"I did it……"

Chen Sile did not have an expression.

"Our bar is not allowed to make trouble, there is any contradiction to solve the top outside, please leave here now!"

The security guards the eye, and the expression is very excited.

After he heard the security of the security guard, the eyes flashed a congestion, and then went to Zhang Ping, and asked Zhang Ping, he did not drink: "Do you drink it or drink?"

Zhang Ping saw the security guard after seeing security guards, and shouted directly: "What few do you look at? Go out, he is in deliberately find me ..."

After listening to Zhang Ping, there is no hesitation, pick up the wine bottle on the side, and patted Zhang Ping's head.

Zhang Ping is also hiding. The wine bottle is smashed on the shoulder of Zhang Ping.


Zhang Ping screamed, and the whole person is lying on the ground, and the expression on the face is very painful.

It is very hard to know that the wine bottle is still very hard. Just now, it is even possible to directly break the bones of Zhang Ping.

After the bar's security saw this scene, the expression on the face was very incredible, because they did not think that Chen Mo's courage would be so big, the security guard has come, Chen Mo actually moved Zhang Ping.

One of the security guards directly arrived in Chen Mo, reached out, grabbed Chen Mo's arm, whispered: "I just said with you, do you have not heard it? We can't make trouble here, if you want to make it back Don't blame us, you are welcome ... "

"Loan me ..."

Chen Mo's face has said that the security guard is said.

"I can't release you now, you will take a trip to us ..."

The security guard returned directly.

Chen Mo also didn't mood to talk nonsense with this security, and turned his legs was a foot, directly in the stomach of the security guard.

The security guard did not respond to what happened. When he flew out, he flew out, then slammed it on the table.

In addition, two security guards did not think that Chen Mo would actually be so arrogant, even security guards dared to fight, and there was no hesitation directly.

Although these two security guards are good, it is just compared with ordinary people, it is really not worth mentioning in front of Chen Mo, just about two seconds, all of them, all of which are all The blind is in the ground, and the expression is painful.

At this time, those students in the box all glared at the eyes of the beads to watch Chen Mo's position, and the expression on the face was very incredible.

After all, when I was in the hotel, Zhang Ping was humiliated by Chen Mo, but Chen Mo has never been refuted and is not angry. However, Chen Mo will seem to have changed a person, not only Zhang Ping dares to fight, And even the security guards of this bar also hit.

What is even more surprised is that no one thinks that Chen Mo's skill will actually be so horrible.

Although when I said high school, they also knew that Chen Mo's crazy is very powerful. The average person fame but Chen Mo, but they did not think that Chen Mo is now so powerful.

Perhaps because Chen Mo's movement is too big, so many guests inside the bar have gathered at the door of the box, and I want to see how it is.

At this time, everyone is very curious, what is the big courage to have such a big courage to make things in this bar.

Basically, people who can come to this bar are not a rich second generation is rich, so they feel very disdainful for Chen Mo's hand-playing.

It is absolutely not to use this way to deal with problems, only the ordinary talents who have no brain will be played, relying on the most wild rude way to solve the problem.

"Who is this person?"

"I have never seen it ..."

"This person actually has such a big courage to have a lot of things here, is it not reluctant?"

"I have never seen this person, I don't know him, I think this person is definitely crazy ..."

"Yeah, I dare to run here to make trouble, is this not to die?"

While gotting Chen Mo, everyone didn't discuss it.

Wei Mengmeng also saw something more and more, quickly rushing to Chen Mo's. The tone excitedly rushed to Chen Mo. "" Chen Mo, I beg you, don't make trouble again ... "

Chen Mo did not take care of Wei Mengmeng, but took a glass of wine to Zhang Ping, then he looked at Zhang Ping: "I finally asked you, this glass of wine didn't drink?"

Zhang Ping is already completely stupid.

Just now, he saw Chen Mo and a person who took three security guards. The three security guards even didn't encounter Chen Mo's clothes. He felt that Chen Mo was a monster.

Zhang Ping is very clear, if you don't drink this glass of wine, Chen Mo must not give a good break. At that time, he can only continue to suffer, then it is better to drink this glass of wine, so Zhang Ping took a breath, then whispered: "Don't I drink it?"

Chen Mo handed the wine glass to Zhang Ping.

Zhang Ping took the wine glass and then drunk a small mouth.

"All drink ..."

Chen Deng said that there is no expression.

Zhang Ping heard this sentence, the eyes flashed a helpless, but he did not dare to violate Chen Mo's meaning, but he could only bite all the wine inside the cup.

Chen Mo did not say much after seeing Zhang Ping, but did not say more, but a step to Wei Mengmeng's side, said: "Let's go two ..."


Wei Mengmeng nodded gently, followed by Chen Mile to walk outside.

Those students inside the class were seeing Chen Miles who did not stop Chen Mo after leaving, but no one left Chen Mer.

No one thought that it would be such a result. It was originally a classmate party to make this look.

Only Chen Mo has hurt the security guard, and the bar of the bar will never be easily leaving.

Sure enough, Chen Mo and Wei Mengmeng have just got out of the box, and he saw more than a dozen a strong man wearing a security uniform to block the front road.

"Chen Mo is too impulsive, even if the security guard is played ..."

"The people of the bar will definitely not let him ..."

"Yeah, I don't know what this Chen Mo thinks, we are all students, why don't you make this look like this?"

"I see how this Chen Mage is going to do it!"

"I didn't see Chen Mo's temper when I was eating in the hotel. I didn't know how he suddenly became this."

The students in the class have all whispered.

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