I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 125: Some people want to confess!

Chen Mo looked at Su Mu Bai in front of him, and he was shocked by a shock.

Because he didn't think of himself in this bar, he can also encounter Su Mu Bai.

Su Mu Bai's dress is very beautiful, wearing a white chiffon dress, wearing a loose sexy white shirt, stepping on a pair of black high heels on the feet, sleeplele with white legs with high heels, the whole person looks sexy Fashion, and also with a few points of diverse, exquisite five senses perfect body, plus the private dim light, so that Su Mu Bai's woman looks more tempting.

Su Mu Bai is the same as Chen Mo's expression, and it is also surprised.

In fact, Su Mu Bai is not very much like this, but there is a problem that she has recently opened her own cosmetics company, and the Zhang Shaoji, who just talk to Chen Mo, I just want to invest Su Mu, the company, so Su Mu Follow these people to sit on the bar, but she didn't think she had encountered Chen Mo here.

And Chen Mo is still a waiter here.

Now Su Mu, every month will give Chen Mo's 10,000 yuan living expenses. As long as Chen Mo is not big, when living is used, it is definitely enough, Su Mu Yong wants to understand why Chen Mo is still here. Do a waiter.

"Mu Bai, do you know this person?" Zhang Shao called his smile and rushed to Su Mu Bai.

"Calculate ... is it!"

Su Mu Bai didn't want these people to know that Chen Mo is his own fiance, so the expression is a bit barely back.

"Mu Bai, how can you know this kind of person?"

"Yeah, how do you also know the waiter inside the bar?"

After listening to Su Mu, the crowd shouted.

After all, Su Jia in Nanyang is also a big family in Nanyang City. Su Mu Bai is the general existence of the princess, in the eyes of others, Su Murbai can't meet Chen Mo's social underlying small people in society.

After listening to these people, Chen Mail couldn't help but have a bit blush. Don't say that it is Su Mu, even if Chen Mo, he felt very shameless.

"Chen Mo, what are you doing here? Don't put things down?"

Su Mu Bai did not let Chen Mai continue to be insulted by these people, and quickly shouted.

Chen Mer put the red wine in his hand, then turned around to go to the private room.

"Mu Bai, I think you have some problems in your way? I think you will be better in contact with the small people under these societies, after all, their people don't have any help, but also the opposite Will bring you some unnecessary troubles, the most important thing to make friends is still to see a person's ability! "

After Chen Mo leaving, a little bit of a little bit of a little bit of a little smile and smiled and said to Su Mu Bai.

"Yeah, I think Li Ge said yes, let's know friends, you should know more such as Zhang Shao, knowing a small waiter, can you use it?" A girl said quickly.

After hearing the two people, Zhang Shao showed a very satisfying smile.

Su Mu Bai sat in the place, he hesitated, and then whispered: "Zhang Shao, I will go to the bathroom!"


Zhang Shao looked at the noddion of Su Mu Bai.

Su Mu Bai stepped out of the private room on the high-heeled shoes, and found that Chen Mo did not walk away again, even busy shouting: "Chen Mo, you are waiting!"

Chen Mo listened to Su Mu, turned his head and looked at Su Mu, and then asked softly: "Is there anything?"

Su Mu Bai walked to Chen Mo, and then got up and down, and the tone was very unexpectedly asked: "Why are you in the waiter here?"

After listening to this question of Su Mu, Chen Mo, how many is somewhat uncomfortable, and then add the attitude of Su Mu Bai, Chen Mo is even more uncomfortable, so I said directly: "Two is not there. Ok, just make a named couple, I should do not need to ask your opinion? "

Su Mu Bai looked at Chen Mo, who didn't help but smir, and then remembered that she saw Chen Mo's starting with other women, saying that she did not express my expression: "You should use my life expense to use me. Going to a little girl, now there is no money in his hand, so will it come here to work? "


Chen Mo heard this, I couldn't help it, and then wrinkled and asked: "You call me, I want to tell me this?"

"of course not!"

Su Mu Bai shakes his head, and then whispered: "A few days ago I bought a villa in Jinxiu Manor. Is this person?"

Chen Mo looked at Su Muru, in front of him, and I wanted to admit that the villa was buying itself, but the contract of helpless inheritance heritage has clearly stipulated that Chen Mo can't disclose your identity with Su Mu, otherwise, he The heritage that is now inherited will be directly invalid.

Chen Mo hide his identity with others, that is, I don't want to be disturbed by my own life.

It's forced to have you have to hide your identity.

And Su Mu Bai saw Chen Mo did not speak, I couldn't help but smile, saying that there is no expression: "Okay, I have already known the answer, you have a question, you can't afford it at all. Villa, and if you can buy a villa, you will not come here to work! "

"Yes, I really can't buy any villa!"

Chen Mo looked at the nod to the nodes and then continued: "Do you have anything else? If you have no words, I still have to go to work!"


Su Mu Bai hesitated, looked at Chen Mo said: "I don't want others to know the relationship between us, so if someone asks you, why do you know, you said that we are friends, understand? "


Chen Mo nodded lightly.

"And since I promise you to marry you, then I will say it, I will take the leader you will go tomorrow!"

Su Mu Bai knew that he had to marry Chen Mo. This is what she avoided, and the person who asked Su Mu Bai married Chen Mo has helped her father's company has spent the difficulties, so Su Mu Bai does not want to continue The delay is not as good as directly to Chen Mo's marriage.

"If you can get a certificate so soon?"

Chen Mo heard the eyes of Su Mu Bai flashed a lot of excitement.

"You don't have to think more, we are two marriage certificates, you are still you, I am still me, there is no change!" Su Mu Bi is afraid of Chen Mail, and the tone is seriously explained.

"Ah, I know!"

Chen Mo saw Su Mu White attitude, some low-end points.

However, he felt that he hurriedly took the marriage to the marriage, and it was a good thing for him. After all, as long as the end of the certificate, he can be a big bright inheritance of the heritage of Wangcheng, nor in front of Su Mu Bai. Have your own identity.

"Okay, I am finished, you are busy!"

Su Mu Bai looked at Chen Mo's faint.

"When will I get a certificate tomorrow?"

Chen Mail asked.

"You wait for my phone, I still have something tomorrow!"

Su Mu Bai looked back and then turned around to walk.

Chen Mo saw Su Mu Bai left, helpless turned back to the bar front desk.

Although Su Mu Bai has promised to be able to lead to Chen Mo, but I don't know why, he is not happy at all.

Because he felt that the relationship between Su Mu Bai did not only got close, the opposite is more and more far, so Chen Mo's mood is very low, and then it is not like it before.

A blink of an eye, the time has passed for more than an hour.

In this hour, Chen Mo has always been a state of , the heart is thinking about Su Mu Bai's attitude towards him in the private room, and there is also those words that Su Mu Bai told him.

"Trouble, trouble!"

At this time, a waiter in the bar walked into a bar in a big rose.

After everyone saw the rose in the arms of the waiter, all of them exposed a shock expression.

"Little Zhao, where is this rose from it? Is there anything to show?" Li Si saw the rose in the hands of the waiter, and asked excited.

"This is the rose of the guests in the 303 private room. It seems to be a confession in the private room!" The waiter laughed back to a sentence.

"303 private room?"

Chen Mo listened to the waiter's sentence, couldn't help but think that Su Mu Bai seems to be in the 303 private room.

When Chen Mo entered the package, only two girls in the 303 private rooms were found. One of the girls seems to have a boyfriend, and that Zhang Gongzi watched Su Mu's eyes were somewhat uncomfortable. It is the master who wants to follow Su Mu. Confession?

Although Chen Mima knows that some people have a white white white, there is no relationship with him, but he still can't suppress the curiosity of the heart, go to the front of the waiter, whispered: "Xiao Zhao, you give roses to Let me, I will send ... "

"This can not, people have promised to give me a hundred dollars!"

The waiter quickly refused.

Chen Sail did not want to take out two cash from his own clothes and throw it in front of the male waiter, and then grab the rose and rushing the position of the 303 private room.

After the male waiter took Chen Mo's throwing money, the eyes flashed in the eyes, and said with his mouth: "What is it excited?"


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