I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,356: Deceive too much

"Dudu ..."

Wang Jun now has seen Chen Mo's big noble person, so I quickly connected the phone, and then asked in respect: "Chen Gongzi, what do you tell?"

"Director of Wang, I was giving away by the police, you got me now to check these three people, how is it?"

Chen Muri said quickly.

At this time, Chen Mo is also very worried about Ren Bin Ding Shuo Nan's three people's safety, so tone is still very urgent.

"Chen Gongzi, what is your three friends, I will help you now!"

Wang Jun quickly replied.

"Ren Bin, Ding Shuo, Xiao Nan!"

Chen Mo replied.

"Okay, Chen Gongzi, wait for me!"

Wang Jun went back to a sentence, and then hanged the phone.

After Chen Mer, after the mobile phone, he waited quietly.

After almost more than a year, Chen Mo took the call of Wang Jun, and I know that Ren Bin three should now be the municipal bureau.

Therefore, Chen Mo did not say much, directly left the North-Hangzhou University, and then took a taxi to the Municipal Bureau.

When Chen Mo arrived in the Municipal Bureau, I found that Wang Jun has come to the gate of the city bureau waiting to be waiting for Chen Mo.

Chen Mo saw that Wang Jun was secretly sighed in the heart, and this person was really very people.

"Director of Wang, how did you come over?"

Chen Mimic was asked.

"Chen Gongzi, you are unfamiliar in Behang City, many people don't know you, I am worried that you may have a very trouble, so I specially personally come over, I will help you with the city. Director, such words, there is a lot of convenience ... "

Wang Jun said softly to Chen Mo.

"Thank you!"

Chen Mo did not say much, very simple back.

But in the eyes of Wang Jun, it is nothing more than this sentence.

It is possible to make a human condition in the legendary Nanyang Chen Gongzi, which will definitely benefit endless.

"Chen Gongzi, let's go in!"

Wang Jun did not continue to be polite, and Chen Mo walked into the hall.

Because Wang Jun is accompanied, Chen Mo is very easy to see the director of Behang City.

"Chen Gongzi, hello!"

Gao Yifan should also know Chen Mo's identity from the mouth of Wang Jun, so treat Chen Mo's attitude is very respectful, take the initiative to get into the front of Chen Mo, and the tone shouted.

"High Director, Hello ..."

Chen Mo fell back.

"Chen Gongzi, I have heard of you a lot before, I am really a hero to have a hero today."

Gao Hercuo seems to be intended to be with Chen Mohan.

And Chen Mo did not have a mood to talk nonsense, and said directly: "High Director, I am coming to me today. Where is the three friends now? What is the three? "

"Chen Gongzi, I just asked about the situation. In fact, this matter is that it is not small, nothing more than a few young people have a small contradiction, but this is a cow. The flying person is not very good ... "

Gao Hercuo said slowly.

"Why isn't it?"

Chen Miman asked with a brow.

"I heard that this is still a background, and this time Niu Fei is the relationship between the province directly, although Niu Fei did not hurt, but people said that their arms were given by your friends. It's broken, there is no way to our city, it can only be grabbed by the rules first ... "

Gao Yifan whispered.

"Then what you mean is that Niu Fei is arguing with my friend against my relationship?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Yes, simple understanding is this!"

Gao Hercuo nodded and then continued: "Chen Gongzi, you know that we are all given to people, and some things are not what we can say, let us do, how do we Do it ... "


Chen Mo looked at Gao Hercuo for two seconds, then said that there was no expression: "Well, things are probably clear, my friend is now? Take me to see my friends ..."

"Well, Chen Gongzi, please ..."

Gao Hercuo quickly took Chen Mo from the office.

After a few minutes, Chen Mo finally saw the three people of Ren Bin Sai Xiao Nan.

When Chen Mo saw these three people, I was directly stunned.

Because of the past, Zhang Yi said, although both sides have been doing, it is actually really playing, so there should be no injury.

But at this time, Ren Bindin's Xiao Nan is very miserable, the arm is tied to the bandage, and there are many silt and wounds.

"Chen Mo, how come you?"

Ren Bin saw Chen Mo's expression excited and excited.

"Who is this?"

Chen Mo took the teeth and rushed.

"Chen Mo, you heard that I have no relationship with you, you will leave here now, I have let the people in my home to find a relationship, the lawyer will soon come, you will go! "

Ren Bin's heart inside the background of Niu Fei, once Chen Mo wants to participate in this matter, then you can only be tired of Chen Mo, so he will advise Chen Mo to leave.

"Zhang Yi is not to say that you are not injured? How is this?"

Chen Mo as if he didn't hear Ren Bin, the tone shouted very excited.

"Chen Mo, you can't do this, don't you do it? What should you do now!"

Ding Shui also shouted with his throat.

"Yeah, Chen Mo, the three people don't have anything, you will go!"

"I still isn't it your brother?"

Chen Mo asked.

Ren Bin Dingshi Xiao Nan three people were almost stunned at the same time after hearing Chen Mo, and looked at Chen Mo did not speak.

"What are the three people now or as a brother, then tell me how this is something!"

Chen Deng said that there is no expression.

"Chen Mo, knowing that there is nothing benefit to you ..."

Ren Bin helpless.

"You don't talk nonsense, what is this?"

Chen Mer asked to teeth.


Ren Bin looked at Chen Mo's deep breath, and then talked about Chen Mo with Chen Mo.

Through the matter of the matter, it is similar to Zhang Yi, but only the Niu Fei, whoever alone last night, took people to Ren Bin their dormitory to put Ren Bin, they gave a meal, and then the police appeared!

Chen Mo knew that the things of the things were shaking, because he felt that this Niu Fei really deceived too much.

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