I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 120: The wine will start!

"Thank you Qin Tong ..."

Although Chen Mo did not understand how Qin Ye is so ice, he suddenly waited himself, but he couldn't manage so much, and he was going away.

"This skirt, you will take it!"

At this time, Qin Yibing reached out and took out a skirt and handed it to Chen Mo.

"Qin always, you are really beautiful, I am thank you for my friend!"

Chen Mo did not think that Qin Yaji was so easy to let himself, but also gave himself a skirt.

After Chen Mer passed the dress, he turned to leave.


But at this time, Qin Yi Bing once shouted again.

Chen Mo stunned, then twisted his eyes and asked softly, rushing to Qin Yes. "Qin, what else do you have?"

"What is the one ..."

The eyes of Qin Yi Bing have flashed a shit and then continue: "Do you have seen anything?"

"Qin, I have been hiding behind the clothes, I have not seen anything, and I can't see anything!"

Chen Mo is busy explaining.

And Qin Yimei looked at the coat inside the wardrobe. It seems that some irritated rushed to Chen Umer.

Chen Mo did not dare to stay, so I went directly to the road.

And Qin Yimei looked at Chen Mo's back, the eyes were unusually complicated, and when Chen Mo didn't see it when I changed my clothes. Although Chen Mo did not admit it, Qin Yi Bing felt that Chen Mo will definitely see, after all, this is A man's instinct, even if a woman who is not very beautiful is changing in front of a man, the man is estimated to see both eyes because of the instinct.

But Qin Yimei also knows that Chen Mo's identity is very special, she can't treat Chen Mo at all.


Qin Yibing took a deep breath, and then stepped on the high heels and walked outside the office.

After leaving the office of Qin Yip, I found it directly to hide in Chu, who hid inside the bathroom, and then handed the skirt to Chu blue.

After a few minutes, Chu is changing the skirt out from the bathroom.

"How did you go so long?"

Chu blue has some blame in Chen Mail.

"Big sister, I have been hanging until you can't grab it. Do you know? If you are not because I might encounter so many trouble?"

Chen Mo said helplessly rushed to Chu.

Of course, Chen Mo can't see what you see Qin Yi Ice.

And Chu Lan looked at Chen Mo smiled and said: "Forget it, see this skirt you gave me or very nice, I will not care about this, let's participate in the liquor Let's! "

Chen Mo listened to this sentence to see his own mobile phone. At this time, he started 10 minutes from the wine. Chen Mo prayed that he did not miss something in his heart.

After a few minutes, Chen Mo entered the hall of the wine.

At this time, although the wine has begun, the boss of Tianyun will not appear, everyone is a three-five complex to talk about the sky.

At this time, Qin Yibei wore a beautiful cheongsam shuttle between everyone, keep talking with these people, and the face is always a sweet and good smile.

When I entered the hall, I saw Su Bai Wei Chen Zhao Ziqian and others surrounded by Jiang Ziwei, as if it was talking about it.

White Jiang Feifei and others are also talking to the day with a few girls.

At this point, the table is placed in the corner of the hall, and there are a variety of pastries on the table, but there will be no one to eat these things.

And Chu Blue took a glass of red wine from the waiter's hand, and the action was elegant and said softly, said: "Chen Mo, this wine will look like a very advanced look!"

"Of course, the whole people in the province are coming ..."

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence.

"Is you also a big man?"

Chu Zazhen, rushed to Chen Mail.

"Big character?"

Chen Mo heard this sentence, I couldn't help but stunned, and then continue to say: "These people can't do anything at all in front of me!"

"You can really brag!"

Chu-blue mumen micro-mouth.

"What do you want to eat? I saw a friend, I went to say a greeting!"

Chen Mo said.

"Go ahead!"

Chu is lightly nod, then step on the high heels and walks away.

Chu Lan has just been separated from Chen Mo. A middle-aged man went to Chu blue, and then asked very excited: "Miss Chu, how are you here?"

"Wang Boss, since the last time I have seen it once in the UK, I didn't see it again."

Chu blue back.

"Yeah, Miss Chu, I didn't expect you to come!"

The middle-aged people looked at Chu Blue, and the expression on the face was tense and excited, and more still awe.

Chu is simply saying two sentences with the middle-aged people, and I walked directly to the table, picking up a cake, quietly observing everyone in the lobby.

At this time, Chu Blue seems to have no appearance of Chen Mer's deputy little woman, the elegance of the temperament is very elegant.

After Chen Mo left Chu Blue, Chen Lan has left directly to Liu Xuanxuan.

Liu Xuan Xuan understood Chen Mo's meaning, followed by the steps behind Chen Mo.

A few minutes later, Chen Mo and Liu Xuan Xuan found a quiet position.

"Is Jiangjia people interested in this meeting?"

Chen Mo directly rushed to Liu Xuan Xuan asked.

"Not only is interested, according to my understanding, they have already watched a lot of people, but also prepared a lot of money, as if it is the meeting!"

Liu Xuanxuan replied directly.

"Where is Jiang's home?"

Chen Mo listened to Liu Xuan Xuan's words and asked.

After all, Chen Mo has a bit of understanding of the strength of Jiang's family. He thinks that Jiang family has no strength to win this club. After all, the cultivation of Jiang family has economic strength or even Liu Xuan Xuan.

"Jiang family should have some help, so there will be such a big appetite. If it is just not to rely on Jiang family!"

Liu Xuanxuan continued.

"Get the help of others?"

Chen Mo didn't help but knew after hearing Liu Xuan Xuan, because his heart is clear, at this time, it is so good to give Jiangjia so much, it should only have someone else.

"Is your father participated in this?"

Chen Mo's low rushed to Liu Xuan Xuan asked.

"No, my father said that this thing is Feng Xing, and the silver business is very important to this meeting!"

Liu Xuanxuan replied directly.

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