I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,383: Give me!

"What do you want to say, tell me?"

Tao is helpless.

"I have a clear heart, you have been refused to accept me, in fact, is it Chen Mo in your heart? I really don't understand, what is Chen Mo? Chen Mo's don't like you, You are a wish for him, why would you prefer to choose a person who doesn't love you, and you are not willing to choose me! "

Huang Zhiming said excited.

"I like who is my own thing, there is no relationship with you ..."

Tao Yisheng returned to a sentence.

"But Chen Mo didn't like you at all. He is using you. When you use it, he finds you. When you are useless, he will not take care of you, you say that you are?"

Huang Zhiming asked very much.

"I said, this is my own thing without any relationship!"

Tao is also biting his lips whisper.

Obviously, Huang Zhiming's sentence also touched Tao Yur's heart, although Huang Zhiming said that these words were very excessive, but it was actually a little reasonable.

"none of my business?"

Huang Zhiming couldn't help but smile, then shouted: "Tao Yao, when did you change this? Where did you go? Do you know that you are guilty?"

"what did you say?"

Tao Yisheng can't help but heard the words of Huang Zhiming, the expression on his face is very incredible.

"I said that you are guilty now. People Chen Miman doesn't like you, and you have been using you, but you still have to post it, you are not a guilty, what do you tell me?"

Huang Zhiming shouted at the nose of Tao Yuri.

Tao Yisheng looked at Huang Zhiming in front of him, and his eyes were full of angry and shocked, and tears did not live.

Tao is now looking to refute to Huang Zhi Ming, but she doesn't know how to refute.

Because Tao Yao's own heart is clear, Huang Zhiming said yes, he is the big lady of Tao, countless, but he likes to have a person who will not like himself. What is it?

"How? Do you think these words I said?"

Huang Zhiming looked at Tao and smiled.


Tao Yisheng took a deep breath, then whispered: "Yes, these words you said are not wrong, I admit that I am guilty, are you satisfied now?"

"That is also a chance to give me a chance? I guarantee that I will cherish you more than that Chen Mo, I am really sincere to you, have you given me a chance?"

Huang Zhiming's expression is very excited to rush to Tao Yao.

Tao Yisheng looked at Huang Zhiming, then said: "Huang Zhiming, you just lauginated that I am guilty, then what are you doing now? Are you not guilty?"


Huang Zhiming stunned.

"Yes, I like Chen Mo, I also admit that I am guilty, but even if I am guilty, I will not like you, you make me feel disgusting, you will give me a little, I have a life. Don't want to see you! "

Tao Yao's voice is cold in Huang Zhiming, and then reaches your hand to open the door.

Huang Zhiming seems to be stimulated by Tao Ye Ren, and the eyes flashed a trace of anger. After stretching the arm of Tao Yuli, then rub his eyes loudly: "You are a stinky, Laozi pays you. So many, your mother said to go, today you have to go with me, I have to do you today ... "

Obviously, when Huang Zhiming vented his heart, he didn't have a bitterness in his heart, plus Huang Zhiming's suddenness, so Huang Zhiming is obviously a bit crazy.

Tao Yisheng seems to be scared by Huang Zhiming's eyes, and the eyes flashed a fear, and the expression was extremely nervous: "Huang Zhiming, what are you doing? Are you crazy? You are going to send me!"

"I don't let go, you will open a house with Laozi now ..."

Huang Zhiming shouted.

"You hurry to send me, if you don't let me go, I shouted people ..."

Tao Yisheng was struggling while shouting on Huang Zhiming.

"You shout, do you see someone here?"

Huang Zhiming cheered.


Tao Yisheng heard the sentence of Huang Zhiming, because she knew that Huang Zhiming has lost ingredients now, or the sun, Huang Zhiming is absolutely dare to look like 10,000 courage.

Huang Zhiming also didn't intend to talk to Tao Yao, and Tao is also going to get on.

"Let her!"

But at this time, a cold voice rang behind Huang Zhiming.

Huang Zhiming stunned, then looked back at a look.

"Is it you?"

Huang Zhiming saw Chen Mo, and his eyes flashed a trace of anger.

After all, Huang Zhiming will go to this point today, all because of Chen Mo.

"Let Tao also let go, then roll!"

Chen Mo's low rushed to Huang Zhi Ming.

"What is your mother? You let me roll, I will roll?"

Huang Zhiming shouted very excited.

"I finally said, now Tao is also released, then roll!"

Chen Mo whispered a sentence.

"If I don't let go, you can take me ..."


Huang Zhiming did not finish, Chen Mo directly rushed to Huang Zhiming, and then lifted his legs, it was a big feet, directly in Huang Zhiming's belly.

The feet of this feet, Chen Mo did not use all the best. After all, if Chen Mo really used up his efforts, even if there was no way to kick Xiao Zhi Ming, it was enough to kick him into a disabled.

Huang Zhiming's body directly flew out, then slammed on the ground.

Huang Zhiming felt that his body was like a motorcycle that was hit by a high-speed motorcycle. The top of the five organs followed the pain. He struggled to stand up, but he found that he did not have strength at all.

And Chen Mo knows that Huang Zhiming has no resistance at this time, so there is no reason to take care of Huang Zhiming, but it is softly rushed to Tao Yao Ran. "You don't have anything?"

"I ... I am fine ..."

Tao Yisheng quickly shaken his head.

"It's okay, get on the bus!"

Chen Mo's faintly returned a sentence, then opened the door to take the car to get on the bus.

Tao Yisheng hesitatedly prepared to get on the bus.

"My mother kills you this pair of dog men and women!"

But at this time, Huang Zhiming that has been crazy suddenly shouted.

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