I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 124: Re-encounter again

Bar in the bar.

Lin Qiushi stands in front of the border of the second floor, and the hands are gently squatting, putting a very awkward posture, squinting with Chen Mo, who is working hard, is trying to work hard.

"Chen Mo looks like it is more clean than other men ..."

After a moment, Lin Qiuwu took a sigh of relief and identified his own plan in his heart.

"Da da da……"

Lin Qiushui stepped on the position of Chen Mo's position in high heels.

After Chen Mo heard the footsteps, Chen's consciousness looked behind his own body.

"Forest, hello!"

Chen Mo was released after Lin Qiushui, and he was very polite to rushing to Lin Qiushui.

"You are a good girlfriend, you are my good girlfriends, you don't have to be so polite with me, call me the autumn water!" Lin Qiushu looked at Chen Mo's faint.

Chen Mo looked at Lin Qiushui in front of him. It flashed in his eyes, and the heart was secretly sigh: "Is this woman in a spiritual split? I have a cold ice, a pair of love is ignorant, now actually It's so flat to change again? "

"Chen Mo, can I adapt to the environment here?"

Lin Qiu Water got up and down, Chen Mo, seems to have a little satisfied with Chen Mail.


Chen Merloo is busy nod.

"Adapt to it, I listen to Yanme said that you have been studying in the workmanship?" Lin Qiushu looked at Chen Mai asked.

"Yeah, my parents have passed the world when I was very small, so I was tuned by myself!"

Chen Mo slowed down.

"I didn't expect you to be very powerful!" Lin Qiushu looked at Chen Mo's faint smile and then continued: "I have already said to Yanme, I have already said that your salary is 50 yuan per hour, I will give you now Take a hundred dollars, you are doing it here! "

Chen Mo looked at Lin Qiushui in front of him. He once again flashed. He really didn't understand what Yan Xia said with Lin Qiushui. I have let Lin Qiuwei treat my own attitude so much contrast, not only The attitude towards yourself is very enthusiastic, but also give yourself a salary?

"Chen Mo, Lin always gives you a salary, what do you still do? Don't you thank you Lin?" Just at this time, Li Si went to Chen Mo's laughing in Chen Mail.

"Thank you Qiu Water Sister!"

Chen Mo's reaction came over and shouted in Lin Qiuwei.

In fact, it is not particularly interested in rising salary, I am not particularly interested. He now doesn't matter this money. It really makes Chen Mo's interesting thing about why Lin Qiushui treats his attitude happens such a large change.

After Lin Qiusi came over, he did not continue to talk to Chen Mai, but twisted his head and shouted: "Everyone is going to prepare, I will go to the guest for a while!"

"Okay, Lin is always!"

The waiter inside the bar quickly agreed.

Lin Qiushu looked at Chen Mima, then stepped directly on the high heels twisted the little butt and rushed toward the office.

Li Si saw Lin Qiushi left, and the twist was shouted in Chen Mail: "Xiao Chen Mo, what is your relationship with our bar?"

"There is nothing relationship, we just know today ..."

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence.

"It's impossible, what is the relationship with Lin always definitely, or if Lin always gives you a salary, don't give other people to increase salary?"

Li Sisi said with the arm of Chen Mo, then smashed Chen Mo's arm with soft and soft, and said: "You tell the truth with my sister, what is the relationship with Lin?"


Chen Mo looked at Li Sishi because of the tall deformation of the squeezing and slightly, and his eyes were some.

"Speaking, what do you see!"

After Li Si saw Chen Mo, he quickly used hard again, and a very obvious gully appeared in Chen Mo's sight.

"Sisi, I have no relationship with Lin, I am not too early, let's go to work!"

Chen Mo is afraid that Li Si will continue to be so tempting yourself, you may have nosebleeds, you can embarrassed it, so quickly put the Li Si, yourself, turned around and walked away.

Li Sisi looked at Chen Mo's back, and the eyes flashed a different, then said with a small mouth: "You are a little Chen Mo, in front of his sister, the two-day sister will let you will be willing to climb your sister. I don't believe it, I can't cure your small people ... "


A blink of an eye, two hours of time.

The guests inside the bar began to change much, Chen Mo and others began to become busy.

Countless men and women stand in the dance pool, follow the dynamic music, crazy twisting their bodies, and Chen Mo is the middle of these people in the middle of the wine fruit plate.

Because the waiters inside the bar are new, the efficiency of these people is not as good as Chen Mo.

Three people don't have to have more people to do.

"Chen Mo, you gave your sister to send these bottles to 303 rooms, my sister, I want to go to the washroom!" A long-distance waved waitress rushed to Chen Mile, and said with Chen Mo.

This waitress is also a part-time job like Chen Mo.

"Fang Sister, this is already my fifth time to help you, how do you plan to thank me?"

Chen Merlot took the tray in his hand, and asked in a smile.

"Oh, my sister knows that you are best for me, wait for my sister, I have sent a wage. Please eat it?" Said the waitress said with a smile.

"This is almost ..."

"Okay, my sister, I don't tell you, I am going to the toilet!"

The waitress reached out to take the shoulder of Chen Mo, and then stepped on the high-heeled shoes.

Chen Mo took the tray to the door of the private room, and then knocked on the door gently.

"Who?" The room was soon responded soon.

"Waiter, send wine!"

Chen Mo's eyes returned to a sentence.

"come in!"

After Chen Mo listened to this, Direct reach out and pushed the room door, and then walked into the room.

"How do you take things? How can I send it to me? Can this bar can't do it?"

A very handsome young expression sitting on the sofa is impatient in Chen Siles.

"Sir, I am sorry, our bar has just opened, people don't have a little busy, I hope you forgive me!"

When Chen Mo listened to youth, even quickly explained a sentence.

I have encountered a few more people who are not satisfied, so this time he is not too serious.

"What to break the bar, I will not come again later!"

Youth saw Chen Mo's attitude is good, and there is no way to continue to be difficult, but whispered.

"Zhang Shao, eliminating gas, isn't it just a little slow? In fact, there is nothing ..." A girl around you quickly smiled and advised.

Chen Miman came to the front of the tea, I want to put down the wine in my hands, but I was at this time, I was originally sitting on the sofa, and suddenly looked up at Chen Mo, then the expression was very unexpected: " Chen Mo? How are you here? "

Chen Mo listened to this sentence, and quickly looked up at it.

I found that Su Mu Bai is surprised to sit on the sofa.


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