I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 1188: Tianshan Zongmen?

In an instant, it seems that everyone is quiet.

Shi Wu Long bite his teeth to stand up, but he found that he could not control his body at this time.

After some struggle, Shi Wu Long directly closed his eyes and coma.

Chen Mo saw that Shiwu Long had a long life, and the expression on his face was also an abnormal exhaustion.

Because Chen Mo has already blamed all the power in his body, now there is only one idea in Chen Mima's brain, that is, hurry to find a place to take a good rest.

"It's really hard!"

Chen Mo's low voice sighed, and then retired two steps, his body, lost his heart.

Tian Hai Xi saw Chen Mo to fall down, and then he went to Chen Mo's side. He asked Chen Mail, and he asked Chen Mail: "Chen Gongzi, you are fine!"


Chen Mo is returned to a sentence.

At this time, those people in Beiqing Mountain are like Chen Mo as looking at a monster. After all, they did not think that it was one end.

Chen Mo actually defeated Shi Wulong!

Shi Wulong This legendary military person in Hong Kong Island will actually lose to a young man who is only 20 years old. This is really a bit too difficult.

Shen Quitu is also full of shocking, he seems to have never thought of this ending.

But soon, I quickly got a lot of ideas, because he can feel that Chen Mo has already consumed a lot of physical strength. At this time, Chen Mo is very weak, plus the effect of Shen Dan should have disappeared. Therefore, Shen Quitan feels that it is now the best opportunity to remove Chen Mo.

"Hahahaha, just the battle is really exciting!"

Shen Qi Qifu shouted with Chen Mo.

Chen Mima slowly turned his head to the goddess, and the eyes flashed a different, he was very clear that this state may have no way to fight.

Just now, Chen Mo puts all the energy on Shi Wulong, but it is ignored to a great way.

"Chen Mo, I admit that these people in our silver merchants are small, you are really a bit, you can live today, it is absolutely not because your luck is better ..."

Shenji sent to his heart.

And Chen Mo looked at Shenji or didn't speak.

"But even if this is this? Do you still die today in our north?"

Shen Quitan smiled and shouted: "Now Chen Mo is already a waste man, kill him, who can kill him, bount to a million!"

With the order of Shen Quitan, I don't know where to rush out of more than 50 people, I have rushed to Chen Mo's position.

And these people are all military, should be a Shenwu Dan. In order to deal with Chen Mo, it is in the north of the mountain.

It's almost a blink of an eye, Chen Mo is surrounded by these martial arts.

At this time, Chen Moi is really caught in the desperate situation.

The eyes of Tianhai Xi flashed a despair, the instinct's twist looks at Chen Mo, whispered Chen Mail asked: "Chen Gongzi, what should we do now?"

Chen Mo took a breath and didn't speak.

Now, Chen Mo is like a great weakness, and may even have a general person can't be paid, and you don't have to say that you can deal with so many martial arts.

Shenji Dai is the person in charge of the silent partition, so the warrior of the cultivated in these years is not the family of those who can be more than those.

These people have attacked at the same time, even if a military high person may have some eating, not to say is Chen Mo.

At this time, if I also had a way to borrow God Dan, I may have a way to kill it, but I am helpless that Chen Mo will bring only one, and I have already eaten when I fight with Shiman.

Tian Hai Xi did not think that it would be such a result. She originally thought that Chen Mo defeated it. It is already over, but no one thought that the situation turned this.

The expression on the face is very proud of the expression at this time. "Chen Mo, this time you are dead!"


The soldiers took the lead shouted.

In an instant, more than 50 martial artists have over.

Chen Mo seems to be a little desperate, standing in place, I don't know how it should be good.

But at this time, the door of Beiqing Mountain has suddenly came back.

Everyone watched the past after heard the sound.

I saw more than ten people rushed to Chen Mo's position.

"What did these people do?"

Shen Quitan saw that these people were surprised.

"I have never seen these people!"

Qian Guanglin helpless reply.

"Is it the savior of Chen Mo?"

Shen Quitan whispered.

"No, here is Hong Kong Island, how can Chen Mo will save the soldiers?"

Qian Guanglin said quickly.

At this time, Chen Mo also looked at the people who rushed into the village, and her eyes were confused. It was clear that Chen Mo didn't know what these people did.

All these people are all dressing, but also a sexy woman who combing ponytails.

"Protect less head!"

Sexy woman shouted.

In an instant, these people who rushed into the mountains were directly surrounded by Chen Mo.

At this time, the people of Shenwu, it seems to be a little dumbfounded, but all stopped the attack on Chen Mo, standing in the same place.

"Less door?"

Chen Mo just clearly heard this sentence of sexy woman, so I couldn't help but I couldn't help but think of Li Taibai.

After all, there is only the people in Tianshan Zongmen will be called Chen Mo!

"Who are you? Do you dare to private our north?"

Qian Guanglin hesitated, and the sexy woman with his eyes and shouted.

And the sexy woman heard the words of Qian Guanglin, after the eyes flashed a context, faintly said: "We are the people of Tianshan Zongmen, and the little head of our Tianshan Zongmen is trapped, special to come over to save ! "

"Do you actually have a person in Tianshan?"

Shen Quitan flashed a figurine, then shouted: "You Tianshan Zongmen is really not small, Hong Kong Island and the martial arts have already set up the rules, Hong Kong Island Warse Everything in the inland worship can't intervene, now you have a lot of disciples, what does this mean? Do you mean? Do you intend to destroy the rules left in the year? "

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