Tao Yisheng walked over the time of Tao Fengyuan after the dialogue yesterday, she is very clear about Tao Feng.

If she can't grasp this opportunity of Chen Mo, then Taojia will definitely marry her others.

Tao Yisheng likes Chen Mo, married Chen Mo must be more than 10,000 times better than marry others, so Tao is also unwilling to marry a person who doesn't like it at all.

Now Chen Mo is the only chance of her. Tao is still thinking about it for a long time, it is finally putting down his self-respect, preparing to take the initiative to find Chen Mo's white, fight for his happiness.

But Tao Yisheng may not know, her confession will have a sensational effect.

Original Tao is also intended to say this to Chen Mo, but Chen Mo said that she said that she said in so many people, Chen Mo should be embarrassed to refuse himself, so she will say The sentence just now.

In an instant, all students present were stupid.

No one thought that Tao Yisheng actually took the initiative to talk to a boys!

And it is still white in front of the school gate of Behhang University!

This is really some people can't accept it!

Numerous people have grown up the position of Chen Mo Tao, and I don't know how to describe my mood.

Ren Bin Sai and others are like seeing ghosts. I have grown up the mouth of the mouth in the original place. I have no one can understand the mood of the moment.

Originally, they all thought that Chen Mo and Tao were just a general friend's relationship, but no one thought that Tao Yisheng would actively take the initiative to talk to Chen.

It is just that it is just a pass, but when he heard Tao Ying, he couldn't help but stopped the footsteps and looked at Chen Mo's position, he did not seem to think of such a situation.

Of course, the most shocking or Chen Mo is at this time.

Because Chen Mile originally thought that Tao is also found today to thank yourself what you did last night, so I would choose to let Tao also said directly.

However, Chen Mo did not think that Tao is still intended to be a confession, but it is still more complicated, which makes it more complicated in the original simple things.

"Who is this boy?"

"Yeah, why didn't we have seen it in our school?"

"How will Tao also like this boult? What is the advantage of this boult?"

"I really don't know what Tao is thinking, so many rich second generation don't choose, I like to have such a common boult ..."

"Yeah, I can hear that there are many rich second generations in Beihang University in the North-Hangzhou University."

The students present have begun to discuss whispering. After all, there is no news to be more shocked than this matter. It is estimated that this matter will soon spread throughout the North-Hangzhou University. This will become North Hang. A university is the most shocking thing.

Tao Ma Xiaowao is also the existence of countless men, now actually takes the initiative to chase a very ordinary boys, this seems to only appear in the TV series!

"I really don't know how Tao is also thinking about?"

"Where is this man?"

"Yeah, Tao is not confused?"

And those boys present were very embarrassed because of Chen Mo's eyes, because they think that Chen Mo is at all, it is not worthy of Tao.

But they don't want to think about it, how can a boys who can make Tao's active confession be a regular person?

Once Chen Mo's real identity, once if it is bright, then it is enough to divide the second generation of the entire North-Hangzhou city.

And Chen Mo is standing in the same place, and I don't know how to cope with this situation.

This is the first time Tao Yao, I took the initiative to talk to a boys, although she is still very calm, but in fact, her heart is still very nervous, a pair of small hands are gripped, the hand is covered with sweat.

"Chen Mo, you are willing to be a boyfriend?"

Tao Yisheng saw that Chen Mo did not speak, and he took the initiative to ask Chen Mail.

Chen Mo's top and down, Tao Yisheng, then whispered: "Sorry, I already have a girlfriend, I can't promise you!"


In an instant, everyone in the scene was quiet again.

This sentence of Chen Mo seems to be more than the previous Tao also to take the momentum of Chen Mo, and people feel that it is incredible. Everyone feels that this is like a dream, it is a little too much.

"Chen Mo, you are too busy!"

Ren Bin looked at Chen Mo's position and swallowed the mouth, I didn't know how to express my mood.

Tao Yisheng took the initiative to talk to Chen Mo, and then he was rejected by Chen Mai.

No one can think of what the story is like this!

What is Tao Yuri?

Once it is possible to be able to follow the Tao, you can do less struggle for 50 years. It directly has something that ordinary people can't get together. He figured to the long-term appearance of Tao, the appearance of the goddess, no one can refuse Tao Yuri is right!

"Is there a problem with this kid?"

"Yeah, he actually refused Tao Yao, what did he think of?"

"This person must have a problem, even if you have a girlfriend, you can break up! I don't believe that there is still a more perfect woman in this world!"

Everyone in the scene once again opened the whisper.

Tao Yisheng seems to have never thought of such a situation, a pair of tears, whispered: "Chen Mo, do you already have a girlfriend?"

"Well, I feel very good with my girlfriend, so I can't be with you, but I believe that you will definitely find a more suitable you!"

Chen Mo looked at Tao Wei Wei.

"But I just like you!"

Tao is now caught in the face of nothing, and it is very excited.

Chen Mo heard the words of Tao Yao, the eyes flashed, and then whispered: "There are more people here, let's change!"


Tao Yisheng quickly nodded, and then took the initiative to open the car on the door.

Chen Mo hesitated and also followed Tao Yiqi to the car. Soon the two people disappeared in the door of Beihang University, leaving a group of students who didn't know how to go.

"What is this?"

Song Xinxin turned his head to see Ren Bin, and the expression was very surprised to rush.

Ren Bin was flashing in the eyes of Song Xinxin, whispered: "I don't know how this is something now ..."


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