"No, I heard that my cousin was hit, I came over, but I didn't expect Chen Gongzi, Chen Gongzi, I am so sorry, my cousin does not know Taishan All this is the fault of my cousin, I will leave him now ... "

Duan Chenjie expression was very excited to rushing to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo got up and down, Duan Chenjie, then said that there was no expression: "You seem to have not figured out how this is something, do you think this is your brother?"

"No matter what, I clicked Chen Gongzi, that is, my cousin ..."

Duan Chenjie is very clear about how terrible of Chen Mo's means, so it is now given him 10,000 courage, he does not dare to sin. Chen Mo.

"This is the case, this girl does not want to be with your cousin, but your cousin has been entangled with her, then my friend has a small contradiction with your cousin, your cousin is going to make me Friends are joined, I just hit him, do you think there is any problem? "

Chen Mo said that he was very calm and asked in Duan Chen Jie.

Duan Chenjie took a deep breath after hearing Chen Mo's sentence, I quickly said: "Chen Gongzi, I think you have no problem, my cousin, I am clear, I am not cleaned up, Chen Gongzi you pack it. ...... "

"Will your cousin will still find my friend's trouble?"

Chen Miman asked in Duan Chen.

"Chen Gongzi, what are you doing? You now give him 10,000 courage, he will definitely undertake your friend, I will learn about him after I go back, Chen Gongzi, you can rest assured ... "

Duan Chenjie said respectfully.

"Since you all understand, then I will not talk nonsense with you, you bring him!"

Chen Mo said he said in Duan Chenjie.

Duan Chenjie did not hesitate to hesitate after hearing Chen Mo, and quickly shouted: "Where are you doing? How do you do it? Go to me to take me out ..."

When I was lying on the stretcher, I didn't seem to figure out how this is something, I screamed: "Tsepie, you haven't helped me lesson, why do you want to lift me? "

"You fuck quickly gave me the mouth!"

Duan Chenjie looked at the expression abnormality on the face of Niu Fei, and today if he did not respond quickly, it was estimated that he might have to fall in Chen Mo's hands, so there is no other idea in Duan Chenjie, that is, hurry to leave here. , Leaving Chen Mo's devil.

Niu Fei, although there is no brain, but he can also feel uncomfortable from Duan Chenjie's expression, so there is no more to say more, let people carry him a rescue.

After a while, Duan Chenjie took a hurry to leave.

The people present in the field seem to still still figure out how this is all.

Especially Qi Ye, at this time, she doesn't trust what you have just seen.

After all, Niu Fei is no longer twice. It is not only a big star, but also a very background in the family, it seems that the dean came, but today Qi Ye is first seen. The cousin of Niu Fei is such a scene, which is also shocked by Qi Ye.

Of course, Qi Ye also understands that all of them may underestimate Chen Mo's strength.

Wang Jun and Gao Hercuo were also a bit stupid, because they used to heard how horror was heard from Chen Gongzi in Jiangnan, but never had a good experience.

This time, two of them understand that this so-called Jiangnan Chen Gongzi is a horrible existence.

Even if you look at the country, how many people can make Duan Chenjie be afraid?

"Director of the High Director, today, this thing is born. If there is no thing, I will leave my friends ..."

Chen Mai stepped into the face of Gao Hercuo and whispered with the king of two.

"Chen Gongzi, where are you going? I am going to send you?"

Gao Yifan said.

"OK, send my friends to the hospital to check it out!"

Chen Mo said.

"Well, I will arrange it now ..."

Gao Yifan agreed, and then turned and left.

At this time, Ren Bin Sai Xiao Nan seems to be staring at Chen Mo's position, and now they have very many doubts in the three hearts.

Although they have known that they know that Chen Mo's identity background is not simple, it should be a rich second generation, but they did not think that Chen Mo's background is so horror, even Gao Hercuo is listening to Chen Mail words.

After a few minutes, everyone got a police car, and then directly rushed to the position of the People's Hospital.

Gao Hercuo also helped Ren Bin and others contacted Beihang University, and told Beihang University, all of them is a misunderstanding. It is a missed person. This can also prevent schools from punishment of the three people because of this.

After entering the hospital, Ren Bin Dingshi Xiao Nan has taken a good check.

Ding Shuo's situation is still good, it is some skin trauma, but it also has to stay in the hospital to observe the school back to school.

And Ren Bin's right hand fractures, but it is not particularly serious, and it can be recovered after a few months.

Chen Mo knows that these three people have nothing to do after anything.

"Chen Mo, today's things really thank you, if not because of your words, it is estimated that the best result is also alone ..."

Ren Bin rushed to Chen Mo very seriously.

"Yeah, Chen Mo, today's things are really much loss, you are too handsome, I didn't think you were so powerful ..."

Ding Shuo also wishes his teeth.

And Qi Ye's ability to read Chen Mo's eye, in fact, her heart is also very grateful to Chen Mo, after all, if not Chen Mo's words, Qi Ye has no way to get rid of Niu Fei.

"Do you tell me, thank you, is it a bit too polite?"

Chen Mo said.

"Although we have good relationship, I should say thank you ..."

Ren Bin took a laughter and then bowed to Chen Mo's eye, and he was seriously asked by Chen Mail: "Chen Mo, who is you? You don't want to take us?"

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