At 8 o'clock next day, Chen Mail went to clean up and then came to Beihang University.

Because Chen Mima is relatively late, wait for him to go to school when he went to school, but the teachers in the school have already used it to go to school early, and even may not come to school for a long time, so There are not many questions that Chen Mo will let Chen Mai enter the classroom.

After seeing Chen Mo, Shen Shan Die has seen a variety of strangeness.

After she went home, she also inquired Chen Mo's identity to her father, but there was no harvest.

This also makes Shen Line butterfly more curious about Chen Mo in his heart.

The time in the morning passed, Chen Mo's class has only a class in the morning, so everyone will start to pack things in the next get out of class.

"Chen Mo, let's take a meal for a while?"

Just when Chen Mo received something ready to go back, Ren Bin suddenly shouted Chen Mo and smiled.

Chen Mo listened to Ren Bin, then nodded and said: "Well, place you, today, I invite guests ..."

"Just waiting for you this sentence!"

Ren Bin saw that Chen Mo had been so happy, laughing very happy.

Chen Mo and Ren Bin and others simple cleaned up things, and then got to leave the school and found a restaurant in the school.

But I still don't wait for Chen Mo to go out of the classroom. When the team leader, I took the initiative to come to Chen Mo's, and then I asked Chen Mail: "Chen Mo, how do you have now? I have something to tell you ... "

Chen Mo couldn't help but stopped it. After all, he came to Behulian University for a long time, but this is also a matter of the first time to talk to Chen Mo, and Chen Mo is close. The expression of the face is that it is really important to tell himself.


Chen Mo did not think more, nodded directly.

The close look at Ren Bin Dingshi Xiao Nan three people, and then turned to go outside the classroom.

Chen Mo also followed the classroom.

"What is the squad leader to find Chen Mo?"

Ren Bin asked Ding Shuo.

"You ask me, who I ask?"

Ding Shuo said helplessly returned, then continued: "The squad leader in our class has always been alone, very small to talk to others, I think he is definitely what is going to say to Chen Mo ... "

"Are you not nonsense? I want to know what the squad leader is going to talk to Chen Mo ..."

Ren Bin said very speechless.

"I don't know what to say, but I should not be a good thing to see the face of the face."

Ding Shuo faintly analyzed a sentence.

Ren Bin looked at Chen Miman's back, and his eyes flashed a different, and the heart was secretly guessing that Chen Mo is not allowed.


On the other hand, it is a quiet location with Chen Mo.

"What do you have, let's talk directly!"

Chen Mile stopped the footsteps and asked.

And when I turned, I turned to see Chen Mo and then asked. "Do you know Tao Yao?"


Chen Mo did not conceal the nodding directly, but Chen Mo felt a little surprised is that it is because of the things that it is actually because Tao Yingran.

"What is your relationship with Tao?"

Guan Yizhen asked Chen Mile to continue.

"What is the relationship with Tao Yao? It seems that you have nothing to do with you?"

Chen Mo's falling question.

It is a great time to say that Chen Mo is gone, then there is no expression: "I don't want to talk to you, I will find you if you want to warn you.


Chen Mo stunned, and smiled and asked.

"Because Tao is also seen in a rich second generation, and this rich second-generation energy is very horrible, so I advise you that it is best to be far away, otherwise you will die very ugly ..."

It is a very calm.

"What are you talking about Huang Zhiming?"

Chen Mo's light rushed to ask.

"You also know Huang Zhiming?"

Guan Yi stunned, then continue: "Since you know Huang Zhiming, you tell you that the relationship between Tao is really not simple, but this person I said is not Huang Zhiming, Huang Zhiming is nothing more than him. , This person I said is not in Behangguo City. He is now abroad, returning to China next year! "

"thanks for your reminder!"

Chen Mo knew that it turned back to a word after finding his own purpose, and then turned around to leave.

After all, no matter who the person in the mouth, Chen Mo will not be in the heart.

Guan Yi, I have seen it in the eyes after I have to go, because he did not think that Chen Mo's words were so calm, it would be like it is not in the heart.

"Chen Mo, I just said that those words you said, not to remind you, but warn you!"

Guan Yi saw Chen Mozhen's intention, he shouted.

"Warn me?"

Chen Mo didn't help but laughed after hearing this sentence, and then turned his eyes, he said that he said: "But if you don't have anyone who is warned me. Infringing, so I advise you to be far away from me! "

Chen Mile can feel that it is natural to be full of hostility when it is in the face of himself, so Chen Mo will naturally be polite when talking.


It turned out a trace of anger.

And Chen Mo's root did not continue to pay attention to the meaning of it, directly turned away.

"I don't know if you are!"

Give a cold snort, and then turn your head.

After a while, Chen Mo replied to Ren Bin Sai and others.

"Chen Mo, just now, what do you find?"

Ren Bin saw Ding Shuo came back from Chen Mail.

"There is no big thing ..."

Chen Mo is very perfunctory, after all, his business does not want to involve Ren Bin Dingshuo.

"I really don't have anything? How do I feel that the squad leader is a bit uncomfortable today? If you have anything to tell me, I can help you with you ..."

Ren Bin said that Chen Mo said seriously.


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