I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,345: How to charge?

"I tell you, don't think that Chen Mo will give you back to you, you can not put anyone in your eyes, I am a family, you can go to ask for inquiry, if you really put me, I promise You won't have any good fruit! "

I apologized this kind of thing is something too shameful. Duan Chenjie is impossible to kneel anyway, so he is now going to use his home to threaten it.

And Tao Yiang's eyes flashed a contest, then said with his mouth: "What do you count? Today, your dad is coming, you have to give me a apology, or I will fight. Apologize you! "

"My mother fights with you ..."

Duan Chenjie finally had a bit tolerated, pulling the scorpion, and then rushed directly to the position of Tao Yiang.

In an instant, two people were playing together again.

But the physical quality of these two people is almost the same, and then, when Chen Jie is really desirable, so, Chenjie, the morning, will occupy the upper wind.

"Do you all look? Give me!"

Tao also shouted with those friends behind him.

And the friends of Tao Yiang seems to be afraid to do, so they turn their heads to Chen Mo's position.

There is no expression on Chen Mo's face, as if it is the default.

Everyone understood that Chen Mo's meaning did not have to control anything, directly rushed to Duan Chenjie, and began to kick Duan Chenjie.

At the beginning, Duan Chenjie seems to be able to struggle, but there is a bit too much, and Duan Chenjie accidentally fell on the ground, and then it was a mess.

I don't know how long it has, Chen Mo feels almost, so I said: "Yes ..."

Everyone heard Chen Mo's sentence, there were still actions in their hands.

At this time, Chenjie has been hit by blood, it looks very pitiful.

Tao Yiang immediately walked to Duan Chenjie. He directly grabbed the hair of Duan Chenjie. Take you once, understand? "

Duan Chenjie has now been completely touched, so he does not dare to resist at all. He knows that he will resist it, and it may be even more miserable.

So, Duan Chenjie did not say, he is intended to wait until the handle Chen Mo will make the killer in addition to the pottery.

"These two must have to give me death ..."

Duan Chenjie shouted in his heart.

Tao Yiang saw that Duan Chenjie was honest, and it would not intend to continue to be a difficult to say Chenjie, whispered: "Okay, I have no mood now to waste time with you, you can roll ..."

Duan Chen Jie heard this sentence, there was no hesitation at all, and the rolling tape was running outside.

Tao Yiang also clearly knows that today is because Chen Mai gives his face, so he took the initiative to come to Chen Mo's face, smiled and said: "Daughter ... is not right, Chen Gongzi, today's things really thank you, Otherwise, I invite you to drink a cup of wine? "

"no need……"

Chen Mo's faintly returned, then he continued: "You should go out, you are better, not every time your luck will be so good, today you are because I met me, and still in my meeting, if Changed to other places, the ending may not be the same ... "

"I know I know……"

Tao also litted his nodded from Chen Mo.

Chen Mo's faint glanced Tao is also bright, did not continue to say anything, twisting, Qiao Sakura: "Let's go!"


Joe nodded, then followed Chen Mile to walk the outside of the Tianyun.

Everyone looked at Chen Mo's back of Qiao Sakuo, and the heart was very doubtful. Tao is not a brother of Qiao Sakuo, but she shouted Chen Mi's husband, and Qiao Sakuo has not responded!

Therefore, everyone thinks that there is only one way to explain, that is, Qiao Yoko is willing to give Chen Mian as a small three!

Everyone thinks that this is as if they are more than before they see Duan Chenjie actively calling that they are .

Qiao Sakura will be willing to give others a small three?

However, only Xue Yuqi knows how all this is all, but Xue Yuqi doesn't have a way to explain these things with others.

And people, Qiao Sakin, don't care about a small three, and she will definitely not go to the verge.


On the other hand, Duan Chenjie has left the Tianyun. After returning to his own car, then take out some paper towels to wipe the face.

"Jingle Bell……"

At this time, Duan Chenjie's ringtone rang.

Duan Chen Jie was buslineless and then whispered: "Is it a person looking for old?"

"Yes, it is me!"

The other party replied.

"You now come to the parking lot of Tianyun, I am waiting for you here, I am in a tail number three-eight-black Mercedes!"

Duan Chenjie knows that after the killer is coming, the eyes flashed in a very excited, and the speech speed fought quickly.

"OK, see after three minutes!"

The killer returned to a sentence, and then hanged the phone directly.

Duan Chenjie sat in the car waiting.

If you know the normal person, you know that Chen Mo's identity will not dare to move your hand, but the humiliation of Chenjie in today is too much, he thinks all this is because of Chen Mo, so there is only one in his brain. I don't want to kill Chen Mo.

At this time, the anger in his heart has made him lose rationality.

Three minutes later, a black car slowly stopped next to Mercedes.

A middle-aged person has a simple observation of the surrounding environment, and it is sure that there is no problem, and then directly opens the door of Mercedes-Benz, and then sits above the position of the back row.

Duan Chenjie turned his head and saw the middle-aged person, whispered: "Do you have someone who is giving me?"

"Yes, it is me ..."

The killer nodded gently.

In the morning, Chen Jie's eyes flashed a wonderful, then frowned: "The person I want to kill is not simple, do you make sure you can walk?"

"There is still a person in my car, and the words of our two should have no big problem!"

Everyone replied directly.

"That is okay ..."

Duan Chen Jie knows that two people have eased a lot of expressions in the face, then continue to ask: "How did you charge?"

"One person is one million!"

The middle-aged replied.

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