I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,382: You make people feel disgusting!

Chen Mo looked at Chu, there was something that I didn't know what to say.

It is important to know that the general manager of Tianyun will still be very strict, not anything can be treated.

First of all, the most important thing is that this general manager must be a woman, because the male membership of Tianyun will be more, so only women can handle the relationship with these members, Qin Yifu is a good example.

Secondly, this woman must be very savvy, and it is also very outstanding in terms of business capabilities, otherwise it is difficult to manage such a big club.

Many women in Chen Mo, but if if you want to find an ice, you are really not very good.

Lin Qing's shallow itself is the general manager of Hui Ding Group at the Beihang Branch. It has not yet strengthened the things of Tianyun, and Su Mu Bai also put his energy in Nanyang City. Liu Xuanxuan is more Said, the ability is naturally no problem, but you let Liu Xuan Xuan gives up his business empire to manage a small club, which is also a unrealistic issue.

"Can you give me more time?"

Chen Mo saw Chu blue attitude so resolute, and there was a bit helplessly asked.

"Three months, I will give you another three months!"

Chu is clear.

"OK, I know!"

Chen Mo nodded.

At this time, Chen Sime has already watched the idea of ​​Qin Yi Bing. After all, Qin Yimei worked for so long in Tianyun, which was very emotional for this meeting, so Chen Mo intends to use these three months. Take the conviction of Qinyi Ice in Tianyun Club.

As for Chu Blue, I agree or disagree, the Chen Mo may not be so much.

"Right, I still have another thing to say to you ..."

Chu Lan once again opened Chen Mo.

"whats the matter?"

Chen Mo said and asked.

"This is the case, I may leave North Hangzhou to go to Beijing, so I may not help you in the future ..."

Chu Lan said.

"I don't seem to have something to help now ..."

Chen Mo took it directly.

"Do you have to develop development in Beijing?"

Chu is busy asking.

Chen Mo didn't help but slammed his head, and then shook his head and said: "You should be very clear, I don't miss the money, I don't want to do it now is to investigate my parents. What is dead in the past, and Fengxing in Tianyuan Province is the breakthrough of this matter, so I don't plan to leave Beihang City before I haven't investigated these things. "

"No matter how your parents die, your biggest opponents in this life is those who are silver merchants. I think if you go to the capital to develop your strength as soon as possible, you will have a very good help to you later. ...... "

Chu's blue speech is said.

"I really can't think so much now ..."

Chen Mo looked at Chu blue shake his head.

Chu is light, sigh, then said that there is no expression: "Well, since you didn't want to go to the capital of the capital, I can't be difficult for you, but I just want to remind you, certain Be planned, because no matter how you investigate, I think you will investigate the silver business, so you are not willing to face it now, but you have to face the silver business in the morning and evening ... "

"Let's talk about it!"

Chen Mo felt that there were many things around him, so he did not have a manager to pay another thing.

Chu Lan heard Chen Mo's words and later understood Chen Mo's meaning, so he did not continue to say.

Chen Mo chatted with Chu Blue and chatted with the future of the future Tianyun meeting, and then returned to the side of everyone.

At this time, everyone seems to have been almost the same, so they will take the initiative to talk to Chen Mile.

Chen Migan sent these people out of the hotel.

Ren Bin Ding Shuo Ye Ye and others now understand Chen Mo's true identity, so I have left the hotel.

When a blink of an eye, Chen Mo was found to have only the staff of Qin Yibing and Tian Yunhui.

Chen Mimei walked to the side of Qin, then said softly: "Ice skating sister, today is really hard to work!"

"There is nothing hard, you are really very polite!"

Qin Yifa faintly returned to Chen Mo.

At this time, Qin Yibei is obviously more drunk. The pretty face is with a slim, like a ripe peach, which makes people want to bite a bite.

"Ice sister, time is not too early, otherwise I will send you back?"

Chen Mo is now intended to get along with Qin I ice, pull it down, and when Qin Yibei does not want to leave Tianyun, Chu is there is no way.

"No, I have let my driver came to pick me up, it is estimated that I will arrive, you still go back first!"

Qin Yi ice directly refused.

Chen Mo saw that Qin Yimei had called the driver, so there did not continue to say more.

After more than ten minutes, Chen Mo sent Qin Yai to the car, and then prepared to stop a taxi home.

But at this time, Chen Mo's hair is still not left, but standing next to his car as if you are arguing.

You know, Tao is also left with Chu Blue Ju Cheroid. The same time is left at the same time. According to reason, it should have been home now, but Tao is still not going.

Chen Mo felt something uncomfortable, so I went directly to the past.

When Chen Mo went into the future, I found that Huang Zhiming's gum is not silent.

And also put your own car in the middle of the road, let Tao also can't drive away the car.

"Ya, I am really like you, you should be very clear about my feelings, I beg you, will you give me a chance?"

Huang Zhiming seems to have a little wine, and the drunken rushing Tao is shouted.

And Tao Yao was also helpless after hearing the words of Huang Zhiming, wrinkled with brows: "Huang Zhiming, you said that this sentence is disgusting? You like me like me or like my family, yourself Is it unclear? "

"Of course, I like you ..."

Huang Zhiming said very excited.

"You said this sentence is too disgusting, you will give me a quick opening, I don't want to see you now!"

Tao Ji said with the big eyes of the water.

"I don't go, I have to tell you clearly today!"

Huang Zhiming shouted at the bead.

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