I am the heir to the richest man

The first thousand three hundred and fifty-five chapters: Ren Bin has an accident!

After more than an hour, Chen Mo said one person came to Behhang University.

But when Chen Mo walked into the classroom, it was found that the atmosphere inside the classroom seems to be a little uncomfortable. Everyone is discussing what is nervous.

And Chen Mo has simply sweeps an eye in the classroom, and there is no three three people who are binding.

"Do they have three skating classes?"

Chen Mo's eyes flashed a doubt.

"Chen Mo, you are coming?"

At this time, Shen Shan Die suddenly opened Chen Mo.


Chen Mer is light and nod, then the tone is in confusion: "The squad leader, you know I don't know what I don't know, what do you do? Why didn't you come to class?"

You know, not all students have privileged as Chen Mima.

North-Hangzhou University is still very strict for students' attendance tubes. Once they have multiple classes, it is likely to be directly being removed.

So in general, no one dares to have no reason.

Chen Mo saw that the three people of Xintin's Xiao Nan were not in class, and the faint approximately feeling that things are not very right.

"They seem to have an accident, and now they should be taken away by the police ..."

Shen Lingdi said that Chen Mimi said seriously.

"I was giving away by the police?"

Chen Mo suddenly stopped in an instant after hearing this sentence, and his face was very incredible.

"I heard that this is like this ..."

Shen Lingdi looked at Chen Mo nodded.

And Chen Mo took a breath, and then went directly to Shen Lingdi's face, and asked very excited: "Sceneth, what is this?"

"What is the specific thing I am not clear, but I know that they are giving away by the police ..."

Shen Lingdi helpless.


Chen Mo took a breath and then turned directly to the classroom.

Now Ren Bin Dingshi Xiao Nan three people are not, so Chen Mo can only go to Zhang Yi or is Wang Zihui asking what is going on.

After a few minutes, Chen Mo saw Zhang Yi in Zhang Yi's class.

At this time, the expression on Zhang Yi face seems to be very worried, a six god is not the same.

"Zhang Yi, you come up with me, I have something to ask you!"

Chen Mo rushed into Zhang Yi's classroom, and then shouted around him.

When I heard Chen Mo, I lost a lot of excitement in my eyes, and then quickly followed by Chen Mer.

"Chen Mo, you can come back, I have to die, Ding Shuo they have three things, now only you can save them three ..."

After walking out of the classroom, Zhang Yi said very excited to rush through Chen Mo.

"What is the one, don't worry now, how is it, you talk about me carefully ..."

Chen Mo asked.

"It is quilted that the leaves are the scorpion. If it is not because of that scorpion, Ding Shuo's three people can't do something, now there is something, but the scorpion is hiding, it is really mad at me ... "

Zhang Yi said very excited.

"This is also related to Qi Ye, how is it?"

Chen Miman asked with a brow.


Zhang Yi took a breath and then slowly said: "Things are like this, Qi Ye, I don't know where to hook a rich second generation, you also know that Qi Ye, the scorpion, I always want to find a rich second generation. People who know people are also those circles, so they don't contact us for a long time, but I don't know what happened, Qi Ye is starting to take the initiative to talk to us, and she also said that she is with that. The second generation has been broken up ... "

"and then?"

Chen Miman asked with a brow.

"When I got last night, we went to the bar to the bar. Qi Ye had encountered her rich second generation boyfriend. The person should be more drunk, so I have riggered with Qi Ye, what to let If Qi Ye, if Qi Ye does not pay attention to the money, he will not let Qi Ye, and Ren Bin is also very much. Some can't see it, so I persuade two sentences ... "

Zhang Yi parked, then continue: "But the rich second generation not only does not give Ren Bin facial, but also laughs at Ren Bin, said that he is a scorpion ..."

Chen Mer's heart is clear, the father of Ren Bin is really not very good, but it is only because of joint disease that is not good at the time, walking from the road to have some awkward, but it is not a scorpion, Ren Bin has always disheaded others. Speaking of his dad, so I rarely mention this.

This matter can also be counted as a reverse scale of Ren Bin.

"Chen Mo, you also know that Ren Bin is most annoying others saying these things, plus drinking a little wine, both sides are playing!"

Zhang Yi looked at Chen Mo.

"This small matter should not be caught by the police?"

Chen Miman said with a brow.

"Yeah, when Ren Bin, they were in less than half a minute, and the security guard was opened, and the second generation did not look at him, I looked at him, but last night. The police took Ren Bin Dingshi Xiao Nan, and he also said that the three people made the rich second generation to be seriously injured, and the arm was interrupted. At that time, it may be sentenced to the prison ... "

Zhang Yi said very urgently.


Chen Mo looked at Zhang Yi did not speak.

At this time, Chen Mo seems to have understood how this is something, it is obvious that each other is a little relationship with him, if they want to fall, they do three people.

Under normal circumstances, this small matter is actually solved in private, after all, the young people are moving hands.

But if there is anyone alarm, then this matter will be troublesome.

First of all, the other party actually said that his hand was interrupted, it may be seriously injured.

In the case of serious injuries, the sentence is minimized to start in three years.

In addition, this rich second generation uses the relationship, it is very likely that seven or eight or even ten years.

So now in this society, because it is impulsive, it will cause very big consequences.

Of course, this kind of consequence is all, you have no relationship. If you have a relationship, it will not be so complicated.

"You know, don't know where the three people are taken away from the police?"

Chen Mo looked at Zhang Yi asked.

"This is not very clear ..."

Zhang Yi shook his head and shook his head.

"Okay, I know, you don't have to worry, I will try my best to save them three people, you can rest assured!"

Chen Mo's low returned to Zhang Yi, and then turned to leave.

After Zhang Yi, Chen Mai took the mobile phone to call Wang Jun's phone.

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