I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,398: Talk to Chen Gongzi!

"Chen Mo, if you are not fake, then you should rent it from someone else's hand? Is the rent should be not cheap?"

Zhang Ping junmed, and asked Chen Mail.

Chen Miman looked at Zhang Ping, did not speak.

At this time, Chen Mo could not explain his own clothes and these people. It is really fake. Chen Mo feels that he is explained, it seems that there is no significance.

In an instant, all the students in the box began to stood a whisper.

"This is too vain?"

"Yeah, I still wear a set of fake Amari came over to participate in the classmates party ..."

"Who is not clear? No need this look ..."

"I thought that Chen Mo was still quite good before school, I didn't expect this to become this!"

Everyone got a whisper.

Wei Mengmeng's eyes also flashed a doubts, then couldn't help but asked Chen Mail: "Chen Mo, your clothes are really fake?"

"What do you say?"

Chen Mo smiled back, and the expression on his face was very difficult.

Although Wei Meng Meng's heart also felt that Chen Mo should not wear so expensive clothes, but she also thinks that Chen Mo's performance is too calm, completely like wearing a counterfeit clothes, it is unveiled, so Her heart is faintly about the feelings of Chen Mo's clothes may be true, otherwise Chen Mo is absolutely impossible to be so calm.

Southern Suyu, who has been hiding outside, after listening to the words of people who laughed Chen Mo, the face on the face is anger, because she really can't understand Chen Mingming is already so rich, why is it necessary? Mock up by these people, and it is not refuted.

Of course, Su Yucu is also clear at this time, Chen Mo actually came over to participate in the classmates.

Su Tuyu is now looking forward to telling the identity of Chen Mo, but she finally endured, because she feels that Chen Mo must do this.


Su Tuyu took a sigh of relief, then took out his mobile phone to dialed Su Mu Bai's phone.

"Xiaoyu, what did you investigate?"

After the call was connected, Su Mu Bai asked in the laughter.

"The cousin, this Chen Mo actually came to participate in the classmates party ..."

The Soviet Yuri is very helpless.

"That seems that Chen Mo didn't do something sorry for me?"

Su Mu Bai said with a smile.

"It should be, but these people have been laughing Chen Mo, Chen Mo does not explain what, it is really mad at me ..."

Sudongyu said with anger.

"Chen Mo just is too lazy to explain with those people. After all, it will be explained with these people. These people have no way to believe, so it is better not to explain!"

Su Mu Bai still knows Chen Mo's, tone.

"Then I also feel very angry, what qualifications do those people ridiculed Chen Mo?"

Su Tuyu whispered.

"Okay, Chen Mo's things don't worry, how is the love?"

Su Mu Bai loudly persuaded a sentence.

And Su Yucheng took a deep breath, then whispered: "Okay, I know ..."

After saying this sentence, Su Yucu hangs up the phone, then turned his head and watched the position of the box.

Maybe because the dishes are not yet, those students in the box are chatting.

However, most of the content of chat is touted Zhang Ping. At this time, Zhang Ping has always hanging a smile, he feels that he spent tens of thousands of money, please have a classmate here, actually very worth it. Although Wei Meng Meng is still very indifferent to Zhang Ping, but it is possible to harvest Li Xueer, this sexy beauty, then he is also a white flower money.

"You know, I don't know, this uncomfortable hotel is open, and the Nanyang City Su Jia is still very powerful ..."

"Yeah, I also heard that this Suma's background is a person who is called Chen Gongzi. The Chen Gongzi is very great!"

"If it is not because of this Chen Gongzi, how can Su Jia be becoming a number of people in Nanyang City now from a small family?"

Several boys should have heard about Chen Mo's things, so the tone is excited.

Chen Mo is still surprisingly surprising after hearing these people, and he can think of such a big change to Sucha. These things are unclear.

"You may not know it? Chen Gongzi is actually the boss of our Hui Ding Group!"

At this time, Zhang Ping suddenly said.

After listening to this sentence, everyone turned his head to Zhang Ping.

"Zhang Ping, you said that Chen Gongzi is the boss of your Huiding Group?"

A boy is asking.

"Yes, Chen Gongzi is the boss of our Hui Ding Group. I said to you, people Chen Gongzi is the real big person, don't say it is in Nanyang City, even if it is a lot of Jiangnan Province. Existent, I will talk to you so, say it in Jiangnan Chen Gongzi, then no one dares to say second ... "

Zhang Ping said.

"Zhang Ping, since you went to work in Hui Ding Group, you must know what many Chen Gongzi is? Otherwise you tell us ..."

Everyone seems to be very interested in things about Chen Mo, and the tone is very excited.

Zhang Ping heard the words of everyone, the eyes were flashing, and then smiled and said: "In fact, some internal news I should not tell you, but I think we are all students, so I will follow Let's talk ... "

"Yeah, Zhang Ping, you hurry to talk ..."

Everyone shouted very excited.

And Zhang Ping has begun to say some things about Chen Mo.

Chen Migi has been sitting quietly, but Chen Mo listened to hearing, because this Ping said that most of the things are made, but also directly like Chen Mo. It seems that there is nothing to do if there is anything.

"I didn't expect that I am such a person in the eyes of ordinary people ..."

Chen Mo did not help but sigh.

After all, Zhang Ping is just a intern of Hui Ding Group Branch, and even the interns of the headquarters is not, so Zhang Ping can know that Chen Mo's things, he is talking about these things that he says. Yes.

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