I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,77: You have to compensate me!

Chen Mo and Tao also drove to leave Beihang University directly found a decoration. It is still a good coffee shop, and then open a box.

After entering the box, Chen Mo has simply sorted his emotions, then loudly rushed to Tao Yao Rao: "Ya, I think we don't have a long time, you don't know very well, so you are looking for it. What else should I still have any other reason? "


Tao Yisheng suddenly looked at Chen Mo when he heard Chen Mo's words, and the beauty was full of shocking because she didn't think that Chen Mo actually saw that she still seemed to have another purpose.

"Do you have anything directly to tell me!"

Chen Mo saw that Tao Yishi seems to be a desire to stop, it should be true to have any difficulties, so I have added this.

Tao Yisheng took a deep breath, then whispered: "Chen Mo, I admit that I want to have other purposes with you, but I really like you!"


Chen Mail heard the sentence of Tao Ye, couldn't help but smile, and then whispered: "You don't know what you like, you don't even know me, you don't even know what person, you will say you. Like me, don't you think this is something too much? "

"Don't you have heard of love at first sight?"

Tao is also excited to ask Chen Mail.

Chen Mo listened to the sentence of Tao Yurheng, I couldn't help but laugh, and then faintly said: "I have heard of love at first sight, but I don't believe this thing. Since you don't plan to talk about your things, then you will listen first. Listen to me between my girlfriend! "


Tao Yisheng looked at Chen Mo and then nodded: "Okay, then you said!"

Chen Mo's simple sorted out his thoughts, and then tao Tao, who had begun from the beginning of knowing Su Mu, said it.

When Tao also knew that Chen Mo's relationship between Su Mu Bai, she realized that she might be too simple, Chen Mo may really have any feelings for himself.

"Since you don't like me, why do you want to do those things about me? Why do Hu Zhiming not to harass me?"

Tao also looked at Chen Mo's voice asked very much.

"That's because we are friends!"

Chen Mo fell back.


Tao Yisheng has heard Chen Mo's words, and the whole person is stunned, and the eyes flashed a helpless. At this moment, she understands that all this is all kinds of love.

"My things are finished, can you tell me about your things now?"

Chen Mo's light rushed toward Tao Yao.

Tao Yisheng looked at Chen Mo, hesitated for two seconds, whispered: "Chen Mo, I admit that I really have a good sense, but I am so impulse today because I don't want to continue by my home. The rest, my grandfather promised that as long as I can be with you, he will not continue to force me to marry others, you can also become our future heirs in the future ... "

"I am not very interested in this point for you, or say that you can't put it in my eyes."

Chen Mo took it directly.


Tao Yisheng heard Chen Mo's words and couldn't help but looked at Chen Mo. She could feel Chen Mo said that the expression on her face was still very confident when this sentence. It should not be buried.

"Since we can know a fate, even if you don't come with me, I can guarantee that your Tao family will not continue to force you to marry anyone, you can choose a person you like ... "

Chen Mo saw that Tao also continued to say it.

"But what I like is you!"

Tao Yao looked up and looked at Chen Mo and said that Chen Mimi was excited.

"You just have a good feeling for me ..."

Chen Mo has helplessly returned to Tao Yiang.


Tao Yisheng looked at Chen Mo's two seconds, then said seriously: "I don't care what you think now, you think I have a good feeling for you, I am using you, anyway, I know it. My feelings for you, I will not give up easily, now you have a girlfriend, there is no relationship, anyway, you have not married, I think I have a chance ... "


Chen Mo looked at Tao Yisheng in front of himself, there was no words, and I didn't know what to say.

"Forget it, how do you want to do, I can't control your thoughts, but I will never like you!"

Chen Mili has a helpless rushing to Tao.

"Even if you don't like it, how can you? Anyway, I just like you ..."

Tao is still a sudden return.

"How do you love? How do you? Time is not early, I have to go back ..."

Chen Mili did not want to continue with Tao's entanglement, so he got up and planned to leave.

"You can't go ..."

Tao Yisheng saw that Chen Mo had to go, and quickly reached out Chen Mima, and the tone shouted.

"Big sister, I have said that I have finished telling you, how can I go?"

Chen Mimo watched Tao Yao Yao glanced, the expression helplessly returned.

"You just refused me, let me shame in so many people, you must compensate me today ..."

Tao is also just thinking about it. Just find an excuse.

"compensate you?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Tao Yao, and then wrinkled with brows: "How do you plan to make me?"


Tao Yisheng looked at Chen Mo blinking and then said: "You will accompany me to go shopping, just your compensation for me ..."

"I have a mood to accompany you, there is a lot of things there!"

Chen Miman said with a brow.

"No, you must accompany me to visit me today, otherwise I will not let you go ..."

Tao Yisheng took Chen Mo's arm and shouted with excitement.

Chen Mo looked at Tao Yiqi hesitated for two seconds, then whispered: "Yes, but time can't be too long ..."


Tao Yisheng saw Chen Mo's promise, nodded very happy.

Although Chen Mo himself contradicts the thing of the shopping, in order to prevent Tao Yi, this woman will only go with Tao Ji, willing to go shopping.


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