I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,324: Professional actors

"I don't want to take the hat to take the hat? Is it necessary to participate in the birthday party?"

Qiao Sakura had a little mouth back to Chen Mo, and then took out a car key to handed Chen Mo, whispered: "You come to drive!"

Chen Mo didn't say much, and directly opened the car on the door.

After getting on the bus, Qiao Saki took my hat with sunglasses and then long out.

Chen Mer couldn't help but watched Joe Sakura, and then said: "I didn't expect that you didn't agree ..."

"Although we look bright and bright in the eyes of ordinary people, in fact, our hard work is not to experience, I am still good, after all, the conditions in my family can, don't need to point to me, but some The star said that when it will be airs, once it is, it is not as good as an ordinary person! "

Qiao Sakura said Chen Mo's faint.

"Everyone is not easy to everyone!"

Chen Mo was softly sighed.

And Qiao Sakura looked at Chen Mo smiled, did not continue to say more, twist watching the scenery outside the window.

After more than half an hour, Chen Mo stopped the car in front of a very high-grade restaurant, and then followed Qiao Sakuo into the hotel.

Because this hotel itself is a star driving inside the entertainment circle, the waiter will recognize Joe Sakura after seeing Joe Sakuo, and then took the initiative: "Miss Joe, you are coming to the birthday party of Xue Yes? "

"Yes ..."

Joe nodded gently.

"That trouble, please ask, Miss Xue is in the private room!"

The waiter is very polite to rush to Joe Sakura.


Qiao Sakuo nodded and then followed the waiter to go to the private room.

After a moment, Qiao Sakuo Chen Mo came to the first floor of a private room. Chen Mai said that it will enter the private room.

But Qiao Sakuo reached out to Chen Mo.

Chen Mimei went to see Qiao Sakura, then asked in the tone: "What's wrong?"

"What is the one, are you forgotten? Do you have two relationships?"

Qiao Sakura is helplessly asked by Chen Mail.

"I am a boyfriend, I will not forget, you can rest assured!"

Chen Mo laughed and replied.

"Since you know that you are my boyfriend, then the two should be more intimate, I am holding your arm and go in!"

After saying this sentence, Joe Yak directly took the initiative to hold Chen Mo's arm.

After all, Qiao Saki is a professional actor. The acting is still very good, so such a small move does not have any difference in the hearts of Joe Sakura.

But Chen Mo is very uncomfortable.

"Two intimate, Duan Chenjie will be jealous, then he will take the initiative to come to find your trouble, you can do his hand ..."

Qiao Sakura looked at Chen Mo whisper explained a sentence.

"What is the one, you can take my arm, but don't take this opportunity to take my cheap, I am now there is a fiancee, I tell you!"

Chen Mo's face is serious about Joe Sakura.

And Qiao Saki suddenly became speechless after I heard Chen Mo, shouted with a small mouth: "What is your mind? How can I take you cheap, you account for my cheap Almost ... "

"I just remind you!"

Chen Mo fell back.

"You have spoken this person, hurry up!"

On the side of Ju Ying, I went to Chen Mai to enter the box.

Because Chen Mo's distance from Qiao Sakuo is still very close, Chen Mo can be very clear to smell the faint aroma of Qiao Sakin.

Although Chen Mo has participated in a lot of high-end gatherings, but the gatherings of those stars inside such a entertainment circle were also participated in the first time.

Chen Mo is not very concerned about things in the entertainment circle, but because of the recent time, Chen Mo has been talking to Yanme to the idol drama, so many less people can recognize some stars, he found that the people in the box are all all It is the most red star in the entertainment circle today, and of course there are some ordinary people, these ordinary people should be those who are girlfriends.

Chen Mo looked at these stars, couldn't help but remember Luoqiu.

Since Luqiu goes out of the country, Chen Mo has been linked to Luoqiu.

Therefore, Chen Mo does not clear the Queen's abroad, but according to the time, Luoqiu's play will wait for a year later.

Once Luoqiu returns to China, Chen Mo really doesn't know how to deal with the relationship between the fall.

After all, now Chen Mo's heart has only Su Many, he doesn't want to hurt Su Mu, but he doesn't want to hurt Luoliu. Now Chen Mo only wants to think that these problems feel very headache.

Chen Mo is not interested in the stars, so after entering the room, it is still calm, but the stars present are not calm, because Chen Mo is the first time, so those people have put their eyes. Chen Mo's body.

"Sakura, how can you come over, I am waiting for you for a long time ..."

At this time, a very beautiful girl was going to step on the high-heeled shoes, and the position of Joe Sakura, Chen Mo, came over.

Chen Mo knows that this girl is called Xue Yueqi. It is a good girlfriend of Qiao Sakuo, and is also a very famous female star in the entertainment circle. It has been popular because of several idol dramas recently.

Xue Yuqi and Qiao Saku are the same entertainment company, and this company has the shares of Joe Sakura, saying that Xue Yuqi is helpful because of Qiao Sakuo, and can be a smooth water in the entertainment circle, although it is not a red pole. For a time, but it can be considered a real first-line star.

Xue Yuqi's appearance and temperament is naturally no way to follow Qiao Yakata, but if it is more pleasing, the temperament is also very good, plus character is stronger, so it is still self-discipline, so A female star that is more expensive.

"Rain Qi, I am really embarrassed, I have just been a little bit of things ..."

Qiao Saki quickly explained a sentence.

"Nothing, I know that you must be in makeup!"

Xue Yuqi smiled and opened a joke, then the next consciousness watched Chen Mo's eye, and the eyes flashed a shower, and then rushed to Qiao Sakura: "Sakura, this handsome guy is? I seem to have never never I have seen it, I will introduce it to us! "

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