I am the heir to the richest man

Chapter 142: Beautiful female disciple

The friction between the inland martial arts and the Hong Kong Island war, often there will be inland priests to go to Hong Kong Island.

So later, there will be a rule, and any inland martial arts cannot interrupted the things between Hong Kong Island, and the four major disciples can also conflict with the Hong Kong Island.

This is also why the people of the silver merchant can be in the future of Chen Mo's original, the future of Li Taibai's disciples of Tianshan.

But at this time, Tianshan Zongmen is obviously intended to work on the military in Hong Kong Island. Once you really move your hands, it may cause more terror.

Sexy woman seems to have already guessed that Shen Qi will say this, so I can't help but laugh, and then said: "Our Tianshan Zongmen said, there is no rule to be more important than the life of the head. Some people have rules, some people have a rule, but there are some people to break the rules! "


Shen Wan Wan million did not think of the sexy woman even so strong, shouted: "Then you know what the consequences do you don't know?"

"What is the consequences, I don't care, I am just in accordance with the rules!"

Sexy woman faintly replied.


Shen Quitan looked at the sexy woman in front of him for two seconds, then biting his teeth: "Since you are the rule of Tianshan Zongmen, then don't blame me, give me!"

In an instant, the people of Shen Qifan once again rushed.

Sexy woman greeted the disciple of Tianshan Zongmen.

Although the number of people who are young, it is very obvious that these disciples in Tianshan Zongmen have to be more horrible.

Therefore, the battle between the two-way people is completely in the state.

The bodyguards of Shen Qifan are almost no resistance in front of Tianshan Zongmen disciples, and the scream is endless.

Chen Mo's unfashionable standing in the same place, he seems to have not thought that the people of Tianshan Zongmen will actually save himself.

Tian Hai Xi is an excitement because she has been desperate, but she did not think that things were finally turned back to the peak.

Shen Quitan standing in the face of the expression on the face, because he thought that Chen Mo was dying today, but he did not think that the people in Tianshan Zongmen will actually appear, so the situation at this time seems to be not so bright. .

After Qian Guanglin hesitated, the whisper rushed to Shen Qi: "Shen Gongzi, our people may not be Chen Mile to their opponents!"

"It's just a group of waste. You let these people hold, I will call Zuo Qingna now ..."

Shen Quitan low returned, then turned and planned to go in the villa.

Although it is said that he is looking for a rescue on his mouth, but in fact, he has already thought about it. After all, this time is now, even if you call the salvation, it is too late.

Chen Ming has always stared at the position of Shen Qifu. When he saw Shenji, I couldn't help but I can't help it, and I immediately rushed to the position of Shenwu.

Although Chen Mo does not have a way to deal with those weapons, but want to deal with this Shenwu is still very easy.

Chen Mo rushed to the front of the goddess, and he got a great place.

And Shen Qifan suddenly turned into his fist and rushed to Chen Mo's face.


However, the fists who haven't worrying to play Chen Mo's face, Tian Hai Xi took out the pistol to match the brain of Shenfei.

"Shen Gongzi, I advise you not to move!"

Tianhai Xi has no expression of Shen Qi.

Shenjutan stands in place, hesitated for two seconds, and the eyes flashed a fear.

He didn't think that the last thing turned into this way. Originally, the original is now going to take this opportunity to remove Chen Mo, but at this time, he understands that he is not a hunter, but the prey in Chen Mo's eyes.

On the other hand, the sexy woman with the disciples of Tianshan Zongmen have retired most of the bodyguards.

After all, these bodyguards are doing money, and I have just been going to run, and these bodyguards naturally have no thoughts and continue to stay.

Just a blink of an eye, the bodyguards of Shenwu ran away three times, and the rest of all the rest were there, so now I can only lay on the ground, even if Qian Guanglin At this time, I haven't run.

Shen Quitan saw that the face on his face was more desperate after this scene.

Chen Mo looked at Shenwu, and then said softly: "Do you want to say now?"


Shen Quitan looked at Chen Mile for two seconds, then there was no hesitation, and he was directly squatted on the ground, and he said excited: "Chen Gongzi, you let me!"

"Let you have?"

Chen Mo listened to this sentence of Shenwu, I couldn't help but smile, and then faintly said: "If you just started to see me, this is a attitude, I may really let go, but now there may be some That's too late……"

"Chen Gongzi, I am the person in charge of the silver business. I have saved many wealth these years. I can give you these things, as long as you can let me, I am a dog around you, you let me do What I do, I beg you, as long as you can let me ... "

Shen Quitan is obvious that it has been frightened by the courage, and the expression is excited.

Tian Hai Xi saw Shenji Xu Xi, as soon as Chen Mo's pain, the heart is also a different emotion.

After all, Tianhai Xi did not help himself in the heart, but Chen Mo did not help himself revenge, but Chen Mo once proved again, he is not a rich second generation.

"I don't miss the money ..."

Chen Mo looked at Shenwu shake his head.

"Less head, this is really very money!"

But at this time, the sexy woman in Tianshan Zongmen reminded Chen Mo's sentence.

"The people in Tianshan Zongmen seem to have money very much!"

Chen Mo has some speechless look at the sexy woman.

This is also Mo's first close to observe this sexy woman.

Chen Mo did not think that Tianshan Zongmen also had such a beautiful female disciple.

Sexy woman wearing a tight lady's leather jacket, the double peaks in the chest tower, give people a feeling of calling, and the lower body is a tight leather pants, slender legs in the leather pants, the outline of the outline, buttocks Also outlined a very charming arc, a delicate melon face with a beautiful five sense, a light blue long hair added a bit of charming Rao Yao.

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