I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,75: confession!

"You can rest assured that there is no matter, let's go to eat soon? Do you want to eat anything?"

Chen Mo said helpless.

"I heard that our school has opened a barbecue shop next to our school, and it seems that it is good. Do you want to try it?"

Ding Shuoke said.


Chen Mo didn't want to nod directly.

"Let's eat a few men, I don't want to eat, or they will shout Zhang Yizi Ye."

Ren Bin thought it was.


Chen Mo said faint.

"Then I called!"

Ren Bin saw that Chen Mo has brought the phone to take out his mobile phone to call Qi Ye and others.

After a few minutes, Qi Ye and others came to the door of Chen Mile to class. Qi Ye is wearing a white short skirt today. It seems that it is still so sexy, and it is absolutely able to calculate the goddess of Goddess. There is still a lot in front of Song Xinxin and others in front of Qi Ye.

However, Chen Mo found that Song Xinxin was even, and it was very close to Ren Bin as a close look.

Chen Mo remembers that last time Ren Bin said that he has broken up with Song Xinxin, but it should be a composite!

Chen Mo did not ask more, seeing people have walked outside the school after they have arrived.

After Qi Ye, he looked at Chen Mo's back and a heart, after all, so many people did Qi Ye knowing that Chen Mo's identity was not simple, and the rest of Chen Mo's identity is not at all. To understanding.

Chen Mo and Ren Bin and others talked to the position of the school gate.

"How many people have been surrounded in front?"

At this time, Song Xinxin suddenly shouted.

After hearing this sentence in Song Xinxin, everyone looked up at the front position and found that at this time at the school gate did a large group of people.

"What happened, let's take a look!"

Ren Bin naturally won't let this kind of good opportunity to watch the lively, so directly Chen Mo and others have left the past.

After a while, Chen Mo and others came to the school gate, and then tied the hard work of Nine Niu Erhu to squeeze to the front of the crowd.

After Chen Mo saw the girl who stood in the middle of the crowd, they were directly stunned, because this girl is not someone else, it is Tao Ying.

Today's Tao Ye is very beautiful, wearing a black long skirt, the fabric of the skirt looks very soft, and there is also a opened in the edge of the thigh, and the long white legs give people a feeling of hidden feelings, chest Double peaks towering, black hair high plates showed the white neck, stepped on a pair of high heels, and the whole person seems to be able to use exquisite sex.

"It's so beautiful, no wonder so many people are watching ..."

Ren Bin saw Tao Yiran, I couldn't help but lamented in my heart.

After all, Tao Yishi is like this, whether it is a family or a long appearance, it is the best woman, no matter where it will attract very much attention, this is also normal.

At this time, Tao is as if it is waiting for anyone, and when you look down at time, look at your own phone.

Chen Mo looked at Tao Yiran, with a bad feeling in the moment, so he whispered to Ren Bin and others said: "What, let's eat!"

"Waiting for a while, what is going on?"

Ren Bin directly returned.

"Yeah, here, so many people are definitely what is going to happen!"

Ding Shui seems to have not to leave, and Tou said to Chen Mo.

Chen Men is worried that Tao is also like to come to find yourself today. After all, he has just caught so much movement at Tao Yurheng's birthday party, so he felt that he would be wonderful.

But at the moment, when Chen Mo has turned around, Tao Yisheng took out the phone and dialed Chen Mo's phone.

Chen Mail heard the ringtone, and quickly accelerated his pace. I would like to leave here, but helpless, the school door has been covered with three layers outside the three layers. Just Chen Mo has been abolished. The strength is only squeezing, and now I want to go out and are not so easy.

On the other hand, Tao Yisheng heard Chen Mo's ringtone, directly turned to Chen Mo's position, and then stepped on the high-heeled shoes and Ting Ting's rushing.

"Chen Mo!"

Tao Yisheng shouted with Chen Mo.

Chen Mo listened to the words of Tao Yao, flashing a helplessness, slowly turning around to look at Tao Yao, smiling: "How are you here?"

"I am coming to find you, you are very convenient now? I am a little thing to tell you ..."

Tao Yisheng seems to be a little nervous.

Everyone in the scene was in the original place after hearing Tao Yuli, the expression on a face was very incredible, because no one thought that Tao was just coming to find Chen Mo.

Tao Yisheng is absolutely a celebrity at the North-Hangzhou University. They still saw Tao Yisheng took the initiative to find a boys.

So, in the case of Tao Yao, I finished the atmosphere. Everyone in the scene puts the attention on Chen Mo, and some people don't even begin Chen Mo.

At this time, Chen Mo knows that his most worrying thing is still still happening, so he hesitatedly rushed to Tao Wei Wei Wei Lu Yao Wei Wei Ran said: "What do you have to find me? I will have to eat with my friend!"

Chen Mo felt that if he really left Tao, it is estimated that these students from North-Hangzhou University will definitely be more curious about the relationship between Tao Yisheng, so it is better to directly put the words and Tao Wei, let these students are clear. I am actually the relationship between ordinary friends.

And Tao Yisheng looked at Chen Mile for two seconds, then said very seriously: "Actually, I don't have anything else to find you today. I just want to tell you, I like you, can you do it? My boyfriend? "


After Tao Yuli said, all the students who were almost present were stunned.

In an instant, the whole world is quiet!

And Chen Mo is also completely stupid. The stunned look at the Tao Yingran in front of him, and the expression on his face is still shocked. He didn't think that Tao was also found today to tell himself.


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