I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 118: Who does it?

Nothing did not think that Chen Mo's attitude is so tough, they originally thought that there are so many people standing out to help Zhang Ping, Chen Mo should be honest.

But Chen Mima seems to be in the same way.

And Zhang Ping finally couldn't bear it, biting with Chen Mo shouted: "Chen Mo, I didn't want to talk to you on the face of my classmates, but you are forced me, do you think I am bullied? "

"Just do you understand that I have no opinion, but no matter how you have to drink this glass today ..."

Chen Men did not show Zhang Ping without expression.

And Zhang Ping scared, and then said: "Then I don't drink, how can I take me?"

"Since you don't drink, then I will play you ..."

Chen Mo's low returned to a sentence, and then planned to move to Zhang Ping.

"Chen Mo, are you crazy? Do you know what is this place?"

"Yeah, Chen Mo can't do it!"

"Chen Mo, if you are now, it's a lot of things ..."

Because the previous Zhang Ping said, no matter how it is here, so everyone is seeing Chen Mo's intention, and the expression on his face is very nervous.

They are worried that Chen Mo will work with Zhang Ping, may be implicated to himself.

But Chen Mo is like the words who have not heard the people, continue to take the steps close to Zhang Ping.

Wei Meng Meng saw that Chen Mima had to do it, and the eyes flashed a nervous. I quickly reached out to Chen Mo, then said that Chen Mo said: "Chen Mo, you don't have trouble, here, I haven't worried here. People will not have anything to end, the boss of this bar is Su Jia, if you are doing it here, you will get a big trouble ... "

"Yeah, Chen Mo, you are still calm, there is something to say, don't do it, don't do it, you are not other small bars, you will trouble when you have to do it ..."

Those students around know that this bar is amazing, so they have persuaded Chen Mo to do not do it.

But Chen Mo still does not take care of these people.

"Chen Mo, if you want to do it, we can go out now, but advise you not to provoke ..."

Zhang Ping also shouted with Chen Mo.

"Do you drink it or drink this glass?"

Chen Mo came to Zhang Ping, and Chen Ping asked Zhang Ping without expression.

"I ... I don't drink ..."

Zhang Ping didn't want to go back to a sentence.


Chen Mo's anti-hand is a slap in the face of Zhang Ping.

Everyone in the field was stunned, no one thought that Chen Mo actually really made Zhang Ping.

However, Chen Mo's palms did not take advantage of it, because he just want Zhang Ping to admit it to her medicine.

Zhang Ping glared at the beads to watch Chen Mo's expression was very incredible: "Chen Mile, you dare to hit me? Are you crazy?"

"I have just said it, either you drink this glass of wine, or admit it to the medicine under the wine, since you are not selected, then I can only have to do it ..."

Chen Mo said faint.

"My mother fights with you ..."

At the beginning of school, Zhang Ping was hit by Chen Milo as a classmate. Now, now, Zhang Ping feels that he is the best of the class, I didn't expect him to be called by Chen. One slap, Zhang Ping naturally can't stand this kind of thing, so I will rush directly to Chen Mo.

"It's unforgettable!"

After seeing Zhang Pingchong, I lost a congestion in my eyes, and then lifted his legs. It was the foot of Zhang Ping's belly.

Although this feet Chen Mo did not use much strength, Zhang Ping was still flying by Chen Mo.

"What are you doing? Give it to me, if you have something, I am responsible!"

Zhang Ping is sitting in the earth and shouting.

The few male students who were better than Zhang Ping have heard Zhang Ping's words, and the position directly rushed to Chen Mo's position.

In their eyes, Chen Mo is just an ordinary person. They are not so many people who are not a mile.

The surrounding students also issued a buzz, no one thought that today's classmates turned into this.

"You don't everyone, ask you ..."

Wei Meng Meng shouted in front of Chen Mo's face and shouted.

At this time, Wei Meng Meng is protecting Chen Mo because she feels that Chen Mo can't be the opponent of these people.

"Meng Meng, you let it go!"

A male classmate directly pushed Wei Meng Meng to the side, then raised his fist and rushed to Chen Mo's face.

But Chen Mo's reaction is very fast, and the leg is a feet.

After this male classmate, Chen Mo rushed up.

Let everyone feel that incredible things happen, just less than two seconds, all of the male students are put down by Chen Mo.

Zhang Ping also sat on the ground and saw Chen Mo.

In an instant, the entire box is in silent.

Wei Meng Meng said excitedly: "Chen Mo, what are you doing? Everyone is a classmate, don't go down again ..."

"I didn't make trouble, just in your wine ..."

Chen Mo's faint returned Zhang Ping Wei Meng Meng, then took the wine glass to Zhang Ping, whispered Zhang Ping asked: "Or that sentence, do you drink or drink?"

Zhang Ping glanced at the beads and looked at Chen Mo. The expression on his face was very fear. He didn't know how it should be good now.

Wei Mengmeng is also very nervous, and everyone still said that I can't do it in this bar, but Chen Mo is played with his own people. Once this thing is known by the bar, the bar People will definitely deal with Chen Mo.

And Zhang Ping's heart is very clear about what the medicine is, so, in any case, he refused to drink the glass of wine.

"Who is in the bar?"

However, at this time, a voice passed from the door door.

Some students saw that Chen Mo moved his hand. He simply didn't care about his friendship. Directly ran to the outside of the security guard, it seems to be intended to be clearly related to this.

"Who shouted security?"

Wei Meng Meng flashed a desperate.

After a few seconds, the security guard inside the bar rushed into the box, and the expression on the face was anger.

"Who did it?"

The security guard shouted.

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