I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,352: Feng Xing speaks

After Wang Jun and Chen Mo's simple cold, Wang Jun planted with the two killer left. After all, the two killers said that Wang Jun said to be a big baby. Once it is possible to arrest these two people, it is absolutely Let Wang Jun come back more.

So Wang Jun's heart is still very grateful to Chen Mo, because he is clear if he is not because Chen Mo's words, you can absolutely can't grab these two killers.

However, when Wang Jun just prepared to leave, I suddenly found the Qiao Sakura stood in Chen Mo, and then the whole person was in the original place, and the expression on my face was very incredible.

The famous female star Qiao Sakuo is with Chen Mo?

And now it is already late in the morning, two people actually appear in the same place, which means that the relationship between the two people is definitely not simple.

Wang Jun instantly understands how this is something, I can't help but secretly sigh Chen Mo. Chen Mo is too powerful. I even even the big star such as Qiao Sakuo can get it.

Wang Jun himself is the faithful fan of Joe Sakura, so I was very exciting in the heart in my heart after I saw Joe Sakura. The body was slightly trembled, and I was shouted at Joe Sakura: "You should be Miss Joe. ? "

Because the happening happened just now, I didn't get into yourself. Joe Saki was also stunned after hearing the king's sentence, and then said softly: "Yes, I am Joe Sakura ... "

"Miss Joe, it is too fate, I have encountered you here, I have always been your faithful fan, can you sign me a name?"

Wang Jun asked very excited.

"of course……"

Qiao Sakura laughed back to a sentence.

Wang Jun did not hesitate, and directly found the paper pen to Qiao Sakura.

And Qiao Sakin signed the name.

And the policemen who come over are all around the signs of Joe Sakura.

After almost more than ten minutes, Wang Jun leaving the scene with himself.

Qiao Saki saw these police officers after leaving the long out of breath, and then softly said: "Today is really thrilling, if not because your skill is better, we may be dangerous ..."

"Yeah, you must be careful in the future, I am worried that Chen Jie may also retaliate!"

Chen Mo has returned to a sentence, then continue: "I didn't expect your fans to actually ..."

"of course……"

Qiao Sakuo returned to a very proud, then continued: "Are you a fan?"

"How is it as your fan?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Very simple, do you usually see my TV series?"

Qiao Sakuo asked.

"I have seen it, but I don't have much ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

"Then you are not my fans ..."

Qiao Sakura said something dissatisfied.

"No, no, anyway, I don't chase the star, I will send you back to the hotel!"

Chen Mo smiled and said.


Qiao Saki heard Chen Mo, and then snorted and walked directly to the position of the parking.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Mo sent Qiao Sakuo back to the hotel, and then a person took a taxi back home.

When Chen Mo came home, I found that Yan Mi or didn't sleep.

"It's so late, have you still sleep?"

Chen Mo asked.

"I will sleep for a while ..."

The Yan Xia has returned, and then turned to see Chen Mo and asked softly: "How is your opening ceremony?"

"Almost ready, just waiting to open!"

Chen Mo replied.

"Oh, I heard that the opening ceremony of Jiang Jia people seems to start, I don't know if I will choose to be with you on the same day ..."

Yanme whisper reminded Chen Mo.

Chen Mo he hesitated after hearing this sentence, and then softly said: "Do you want to participate during the opening ceremony?"

"My current identity is just a teacher of Beihang University, I don't have the meaning of the participation, and my identity is more special. If I am recognized, I will have trouble, I will have trouble. I still don't want to participate! "

Yanme does not move his head directly.

"OK then……"

Chen Mai nodded helpless. He also knew that Yanmei participated in his own opening ceremony did not make much sense, so there was no force.

Now that Chen Mo has invited Tao family and Zhao Xi Cheng and Qiao Sakuo. These three people's lineups have been very horrible, so Chen Mo is completely worried about the sake of color, now Chen Mo only needs to wait for the opening ceremony. .


There is a private club in Behangzhou City.

Jiang Ziwei sat on the sofa and gently swayed the high cup in his hand, as if it was waiting for something.

After a few minutes, the door of the box was pushed away from the outside, and a beautiful young man walked into the box.

When Jiang Ziwei saw this youth, the eyes flashed a lot of excitement, and then said that he was busy and said: "Feng Gongzi, you can come over!"

Youth heard Jiang Ziwei's words faintly smiled, then whispered: "It's really sorry, my business is really busy, so I will see it so late, John Jiang Gongzi, you come out ..."

"It doesn't matter, your company is doing so big, business is definitely very busy, unlike my idlers, when do you have time ..."

Jiang Ziwei treats this youth's attitude.

Because this youth can be a very famous entrepreneur in Tianyuan Province, and this youth is not a rich second generation, nor is it in the famous gate, just because he is with the person in charge of Yinshang. Say that there is an unclear relationship, so there will be today's achievement.

The youth is Feng Hao, belongs to the spokesperson of Feng Xing in Tianyuan Province.

After all, Feng Xing's identity is relatively special. In most cases, Fengxing is no way to show his head.

And Feng Xing has the same name as Feng Hao, so many people feel that Feng Xing and Feng Hao should have blood relationships, but Feng Hao has never recognized it.

This time, Jiang Jia and Feng Xing cooperated to buy the Yulong Club. Feng Xing naturally needs to discharge a person with Jiang family, and this person is Feng Hao.

Jiang Ziwei's heart is very clear, Feng Hao's appearance is the same as Feng Xing, so he treats Feng Hao 's attitude towards the attitude is also very respectful.

Otherwise Jiang Ziwei has different from Feng Hao, and Jiang Ziwei will not be so humble.

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