I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,366: Qi Ye's mind

"My identity?"

Chen Mo listened to Ren Bing Dingshuo and others, I couldn't help but laugh, and my eyes flashed a helplessness, because this may be that Chen Mo is now inquiring the most questions.

Of course, this is also a problem with Chen Mo's least answer.

After all, Chen Mo's identity is very complicated. If you explain these questions are not so easy.

"Chen Mo, we have only known that you are a rich second generation, we don't think much, but now I can feel that you are definitely not a Pu Tong-turn second generation ..."

Ren Bin said that Chen Mo said very seriously.

Chen Mo looked at Ren Bin smiled and then asked softly: "How do you know that I am not an ordinary rich second generation?"

"Is this not simple? I have a feeling of speaking with you today, you are definitely not an ordinary person!"

Ren Bin directly returned to Chen Mo, then continue: "Who is the Niu Fei? It is clear that it is not hurt, but his arm has been interrupted, and the police have to believe in people, Niu Fei Background has made our family feel very desperate, let alone the cousin of Niu Fei? "

"Yeah, but today, Niu Fei is made into that look, Niu Fei's cousin does not dare, this shows that your identity is definitely very horrible, and even horrible to we can't imagine the point ..."

Ding Shuo said with it.

"Ha ha……"

Chen Mo looked at Ren Bin Ding's two people smiled and did not say much.

And Ren Bin hesitated, then continue to say: "In fact, Mile We ask your identity, we are just because of curiosity, you don't have to worry that we know your identity, you will be wrapped in you every day. Let you help ... "

"You just make me help, I will not help!"

Chen Mo smiled and said: "Now if I explain my identity with you, you may not know what people, this is good, in a few days, I have to open it, I originally I plan to send you a few membership cards, or you will go directly to my opening ceremony, when you know, what is I am! "

"What is your meeting to open?"

Ren Bin's eyes flashed a shock.

"Yes, it is my meeting!"

Chen Mo nodded.

"What is your name?"

Ren Bin asked very much.

"When you come, you will know!"

Chen Mo did not answer this question, but slowly stood up: "Okay, today is not early today, let's take a good rest, wait until my meeting, I will tell you, I will go first Ah! "

After the words were finished, Chen Mail stood up and walked outside the ward.

And Ren Bin Dingshi Xiao Nan's three people's face, after all, three of them asked for a long time, but did not ask anything.

Chen Mo leaving the ward and planned to go home.

However, Chen Mo just just came out of the hospital, he heard someone behind himself.

Chen Mo looked back and found that it was even Qi Yezhen chased it.

"Chen Mo, you are waiting!"

Qi Ye stepped on high heel shoes and screams.

And Chen Mo looked at Qi Ye, he has now clear that Qi Ye and Niu Fei compound are just just want to save the bin and others, so he has forgived Qi Ye.

"What's matter?"

When Qi Ye came to Chen Mo's, Chen Mo said softly.

Qi Ye is simple to adjust his breathing, then whispered to Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, today's things thank you!"

"What are you thank me?"

Chen Mo said and asked.

"Today, you saved Ren Bin them a few people. Ren Bin is because I am out, so I want to thank you, and thank you for letting me get rid of Niu Fei, if not because you, I may all It is necessary to destroy in the hand of Niu Fei! "

Qi Ye said very seriously.

"It turned out because of these things!"

Chen Mo smiled and then said softly: "In fact, you don't have to be so polite, I just do this is because I am!"

"No matter who you do, I have to thank you!"

Qi Ye is busy back to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo got up and down, then asked the tone: "Do I remember there is a boyfriend before you? Why do you have a kind of people with Niu Fei?"


Qi Ye looked at Chen Mo did not speak.

"If you don't want to answer these things, it doesn't matter ..."

Chen Mo smiled and said.

"In fact, all this is because you!"

Qi Ye suddenly opened his mouth.

"All this is because of me?"

Chen Mo's eyes flakes a shock, and then asked very puzzled: "Don't make this joke with me, what is your relationship with me?"

"You are clear in your heart, in fact, I have feelings to you ..."

Qi Ye whispered.

"I know that you have feelings to me, but I think you feel about my feelings because my background is with my money, so I can't accept this feeling!"

Chen Mo saw Qi Ye, explained the words, and he nature does not have to continue to be stupid.

"Yes, I admit that I am really very substance, I also want to integrate into the so-called upper circle, but Chen Mile, don't forget, I just met you, I don't know your identity, I Good feelings for you are also very simple! "

Say that Qi Lee said.

"When I just met me, I was so good to me?"

Chen Mo said a little surprised.

"Yeah, I have just got a good impression when I just met you, but I was hidden very well, I didn't show it!"

Qi Ye nodded and then continued: "I used to be a simple little girl, I also eager my love, I also hope that I can really like me, I also like his person ... "

"But later, I gradually discovered, no matter what something, it must be established on the material basis, because if there is no material foundation, then all things are just bubble, and it will be blown by the wind, this is also Why do I choose a boyfriend, I will only choose money on a background. You can feel my material, but your man doesn't like long beautiful? This, I think there is nothing wrong ... "

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