I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1334: Two boats on the foot!

"My God, no, Chen Mo's person actually stepped on two boats, it is a slag male, Miss Joe must be deceived by this Chen Mo ..."

"Yeah, it seems that men are really spending ..."

"It's too bad, even Miss Joe dares ..."

The female stars after Qiao Sakay At this time, the expression on a face was very angry, as if I had to eat Chen Mo.

But in fact, these people have already had their own small abacus, because if Chen Mo is really a gentleman, then they go to the goddess of Qiao Sakura, they don't have any opportunities.

But if Chen Mo is not a good man, then it is simple, Chen Mo's identity background is so horrible, even if you do a lover!

So these female stars have begun to think about how they want to hook Chen Mo in my heart.

But only Xue Yuqi, which is the best with Qiao Sakura, there is a bit confused at this time.

Because if if it is in the character of Qiao Sakura, I find my boyfriend and other men outside, then she will definitely go directly to a slap in the face.

Qiao Sakura has no tolerance at all such things.

But at this time, Xue Yuqi found that Qiao Sakuo was very calm and calm people feel some incredible.

"Is it that Sakura has long known Chen Mo and other women so cool?"

Xue Yuqi couldn't help but take a sigh of relief, and then he slept in Qiao Sakura: "Skills, you come over with me, I am a little thing to tell you ..."

Qiao Saki heard the sentence of Xue Yuqi, then followed Xue Yuqi to the side, asked softly: "Yu Qi, what do you want to tell me?"

"What is Chen Mo? What is otherwise outside? Do you know other women?"

Xue Yuqi asked.

"I do not know……"

Qiao Sakura shook his head.

"Since you don't know, why is your current reaction so calm?"

Xue Yuqi asked.

"This one……"

The eyes of Qiao Sakuo flashed a helpless, as if some didn't know how to explain this.

"Sakura, we have two awareness so long, others don't know you, I know you very much, you must know that Chen Mo has other women outside, you are willing to give Chen Mo as a lover?"

Xue Yuqi asked very seriously.


Qiao Saki looked at Xue Yuqi to take a sigh of breath, then said that the tone is very helpless: "Oh, forget it, I still tell you the truth!"

"What is the truth?"

Xue Yuqi flashed a doubt of his eyes.

"In fact, I just met Chen Mo's three days, and when I met Chen Mo, I was still because I was recorded, Chen Mo is the boss of Tianyunhui. I have to open a few days, and he wants me to come. Participate in the opening of the scissors, I let him pretend to teach my boyfriend to learn the morning, as Chen Mo has no girlfriend, and who is the youth, I don't know all ... "

Qiao Safe is very clear, you can't hide it, so let's take the truth directly.

After Xue Yuqi listened to these words of Qiao Sakuo, the expression on his face seems to be more surprised, staring at Water's big eyes: "It turned out to be such a thing!"

"You also know, so many years, I have never been coming out of the matter, I can't like others!"

Qiao Sakura said.

"If you say this, then I will understand how it is, you are scared to death, I thought you were a small three to others!"

Xue Yuqi said slightly helplessly.

"You still don't understand me? I will definitely imply that it is a small three ..."

Qiao Sakuo made Xue Yuqi and then continued: "Yes, you must help me confidential, because everyone knows that I have a boyfriend, and my boyfriend is still the boss of Tianyun. So In the future, the annoying pursuits can't be wrapped in me ... "

"OK, I know, I will definitely help you confidential!"

Xue Yuqi nodded very seriously.

On the other hand, Tao Yiangliang saw Chen Mo's abnormal excitement, directly in front of Chen Mo, and then shouted: "Sister, Hello!"

"Do we know two?"

Chen Mo has some speechless rushing Tao and asked.

"Sister, I have seen you, but you haven't seen me, my sister is Tao Ying ..."

Tao is also said to teeth.

"What is the one, I am now being an ordinary friend relationship, I am not your brother, you still call!"

Chen Mo said very helpless.

"Oh, that's all morning and evening, my sister said, she is not married ..."

Tao is also shouted with his throat.

Chen Mo also looked at Tao is really don't know what to say, he found that there is a little bit of this person who does not take the brain. If Tao is also heard this sentence, he is not able to tear his mouth.

"Sister, I will introduce you, this is my girlfriend!"

Tao also litted a long and very good little girl to Chen Mo's face, smiled.

"Sister, hello!"

The little girl seems to be a little nervous at this time.

"Hello there!"

Chen Mo is now there is no mood to explain these people to the relationship between himself and Tao, so it can only be helpless.

"What, brother-in-law, you say what should I deal with today?"

Tao is also asked to teeth.

"How do you want to solve it?"

Chen Mo's faintly returned.

"I have a sister, I am relieved, I am relieved ..."

Tao also smiled very happy, then turned to the front of Duan Chenjie, whispered in Duan Chenjie: "Kid, now there are two things, what should we have?" "

"I just apologize to you ..."

Duan Chenjie helpless said.

It is already 10,000 grass. It is already a 10,000 grass. It's too much. They have already admitted these things, and he does not believe that there is no use.

"Apologize to do? I have said to you, you are now giving me a hoe, I will let you, otherwise this is not finished!"

Tao is also very arrogant, rushing to Duan Chenjie.

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