I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1,399: Joke can't open!

Although Zhang Ping said that these things are Huntang, this multi-person who is helpless will not be able to touch these things, so there is no way to distinguish it is true or false.

"Zhang Ping, since you are the people of Hui Ding Group, have you seen this Chen Gongzi?"

At this time, a boy asked Zhang Ping.

"I am just a intern. Of course, I have never seen Chen Gongzi, but I believe that I should have this opportunity in the future!"

Zhang Ping said.

"That is also ..."

The boys nodded and then continued: "Although the Chen Gongzi is very powerful, it is also because Chen Gongzi's origin is better, we can't compare with Chen Gongzi ..."

"Yeah, I think it is still Zhang Ping, Zhang Ping can rely on himself to have today's achievements ..."

Li Xueer said with a delicate drop.

Wei Mengmeng after hearing this sentence of Li Xueer, there is a helplessness in the eyes, and now Zhang Ping is just a intern. What is the achievement?

"Zhang Gongzi, I heard that this unhappy member card is very difficult, and the common people may not have money. You can still get the membership card here, it is really a great!"

A boys rushed to Zhang Ping.

"There is nothing gainful ..."

Zhang Ping said very low.

"Right, I also heard that the membership card here is divided into several levels, I don't know what Zhang Ping is the level of your membership card?"

Another boy seems to have a certain curious rushing from Zhang Ping.

"I am a senior member card ..."

Zhang Ping is clearly clear that these people are also unclear that the senior membership card is different from the distinction between the low-level membership card, so it is faint to return.

However, in fact, Uncle Zhang Ping is just a low-level membership card. After all, Zhang Ping's uncle is just a Director of the Finance, it is impossible to get a senior member card, and Zhang Ping said so It's just to show yourself.

"Advanced Member Card?"

Everyone was stunned after heard Zhang Ping, and the expression on his face was very surprised.

"Zhang Ping, I heard that the top members here is that you can save money inside, and hundreds of thousands can get a low-level membership card, but if you want to be a senior membership card, it is necessary to approval. Must be a truly identity person who can get a senior member card ... "

The male expression is very surprised to rushing to Zhang Ping.

"Just now, this hotel itself is Sujia opened, and Su Jia can have today, isn't it also relying on our company's boss Chen Gongzi? So I can get the senior membership card here is also normal. ! "

Zhang Ping looked at the explanation of everyone.

And everyone understands Zhang Ping's meaning, the expression on the face seems to be more envious.

Only Wei Meng Meng and Chen Mo look at Zhang Ping's eyes are somewhat strange.

After all, only their two people can feel that Zhang Ping is bragging. As for other people, it is not very understanding how it is, so Zhang Ping said, what they believe.

"Zhang Gongzi is really amazing now?"

Everyone sighed.

"Yeah, Zhang Ping, how did you go to this step today, you tell us, we also learn to learn ..."

"Yes, Zhang Gongzi, you will talk to us ..."

Everyone has begun to shoot the garde.

"What can I talk about this?"

Zhang Ping looked at everyone smile.

"Zhang Ping, you will tell you, how did you go to Hui Ding Group?"

Li Xueer said with Zhang Ping's arms.

Zhang Ping looked at Li Xueer, his face was abnormal. After all, he was able to go to Hui Ding Group to go to work all because of his uncle, he could not talk to these classmates to find the relationship with these students. Hui Ding Group?

"I think my things really don't have anything, but I think Chen Mo should have experienced a lot of things for many years? Otherwise let Chen Mo tell him about his business!"

Zhang Ping suddenly looked up at Chen Mo and said.

Chen Mo heard Zhang Ping's words, I couldn't help but stunned, then slowly looked at Zhang Ping, I don't know what Zhang Ping said.

During this time, Chen Mo did experience a lot of things, but if Chen Mo is telling these things, it is estimated that these people are scared directly, and those things are too incredible in the eyes of these ordinary people. , Chen Mo is speaking, it is estimated that no one believes.

"Chen Mo, you share it with us?"

Zhang Ping is like laughing, but also said Chen Mo.

Chen Mo hesitated, then said that there was no expression: "My things are very ordinary, most of the time is in the school, there is nothing to talk about ..."

"Yeah, Chen Mo is an ordinary person, what can his things say?"

"Zhang Gongzi, or talk about your business!"

Everyone doesn't like to listen to Chen Mo's things, and they will say it.

"Ha ha……"

Zhang Ping didn't help but knew after hearing Chen Mo, and then faintly said: "Chen Mo, how can you calculate it?"

"Is it not ordinary?"

Chen Mo looked at Zhang Ping and asked softly.

"Of course, it is not ordinary. I heard that you can be very famous in Nanyang University ..."

Zhang Ping slowly said.

Chen Mo looked at Zhang Ping did not speak, but his heart has guess Zhang Ping's next plan.

If the previous Chen Mo, Zhang Ping said that he was in Nanyang University, Chen Mo will definitely be very angry, but now Chen Mo seems to have already looked away these things, if Zhang Ping wants to say, Chen Mo does not mind listening listen.

"What happened to Chen Mo in Nanyang University?"

Everyone also felt that Zhang Ping seems to have something in the words, can't help but ask Zhang Ping.

"You don't know? I said to you, Chen Mo is really famous in Nanyang University? Basic Nanyang University people know that Chen Mo is in the school to maintain life ..."

Zhang Ping said.


After heard Zhang Ping's sentence, everyone was in the original place, and the expression on his face was very incredible.

"Zhang Ping, this kind of joke should not be casual, everyone is a classmate, are you interested in?"

Wei Meng Meng can't hear it, and directly stood up and rushed to Zhang Ping.

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