I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1199: Don't see it?

Just when Chen Mo was confused, he suddenly saw the stains of Qinyi ice chest.

"Is this woman who came to change clothes?"

Chen Mo's heart flashed a such idea, then his whole person was in the same place.

Because he knows that if Qin Yibing is going to change clothes in the bedroom, will it be seen by himself?

Chen Mo is not the first time, and the last color of the color is also such a scene!

Chen Mo's heartbeat is obviously accelerated.

After a few seconds, Chen Mail heard the sound of burst of clothing friction.

Although Chen Mo does not control himself, his eyes are not controlled, and finally put your eyes on Qin Yip.

Qin Yibing slowly took off the white evening gown on his body, and the white crystal skin was directly exposed to Chen Mo's sight.

Qin Yibing's body is very good, and it can even be described in perfection.

Both peaks tower, flat, sleeplers, long-lasting legs are unusual.

It seems that the whole person has disrupts the taste that can't resist.

And Qin Yi Ice should be a twenty-seventh year of age, which is obviously a woman's best age, mature and the perfect combination of youth.

Chen Mo took a breath, and then talked to the way of moving his sight.

He can I want to get a good thing to get this kind of good thing, but just coming in and stealing clothes, I have encountered a beautiful dress.

However, fortunately, Qin Yibing did not intend to change underwear, or Mo may really can't control it!

After a few seconds, Qin Yibi chose a cheongsam and worn on his own body.

Qin Yibing's body is still very perfect, so when she put on the cheongsam, the sexy figure is exposed, the white skin, the slender legs, and the whole people look, it looks like a good thing. general.

Although Chen Mo has seen so many beautiful women wearing the cheongsam, Qin Yibing is definitely the sexy esteem that best playing the charm of cheongsam.

Qin Yi Ice is carefully observed in front of the mirror, and determines that every place is very perfect, turned and plan to leave.

However, when Qin Ying was less than three meters, Chen Mo's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Chen Mremen is stupid.


And Qinyi Ice did not hesitate to hesitate after hearing the ringtone, and opened the wardrobe directly.

Because the situation is more urgent, Chen Mo did not shut down at all, and at this time, Chen Mo's call is not someone else, it is an anxious waiting.

"Chu blue, Chu blue, you are suffering from me!"

Chen Mer couldn't stand in his heart and then took the initiative to get out of the wardrobe.

"why you?"

Qin Yibing saw that Chen Mo has grown his eyes in an instant, and the expression is very incredible.

"Qin, you ... do you know me?"

Chen Miman is angry with Qin Yifu asked.

Qin Yi Bing certainly didn't know Chen Mo, but Qin Yimei has seen Chen Mo's photo.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Qin Yibei realized that he said his mistakes, so quickly changed his mouth to show his mouth.

"What, Qin, I am a guest who came to the semester, my name is Ren Bin!"

Chen Mo is now only casually saying, after all, what is the shameful thing, Chen Mimer, can not say his name.

Ren Bin? "

After I heard this name, Qin Yifu was smirk, because Qin Yi Bing didn't know Chen Mo's true name. She also knew that Chen Mo was lying, but she did not reveal Chen Mo, but wrinkled with brows: "You What are you doing here? "

"I originally participated in the wine, but I just lost it, then I didn't know what happened, I walked here, and then heard someone came in, I was afraid that others were mistaken, so I hid the wardrobe. Inside, but I really didn't do anything, I didn't take ... "

This excuse to be compiled at this time is that he doesn't believe it, but he has not been able to find other excuses to explain why he will appear in this place.

"You just said that you have been in this wardrobe?"

Qin Yibei stunned, wrinkled with Chen Mail.

"Yes, I have always been here ..."

Chen Mo nodded lightly.


Qin Yibi looked at Chen Mo and his face was immersed.

Because she knew that she was changing here, if Chen Mo has been here, then I didn't have seen it.

It is very ugly that the expression on Qin's Ice face is very ugly.

"You come to my bedroom to do anything, I advise you to explain this matter clearly, otherwise I will directly call the police to handle this thing!"

Chen Mo looked at Qin Yi Bing in front of him. The expression on his face was solemnly.

If it is not because Chu blue, it is impossible to happen so much.

"Do you still say it?"

Qin Yixi frowned and asked Chen Mail.

Chen Mo took a sigh of relief, then whispered: "Qin always, in fact, this is this, I am coming with me, but my friend's skirt is broken, so I will plan to find it. A new dress really doesn't mean anything else ... "

"Are you coming skirt?"

Qin Yi Bing looked at Chen Mo's micro-frown.

"Not stealing, I am borrowing ..."

Chen Mai helpless explained.

He is very clear in his heart, Qin Yi Bing is still very important for Tianyun Club, so Chen Mo does not dare to sin, I will have a woman, after all, once you guilty, then he wants to compete The rhyme may not be as simple.

"How do I know what you said is true or false?"

Qin Yimei looked at Chen Mo and asked Chen Mail.

Chen Mo took a breath and wanted to explain, but his phone rang again at this time.

Qin Yibing directly reached out Chen Mo's mobile phone. She felt that Chen Mo's circle was called, but after she saw the number above the phone, the reaction came over Chen Mo's to steal the dress.

"You go!"

Qin Yibing directly gave mobile phone to Chen Mo, whispered to Chen Mo.

"Can I leave this?"

Chen Mo did not think that the attitude of Qin Yibing this woman would be so big, and I saw a mobile phone and let myself go.

"If you don't want to go, I can also call the police!"

Qin Yi ice is cold back to Chen Mo.

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