I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,346: You can find it!

"one million?"

Duan Chen Jie heard the number and couldn't help but laugh, then faintly said: "This, I will give you two three million, as long as you can kill this person, but can't be discovered, no What is the problem? "

The middle-aged human eye also flashed a lot of excitement, because he was in the first time, Duan Chenjie did not tell the price but increased the price.

"Mr. Section, you can rest assured, since it receives money, we will definitely do things well ..."

Middle-aged people said very seriously.

"But I am a little worried that you are not enough, how much doesn't matter, mainly you have to give me killing this Chen Mo ..."

Duan Morrhea said with a brow.

Everyone heard the words of Duan Chenjie, then smiled, then whispered: "Mr. Duan, I will do this with my younger brother is not a day two days, we have not lost his hand, so you can rest assured, kill An ordinary person is too simple to us ... "

At this time, this middle-aged did not lie, he didn't have a lot of live in so many years, and he has never been lost, nor by the police, from this point, this middle-aged person is not what normal person.

Duan Chen Jie heard that the expression on his face was slightly relieved.

"Mr. Section, there is no target photo in your hand?"

At this time, the middle-aged man took the initiative to open.


Duan Chen Jie heard the words after the eyes, the eyes were flashing, then whispered: "I just met the kid, where did I come?"

"But if you don't have photos, we don't know who should kill?"

The middle-aged person seems to be a bit speechless.

"You don't have to worry about this, I know that person, and now that person is in the meeting, let's wait here, I will tell you after a while, I will tell you ..."

Duan Chenjie said faint.

"Mr. Section, are you not afraid of being seen?"

Middle-aged asked.

"He is a dead, what are the terrifications, I have to look at you to kill him, or it is difficult to understand my heart!"

Duan Chenjie bite a jam.

"OK then……"

The middle-aged people saw that the attitude of Duan Chenjie was so resolute, and it was not good to say anything. It can only be nodded helplessly.

"Mr. Section, let's go to my car waiting, your car is easy to discover!"

Middle-aged people reminded.

"OK, go to your car!"

Duan Chenjie nodded and followed the middle-aged person.

After almost a few minutes, Chen Mo said with Qiao Sakura, I talked out of the Tianyun Club.

At this time, Chen Mo intends to drive Qiao Sakuo to the hotel, then go home.

Duan Chenjie saw that Chen Mo will seem to have seen the killing of the fever, shout: "Do you see that person? It is him, you will give me a kill him in two now ..."

"Mr. Du, this is the camera, and it is also the site of Tianyun, once it is discovered, we can't run ..."

Middle-aged people said very helpless.

"What do you plan?"

Duan Chen Jie was busy asking.

"I think we now the best way is to follow them for a while, then wait until the right opportunity is in the hands ..."

The middle-aged man said.

"That's also ..."

Duan Chenjie feels a little reasonable to say that the middle-aged people say, so there is no anti-reflection, and I nod directly.

After Chen Mo took the car, Chen Mo took the car and drove the location of the hotel.

However, when I passed an artificial lake park, Qiao Saki suddenly shouted: "I still don't want to go back, I still don't want to go back, I think the scenery there is quite good, let's take a look!"

"What is the scenery you look at the big night?"

Chen Mo said helplessly.

"You still want to let me participate in your opening ceremony?"

Joe asked the little mouth.

"Let's take a look ..."

Chen Mo is now not dare to have a sin, so it can only be helpless.

A few minutes later.

Chen Mo took the car and then began to stroll in the small road next to the artificial lake.

At this time, it was already more than twiters in the morning, so there is no one around the artificial lake, very quiet, Joe Sakura is also picking up your own sunglasses and hats.

"It's so good here, I can finally don't take sunglasses ..."

Joe is very happy to rush through Chen Mo.

"In fact, you are very difficult for these stars ..."

Chen Mo said.

"Yeah, but I just like acting, I just like to be a star!"

Qiao Saki smiled, then turned to see Chen Mo, then said very seriously: "Today's things are really thank you ..."

"You don't have to thank me, I just want to let you participate in my opening ceremony, saying that the simple point is the need, if you don't use any value for me, I don't May help you, so if you say thank you, I still feel sneak! "

Chen Miman said very seriously, rushing to Qiao Sakura.

"You don't have to say so direct, your opening ceremony, I will go, you will help me solve this big trouble, but also let me have the courage to put down the previous regret, this is what I really want to thank you. ! "

Qiao Sakura said with Chen Mo.

"I used to be like you, I am also very difficult to put down, but people always have to live, I can't always live in the past!"

Chen Mo's low returned to Qiao Sakin.

"I don't think there is a lot of stories on your body?"

Qiao Sakura looked at Chen Mail.

"My story is nothing to say, I am curious about your story, I think you should tell your story, so you can really put down the future!"

Chen Mo smiled and said.

"my story?"

Qiao Saki heard Chen Mo's words flashed in the gods, as if I didn't want to mention these things.

"Of course, if you don't want to say, there is nothing to do. After all, I don't say that it is your freedom!"

Chen Mo looked at Qiao Sakae continued.

Qiao Saki took a breath and didn't talk.

At the same time, a black sedan is stopping no longer.

When Duan Chenjie in the car saw Chen Mo and Qiao Sakura, he was very excited, and he said: "It can be found to find this pair of men and women!"

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