I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,323: transaction

"Then I can't manage it. Anyway, you said that you can help me solve something, as long as you can solve this thing, I can help you participate in the opening ceremony, anyway you can go Consider it, this transaction is suitable for uncomfortable, if you feel that it is not suitable, even if you don't feel right ... "


Chen Mo took a breath, and then he asked Qiao Sakura: "What do you plan to let me join you with you?"

"Of course, my bodyguard is, such words, you have reason to have the reason for Duan Chen outstanding hands ..."

Qiao Sakura doesn't want to say.


Chen Mo looked at Qiao Sakae shook his head, then whispered: "Miss Joe, I think the bodyguards may be somewhat not very suitable ..."

"The bodyguard is not suitable?"

Qiao Sakurang, then asked the tone: "Why is not right?"

"Miss Joe, you think, I really don't completely solve your problem with the identity of your bodyguard, because I am not around you, Duan Chenjie will still be wrapped in you ... "

Chen Miman said very seriously, rushing to Qiao Sakura.

Qiao Saki heard Chen Mo's sentence, I couldn't help but stunned, then nodded: "I think you said something a little. If you really play him with my bodyguard, it is not possible. Solve this matter fundamentally, then what better chooses now? "

"This is good, I have given others to pretend to be boyfriend, I also pretend your homer friend ..."

Chen Mo looked at Qiao Sakura.

Chen Mo is not a boyfriend who goes to pretend to pretend to pretend to be a woman, so Chen Mo is also a ripe road for such a thing.

Just before Chen Mo holler, boyfriend is all being helpless, but this time Chen Mo took the initiative.

The reason is very simple, Chen Mo is trying to handle the things of Qiao Sakura as soon as possible, because only the things of Joe Sakura have been handled, and Joe cherry will come to Chen Mo's opening ceremony.

And Qiao Saki suddenly stopped when I heard Chen Mo, I suddenly stopped, and said with a small mouth: "Are you going to pretend my boyfriend?"

"Yes, I often pretend to be a boyfriend, I am very professional for this matter!"

Chen Mo smiled, rushing to Joe Sakura.

"No, I can't let you pretend my boyfriend ..."

Qiao Saki looked at Chen Mile for two seconds, and then shook his head directly.


Chen Miman is angry with Joe Sakura.

"At that time, the party is the people who are entertainment. If you pretend to be my boyfriend, they all know that I have a boyfriend, this is very big for my influence!"

Qiao Sakura said seriously.

"What impact does you have?"

Chen Mo smiled, and then continued: "First, if you play Duan Chenjie with your boyfriend, Duan Chenjie will know that you have no hope, will definitely not be wrapped in you, and there are other likes of the entertainment circle. Your people don't dare to get wrapped in you. If you don't solve your current trouble, you can solve your future trouble. After all, even if I help you clean you, I can't represent other people. Who did you say that you are right? "

When Qiao Saki heard Chen Mo, I couldn't help but look up and looked at Chen Mo. She felt that Chen Mo did still make sense.

"Miss Joe, you don't have to worry too much, I already have a girlfriend, so I won't be wrapped out, I will not make anything, my purpose is to help you solve the problem, then you help me Solve the problem!"

Chen Mo smiled, rushing to Joe Sakura.

When Qiao Sakay, I turned a helpless. At this time, she seems to also think that Chen Mo's suggestion is good. Although Chen Mo's vacation, her boyfriend may let the artists in the entertainment circle know that they have a boyfriend, but artist and artist There is a tacit understanding, such things will not pass, because once some people pass this secret news, then his own handle will be smashed.

So Qiao Sakura doesn't worry about this matter affects your performance career, and you can solve a lot of questions.

"Do you determine if you can solve these things?"

Qiao Yak looked up at Chen Mo, and I asked Chen Mail very seriously.

"Miss Joe, you can rest assured, I will definitely help you solve this problem!"

Chen Mo is busy noddling.

"That line, tomorrow, I will pick me up at 5 o'clock tomorrow!"

Qiao Sakura replied.


Chen Mo smiled and promised, and then got up and rushed to go outside the room.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Mo was separated from Qiao Sakura, and then stopped a taxi ready to go home.

On the taxi, Chen Mo hesitated for a long time, he still thinks should ask Li Juncheng to ask the situation in Chenjie.

After talked from Li Juncheng, he knew that Duan Chenjie is indeed some energy, but for Chen Mo, it is still not a big problem, so Chen Mo can play, if the family is really intended to retaliate. Chen Mo, Li Jincheng can also solve it.

After listening to Li Jincheng, there was a lot of relaxation in the heart. After all, there were people outside the world, you didn't know when you wouldn't provoke people, so Chen Mo can think still want it. Careful is more better.

5:00 pm next day.

Chen Mile came to the front of the hotel where Qiao Sakura, and then died the phone of Joe Sakura.

"Miss Joe, I have already arrived at the hotel, when are you?"

Chen Mo asked.

"You wait for me, I will come out and come out ..."

Qiao cherry returned to a word, and then hanged the phone.

Chen Mimer I thought that Joe cherry can come down, so I didn't enter the hotel, but it is quietly waiting quietly at the door.

But let Chen Mo will not think that this is a half-hour time.

"Rely, what is this Qiao Sakuo?"

Some of Chen Mo and so on, I took out my mobile phone, I plan to dialed the phone of Joe Sakura.

But I still don't wait, Chen Mo's phone call, Qiao Saki came out from the hotel.

Joe Sakin took sunglasses and hat, if not because Chen Mo familiar with Qiao Sakura's body, it is estimated that it is really hard to recognize it.

"Big sister, do you dress what makeup? You are a makeup, no one can see it?"

Chen Miman is very helpless, rushing to Joe Sakura.

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