I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 118: Stealing clothes!

"What is the way?"

Chen Mo asked urgently.

"This will be so big, there is definitely a female employee's dressing room, you go to the dressing room to steal a pants, don't you do it?"

Chu Lan Xiao said.

"Do you let me go to the female dressroom to steal clothes?"

Chen Mo glared at the beads, and the expression was very incredible.

"Anyway, this is the best way I can think now, neither delay your time, and find clothes for me, as for what do you want to do, it is your problem ..."

Chu Lan said with Chen Mo.

"I really worked out!"

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a trace of collapse, directly turned into Tianyun business inside.

After entering Tianyun Business, Chen Mo told the staff to listen to the position of the locker room.

After Chen Mo found the women's dressing room, the whole person was stupid, because he found a lot in the locker room, and the liquidity was very large, if he entered this, it is estimated that it will be treated as a metamorphosis. Grab it.

Chen Moi often crashes standing in place, I don't know how it is good.

"Come on, Qin always said a very important guest!"

"I know……"

At this time, the dialogue between the two waiters came into the ear of Chen Mo.

Chen Mer suddenly remembered that he saw the photo of Qin Yip, Qin Yibing was also a woman, and there was a dress in the office of Qin Yibing, and now Qin Yibing should be entertaining guests, so it is impossible to return. office.

Therefore, Chen Mo plans to go to Qin Yi Bing's office to touch the luck.

Chen Mo quickly found the general manager office, and he found that the office did not lock the door.

Chen Mo's light knocked the door door, and walked into the office in the future.

When Chen Mo entered the office, he suddenly heard a faint aroma. The aroma was very attractive, it should be the kind of smoked incense.

The decoration inside the office is also very atmospheric, a large work desk, and a leather sofa, a coffee table is placed in front of the sofa.

Chen Mo has simply observed the situation inside the office and found a door in the corner.

Chen Mai took the steps to the past and then gently pushed the door.

After entering the door, it is a bedroom and matches a separate bathroom. There are also a variety of cosmetics on the bedroom's dressing table.

"I didn't expect this Qin Yibing to be so dedicated, lived directly in the office!"

Chen Mer couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and then stepped into front of the wardrobe.

Sure enough, there is a lot of clothes in the wardrobe of Qin Ying, and it should be that Chu-blue can wear.

Chen Mo took a breath and reached out and prepared to take a piece of clothes.

"Da da da……"

But at this time, a high heel shot tapped the sound of the ground.

After hearing the footsteps, Chen Mo has changed in an instant, he can feel that the footsteps are getting closer and closer, so he can only choose to hide in the wardrobe.

At this time, there are a lot of clothes in the wardrobe, but also exudes the same aroma, an abnormal temptation.

Chen Mo did not care about these things at all. He worried that if he was discovered, it was really shameful to lose home.

Originally Chen Mo is not invited to let the sneakers run in, now there is a general manager's office, once if it is discovered, it will definitely be treated, Chen Mo is a hundred mouths. Clear!

At this time, Chen Mo has been silently somewhat in the heart, because if it is not this woman, Chen Mo at this time can have arrived at the wine party.

After a moment, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, and this person actually rushed to the position of the bedroom.

Chen Mo's gap through the wardrobe can see that it is a woman who is coming in.

Yes, it is the general manager of Tianyunhui, Qin Yi Bing.

At this time, Qin Ying was very ugly, the reason was very simple. She just gave guests at the reception, but she accidentally put a piece of cake on her body.

Qin Yibing is also the protagonist of today's semester. Most of the guests are Qin Yibing in the hospitality, so she can't look at the guests.

Fortunately, Qin Yimei's clothes are in their own office. She said with those guests to say, and then plan to change their clothes.

However, when I entered the bedroom, the beauty of Qin Yi was flashed.

Although she does not have the habit of locking the door, she is generally crossed, but she found the door of the bedroom when she came in.

Qin Yibei felt an eager time when he was walking, so there was no more thinking. After all, the security here is very strict, and the unusual person is not likely to enter her office.

But Qin Yibing may forget, today all security guards are under the downstairs, and there is no security in the upstairs.

Qin Yibei first sat in the bed and gently smashed his own temple. Although her alcohol is still very good, but helpless today's guest is a bit more, so Qin Ye also has a lot of wine, It is now inevitable that there is a little headache, and the pretty face has a swizzlore.

After a while, Qin Yime got up to the front of the wardrobe and prepared to open the wardrobe to find a new dress.

After seeing Qin Yimei came over, Chen Mo shouted in his heart, because he knew that Qin Yimei may have to open the wardrobe, so Chen Mo is quickly hiding behind a female coat.

This coat is very large, and now is summer, so Chen Mo feels that Qin Yibei should choose this dress.

Chen Mo's figure is not very fat, standing behind the coat, I can completely cover Chen Mo.

Chen Miles live breathes, and the expression is abnormal.

After a few seconds, Qin Yimei suddenly opened the door of the wardrobe.

At this time, Chen Mai can see Qin Yibing to stand in front of him, but Qin Yibing did not pay attention to Chen Mo in the wardrobe mouth.

Qin Yimei began to seriously pick up clothes. After all, this occasion is still very important, so Qin Yibing is very strict for his own dressing.

Chen Mo saw the woman standing in front of himself through the gap is Qin Yibing on the photo!

Qin Yi Ice himself seems to be more beautiful than the photo, and the body is also more sexy.

But let Chen Mo do not understand that Qin Yibing should now be in the following hospitality, why suddenly returned to the office, and I also selected clothes?

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