyes of the bead.


Chen Mer's ear pumped on Li Xiaochuan's face, then faintly repeated: "Now, I still need me to apologize?"

Li Xiaochuan was retired in two steps after the ear of this ear of Chen Mo, and blood came out directly to his mouth. At this time, all the people present in the event of an incredible gaze look at Chen Mo's position.

No one thought that Chen Mo's courage was so big. He didn't just greeted Li Xiaochuan's girlfriend now actually played Li Xiaochuan, and even Huang Zhiming, who had no relationship with this thing, was also smashed by Chen Mo Yi, and everyone felt Chen Mo. Today, it may be to make trouble, it is totally the truth.

Of course, these people present are also clear that Li Xiaochuan's identity of the two people in Huang Zhiming. Their heart is very clear. Chen Mili is now playing these two people. It must have no way to go out of this hall.

And Shen Line is also a very concern in the hearts of Tao Ye, and two of them really don't understand Chen Mo's courage to play.

Tao Yisheng although the identity background is horrible, but there is no one today, Chen Mo is indeed too much, so Tao is also not a way to use Tao's power to help Chen Mo.

What's more, it is still a birthday party, Chen Mo's practice is undoubtedly the face of Tao family, and the Tao family will never let go.

Although Shen Lingdi is also very worried about Chen Mo, she also knows what she can't help Chen Mo now. After all, the ability of Shen family is still limited, and Shen Lingdi is just a classmate relationship, Shen Jia is absolutely impossible because of this Whenever something goes to Li Xiaochuan Huang Zhiming.

So now these two girls know that although Chen Mo looks very prestigious, it is actually a very big price.

"Ordinary people are still ordinary people, not to meet several friends, they can be integrated into the upper society. In the upper society, it is not who is hard to talk about, if they have the problem of the upper society in accordance with ordinary people, then It will die very badly, Chen Mo's behavior is too impulsive ... "

Shen Lingdi looked at Chen Mo's position helpless and sighed. The words were disappointed with a silk.

Shen Lingdi was originally quite good for Chen Mo's impression, but when she saw Chen Mo's hand-made Li Xiaochuan, she knew that he was not a world with Chen Mo, if he was too close to Chen Mile to be too close. Will be tired to them.

"Chen Mo, you are too arrogant, non-gift of Li Xiaochuan's friends do not apologize, now I still do it, what do you mean?"

Huang Zhiming saw that Li Xiaochuan had already said that Chen Mo didn't say, and the front step, the bead expression was unusually angry, and Chen Mo shouted.

Chen Mermail turned his eyes and looked at Huang Zhi Ming, and his heart was very clear. In fact, this thing should be Huang Zhiming and Li Xiaochuan designed in advance.

"Yes, I am an unhealthy girlfriend, and I have been playing him now, can you take me?"

Chen Mo felt that he would explain himself to these people. If there is any indecent assault, he has not used anything. After all, there are so many people who are watching. Chen Mo is a long one hundred mouths and unclear these issues.

Jinlele looked at Chen Mo's position, and the expression on his face was still shocked. Because she really didn't understand why Chen Mo would be so arrogant.

"Then you are admitted that you don't have a grateful girlfriend who is not right?"

Huang Zhiming looked down with Chen Mail.

"I have no mood now talk about you here!"

Chen Mo fell back to Huang Zhi Ming, and then he wanted to leave.

"You stand for me, today, this matter is not clear, you can't leave!"

Huang Zhiming saw Chen Mia to go, directly blocked Chen Mo, shouted.

Chen Mima looked at Huang Zhi Ming, and then asked with an expression: "How do you still want?"


Huang Zhiming Zhang said to speak.

The crowd suddenly came from a bumper. I saw a middle-aged man with five or six bodyguards, and the position of Chen Mo Huang Zhiming Li Xiaochuan and others came over.

"It's over ..."

Tao Yisheng has flashed a nervousness after seeing the middle-aged people who took the lead.

Because this middle-aged is not someone else, it is Tao Yur's three uncle, and it is also the general manager of this hotel.

Tao Yuri's three uncles have obviously intend to help Huang Zhiming and others deal with Chen Mo!

Tao is very clear from the character of his three uncle. Once she lets her three uncles participate in this thing, the next place of Chen Mo will definitely be very miserable.


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