I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,351: The police came!


Duan Chenjie asked.

"You can rest assured, I won't kill you, I will come, I am going to handle you to the police ..."

Chen Miman said calmly.


Duan Chen Jie heard a fear in the eyes after hearing this sentence.

Although Chen Mo gave Duan Chenjie to the police, Duan Chenjie did not have any life danger, but he hired this murderer and it was very serious. This life may be destroyed, so his expression is very excited to rush through Chen Mo asked: "Chen Mo, I am asking you, don't give me to the police, if you give me to the police, I will finish my life ..."

"What do you want to find when you find a killer?"

Chen Sile did not have an expression.

And Duan Chenjie also knew that Chen Mo won't let himself, so it is shouting with Qiao Sakuo: "Sakura Sakuo, we have learned from small, I admit that I have always wrapped around you, I am not right, I guarantee me I will never be wrapped in you later. You look at me on my father's face. If I go in, my family is over, let's not so big hate? "

Qiao Saki looked at the morning morning, I was hesitant. Although Duan Chenjie did very annoying, Joe has never thought so big.

It is already very good to be able to get wrapped in Morning Morning.

Therefore, Qiao Saki hesitated and turned his head. He said in Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, in fact, Duan Chenjie is not so bad, or let him go!"

"To, Chen Mo, we have no big contradiction between two, I am really impulsive, you will put it, I promise that I will not harass the sauage in the future, I swear still can't ?"

Duan Chenjie was on the ground, and the expression was very excited to rush through Chen Mo.

Chen Mo got down, Duan Chenjie, then whispered: "Okay, since Qiao Saki gives you, then I will not give you to the police, but you remember, don't harass Joe Sakura, otherwise, If things are not so simple ... "

"You rest assured, I am sure, I really don't dare ..."

Duan Chenjie shouted.

After Chen Mo hesitated, he kicked between the two legs of Duan Chenjie.


Duan Chenjie screamed, and his face was abnormal.

"You give me a remember, this feet is given you a small lesson. If there is still a next time, then this is not such a simple thing, understand?"

Chen Mo said coldly.

"I understand, I understand, I guarantee that I don't dare to get next time ..."

Duan Chenjie has pale, and the sound is trembling.

"You can roll now ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

Duan Chenjie has a feeling of robbery after hearing Chen Mo's sentence, and there is no hesitation, and directly turned to run in the distance.

After experiencing this, Duan Chenjie estimated that Chen Mo's trouble is not dare to find Chen Mo.

Because Chen Mai in his eyes is a madman, if today is not because Qiao Sakuo helps yourself, it is estimated that Mo may really give himself a policeman today.

Chen Mo saw that Duan Chenjie left the next to turn his head and looked at Qiao Sakuo, and then said: "From today, Chenjie should never dare to sin, after seeing you, you have to go to the road ..."

"Thank you!"

Qiao Sakura said very seriously.

"What are you thank me?"

Chen Mo stunned.

Duan Chenjie was originally desirable to kill you, but I let you put him ... "

Qiao Sakuo had returned to a sentence, then he continued: "But I just let you let you put him because I care about him, but because I know the energy of the family, if you send Duan Chenjie to the police today, the family I will definitely find a chance to retaliate, I will give you a lot of trouble, so I feel more than a few things, as long as he will not continue to work, I am already very good ... "

"I understand your idea……"

Chen Mo nodded lightly.

In fact, Chen Mo is now don't want to provoke, although Chen Mo is not afraid of trouble, but after all, it is better to be less.

And Qiao Sakuo got up to Chen Mo, hesitated two seconds and said: "I didn't expect your skills to be so good!"

"Can I promise to help you call Chenjie?"

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

However, at this time, the siren sound is not far away.

Four five police cars have driven Chen Mo's position.

Wang Jun directly rushed to Chen Mo's position after getting off the bus, then shouted: "Chen Gongzi, where is the gangster?"

Chen Merlot flew the two killers lying on the ground.

Wang Jun saw these two killers, I couldn't help but said that he said unusually excited: "Chen Gongzi, you can have a big busy!"

"what's happenin?"

Chen Mail asked.

"Chen Gongzi, I caught these two killers for several years, but these two people are very embarrassed, have never caught, I didn't expect to fall in your hands in your hand, I don't know how to thank Chen. Hello son ... "

Wang Jun looked at Chen Mo in front of him, and said an abnormal excitement.

At this time, he understood that Chen Mo was your own noble!

"This little thing can't, I also happen to encounter these two people ..."

Chen Mo smiled back to a sentence.

After he hesitated, he asked Chen Mail: "Chen Gongzi, the people behind these two people don't have to investigate it?"

"This is not used, I have now known that the two behind them are, if you continue to investigate, you will make you trouble, so you will take these two people to take it ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

"Or Chen Gongzi, you consider the comparison!"

Wang Jun whispered.

After hesitating, Chen Mo smiled and said: "Director of Wang, I may have to open a few days, you can see if you can't pass it?"

Wang Jun listened to Chen Mo's laugh and laughing. Try more to bring some people to give you a game, what do you think? "

"Of course, it is the best ..."

Chen Mo smiled and said.

The king's awareness looked at the Qiao Saka, and then the whole person was stunned.

All his attention has been put on Chen Mo's body, and there is no big star Qiao Sakuo in Chen Mo.

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